2024届高考英语一轮复习限时训练:2-2 The Olympic Games(新人教版)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习限时训练:2-2 The Olympic Games(新人教版)



  1. Class Two and Class Three will________(竞争)for the gold medal in the basketball match.

  2. This kind of change is a________(物理的)change, not a chemical one.

  3. There are no________(便宜货)in the clothes shop at the moment.

  4. She writes a________(定期的)column for a national newspaper.

  5. To my surprise, you________(有魔力地)showed me the beauty of math.

  答案:1. compete 2. physical 3. bargains 4. regular 5. magically

  Ⅱ. 选词填空

  compete for; in charge; as well; take part in; get married to

  1. We're going to the cinema tonight; why don't you come along________?

  2. Do you know how many people will ________the 10 medals?

  3. What is important is not about winning medals but________the games.

  4. It was not until five years later that she________John.

  5. Who will be________here when the manager is away?

  答案:1. as well 2. compete for  3. taking part in

  4. got married to 5. in charge


  1. -What do you think of the house?

  -The small window ________(允许……进入) very little light.



  2. That design of a magpie(喜鹊) on a plum tree branch ________ ________(stand) luck and happiness.

  答案:stands for

  解析:后面提到的“运气和幸福”是对“喜鹊登梅”图案的解释。所以选stand for“代表;象征;表示”。

  3. He made a(n)________with his wife “You take care of the children and I'll cook.”


  解析:make a bargain“(经过协商)达成协议”。由后面的“你看好孩子,我做饭”可以看出这是一种协议。

  4.—It's better for you to lose weight by taking exercise every morning.

  —I think your suggestion deserves______(try).

  答案:to be tried/trying


  deserve“值得”, deserve to be done=deserve doing “……值得被做”。

  5.—He admitted________(cheat) in the exam.

  —That's why he was not ________ ________(admit) universities or colleges.

  答案:cheating; admitted to/into

  解析:句意:“他承认在考试中作弊。”“这就是他为什么未被大学录取的原因。”admit意为“承认”,常接动名词作宾语;admit sb. to/into...“准许……入学”。此处为被动sb. be admitted to/into

  6.Mr.Smith never does any reading in the evening;________ ________ ________(Mrs. Smith也不).

  答案:Nor/Neither does Mrs. Smith


  7.Some pupils will be left ________ ________ ________ ________(charge) a certain person especially



  parents are working overtime.

  答案:in the charge of

  解析:句意:一些学生将会被留下来由某个人来管理,尤其是当他们的父母加班的时候。in charge of“控制;管理”;in the charge of“受……的管理”;此处应用in the charge of。

  8.The leader,

  as well as his team, ________(be) interviewed the moment they announced their discovery.


  解析:考查时态和主谓一致。句意:刚刚宣布他们的发现,这位领导和他的团队就受到了采访。根据句意可知事情已经发生,所以用过去时,主语后接as well as短语作插入语时,谓语动词形式不受其影响;这里的主语是The leader,所以谓语动词应该用单数。

  9.The girl has been doing well in her work, and she ________(值得) to be promoted.


  解析:句意:这女孩在工作上一直做的很大,她值得被提升。deserve值得,相当于be worthy后面均可加to be done形式。

  10.Last year John earned________ ________ ________(两倍多) as his brother did, who has a better position in a bigger company.

  答案:twice as much

  解析:考查倍数表达法。句意:去年约翰的收入是他哥哥的两倍。其中表示收入多少用as much as(其后已用as)两倍用twice。




  I went to a group activity, “Sensitivity Sunday”, which was to make us more ___1___ the problems faced by disabled people. We were asked to “___2___ a disability”for several hours one Sunday. Some members, ___3___, chose to use wheelchairs. Others wore sound­blocking earplugs (耳塞) or blindfolds (眼罩).

  Just sitting in the wheelchair was a ___4___ experience. I had never considered before how ___5___ it would be to use one. As soon as I sat down, my ___6___ made the chair begin to roll. Its wheels were not ___7___. Then I wondered where to put my ___8___. It took me quite a while to get the metal footrest into ___9___. I took my first uneasy look at what was to be my only means of ___10___ for several hours. For disabled people, “adopting a wheelchair” is not a temporary (临时的) ___11___.

  I tried to find a ___12___ position and thought it might be restful, ___13___ kind of nice, to be ___14___ around for a while. Looking around, I ___15___ I would have to handle the thing myself! My hands started to ache as I ___16___ the heavy metal wheels. I came to know that controlling the ___17___ of the wheelchair was not going to be a(n) ___18___ task.

  My wheelchair experiment was soon ___19___. It made a deep impression on me. A few hours of “disability” gave me only a taste of the ___20___, both physical and mental, that disabled people must overcome.

  1.A. curious about

  B. interested in

  C. aware of

  D. careful with

  2.A. cure

  B. prevent

  C. adopt

  D. analyze

  3.A. instead

  B. strangely

  C. as usual

  D. like me

  4.A. learning

  B. working

  C. satisfying

  D. relaxing

  5.A. convenient

  B. awkward

  C. boring

  D. exciting

  6.A. height

  B. force

  C. skill

  D. weight

  7.A. locked

  B. repaired

  C. powered

  D. grasped

  8.A. hands

  B. feet

  C. keys

  D. handles

  9.A. place

  B. action

  C. play

  D. effect

  10.A. operation

  B. communication

  C. transportation

  D. production

  11.A. exploration

  B. education

  C. experiment

  D. entertainment

  12.A. flexible

  B. safe

  C. starting

  D. comfortable

  13.A. yet

  B. just

  C. still

  D. even

  14.A. shown

  B. pushed

  C. driven

  D. guided

  15.A. realized

  B. suggested

  C. agreed

  D. admitted

  16.A. lifted

  B. turned

  C. pressed

  D. seized

  17.A. path

  B. position

  C. direction

  D. way

  18.A. easy

  B. heavy

  C. major

  D. extra

  19.A. forgotten

  B. repeated

  C. conducted

  D. finished

  20.A. weaknesses

  B. challenges

  C. anxieties

  D. illnesses

  [文章大意] 本文介绍了作者参加的一个名为“Sensitivity Sunday”的活动。在活动中,通过体验残疾人在日常生活中所面临的困难及挑战,作者更好地理解了残疾人。

  1.C。作者参加了一个名为“Sensitivity Sunday”的活动,该活动旨在让大家了解(aware of)残疾人面临的一些问题。

  2.C。作者和参加活动的其他成员们必须在几小时内接受(adopt)“他们身体有残疾”这个假想的事实。第二段的最后一句中的“adopting a wheelchair”也是暗示。





  7.A。根据前文的“begin to roll”可知,轮椅的轮子并没有被锁上(locked)。

  8.B。根据下文中的“the metal footrest”可知,此处应选B项。

  9.A。“我花了好一会儿才把金属脚踏板调试好”。get sth. into place“把……放在正确的位置”。

  10.C。作者第一次很不舒服地看了几眼轮椅,它就是作者在随后的几小时内唯一的交通工具(means of transportation)。











  Ⅴ. 阅读理解


  Three people who received a kidney, heart and liver from a donor who had rabies(狂犬病) appear to be in good health, despite going months without treatment for the infection, according to a new report. In March, health officials reported that one man had died from a kidney transplant because the kidney came from a donor infected with rabies.

  None of the patients had signs of rabies infection, even though 18 months had passed since their transplants. Before these cases, researchers thought that rabies transmission after transplantation would be rapid, occurring within six weeks. People who receive transplants typically take drugs to suppress (抑制) their immune systems,

  making infections even more likely.

  The three patients received rabies treatment, and still show no signs of illness. It's possible that the type of rabies virus that infected these patients takes a longer time to make people sick,

  the researchers said.

  Patients may also have been exposed to a low dose of the virus. The report raises questions about how rabies viruses spread after transplantation,and where they live in the body when the infection is not active,

  said the

  researchers from the


  for Disease Control and Prevention.

  Because rabies infections are so rare, screening all organ donors for rabies infections is not practical, the researchers said. However, doctors should develop

  a plan to help them recognize infectious encephalitis — a brain infection that can be caused by rabies — in donors. Organs from donors with infectious encephalitis should only be used in extreme circumstances, the researchers said.

  The donor in this case frequently engaged in hunting and animal trapping, and had got many bites from a raccoon(浣熊) before his death.

  Although the donor's family was asked whether the

  donor had




  rabid(患狂犬病的)animals, they said he had not. More specific questions about risk for exposure to rabid animals — questions such as: whether a donor spent a lot of time interacting with wildlife-may be a more effective way to screen organ donors, the researchers said.

  1.Before the cases in the passage it was generally believed that________.

  A. there was a great risk in receiving organ transplant

  B. rabies transmission spread fast after transplantation

  C. the organ recipient would have to take a lot of drugs


  the immune system was easily infected after transplantation

  2.After the three patients were contacted________.


  they showed signs of being infected with rabies

  B. they felt incredibly scared and embarrassed

  C. they received some related physical examination

  D. they got treated for rabies from organ transplant

  3.What does the fourth paragraph imply?

  A. It is quite easy to find rabies infections in donors.


  People with encephalitis are safe donors.


  Donors with encephalitis should be avoided in any case.

  D. Organ donors should be in a state of good health.

  [文章大意] 美国一名患狂犬病的男子死后将器官捐赠给3个病人,至今他们仍未显现任何被传染的迹象。但近期却有一个病人死于狂犬病人的器官捐赠,对此研究人员进行了调查。


  2.C。推理判断题。根据文章第三段中的“The three patients received

  rabies treatment,and still show no signs of illness.”可知,相关人员找到这三位受捐者后,给他们做了身体检查。故选C项。



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