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  21. — Excuse me. How much is the shirt?


  A. Extra large

  B. 50 each

  C. It sells well

  D. Altogether there are 5

  22. —I want to buy a shirt that is not too big.

  —What do you think of _______ over there?

  A. such

  B. this

  C. it

  D. that

  23. — Goodbye, John. Come back again sometimes.

  — Sure. ________.

  A. I did

  B. I will

  C. I shall

  D. I do

  24. At school, some students are active ________ some are shy, yet they can be good friends with one another.

  A. while

  B. although

  C. so

  D. as

  25. This is not my story, nor ________ the whole story. My story plays out differently.

  A. is there

  B. there is

  C. is it

  D. it is

  26. The story of Li Tianyi, the son of ______famous military singer, driving a BMW without a license and

  attacking a couple on the road has drawn the attention of ______ public.

  A. the; the

  B. 不填; the

  C. a; an

  D. a; the

  27. The hotel is almost finished, but it ________ needs one or two weeks to get ready for guests.

  A. only

  B. still

  C. even

  D. also

  28. After getting his ticket from the window, he reached down for his suitcase, only _______ it was not there.

  A. to find

  B. finding

  C. found

  D. find

  29. If I had got up on time, I would have caught the early bus. But my alarm clock _______.

  A. hadn’t gone off

  B. doesn’t go off

  C. hasn’t gone off

  D. didn’t go off

  30. If you happen to get lost in the wild, you’d better stay ________ you are and wait for help.

  A. why

  B. where

  C. who

  D. what

  31. They are living with their parents for the moment because their own house ________.

  A. is being rebuilt

  B. has been rebuilt

  C. is rebuilt

  D. has rebuilt

  32. Before driving into the city, you are required to get your car ________.

  A. to wash

  B. wash

  C. washing

  D. washed

  33. In our class there are 46 students, ________ half wear glasses.

  A. in whom

  B. in them

  C. of whom

  D. of them

  34. This training program can give you a lift at work, ________increase your income by 40%.

  A. as well as

  B. so long as

  C. so much as

  D. as soon as

  35. I just can’t ________ why he refused when offered such a good job.

  A. turn out

  B. give out

  C. make out

  D. leave out

  【参考答案】21-25: BDBAC

  26-30: DBADB 31-35: ADCAC




  21. The basketball coach, as well as his team, ______ interviewed shortly after the match for their outstanding performance.

  A. were

  B. was

  C. is

  D. are


  A. A, /

  B. the, /

  C. the, the

  D. A, the

  23. It doesn’t matter ______ you turn right or left at the crossing --- both roads lead to the park.

  A. whether

  B. how

  C. if

  D. when

  24. Don’t worry. The hard work that you do now ______ later in life.

  A. will be repaid

  B. was being repaid

  C. has been repaid

  D. was repaid

  25. I don’t believe we’ve met before, ______ I must say you do look familiar.

  A. therefore

  B. although

  C. since

  D. unless

  26. ---Look! Somebody ______ the sofa.

  ---Well, it wasn’t me. I didn’t do it.

  A. is cleaning B. was cleaning C. has cleaned D. had cleaned

  27. The air quality in the city, ______ is shown in the report, has improved over the past two months.

  A. that

  B. it

  C. as

  D. what

  28. The lecture, ______ at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes.

  A. starting

  B. being started

  C. to start

  D. to be started

  29. Care of the soul is a gradual process ______ even the small details of life should be considered.

  A. what

  B. in what

  C. which

  D. in which

  30. When ______ for his views about his teaching job, Philip said he found it very interesting and rewarding.

  A. asking

  B. asked

  C. having asked

  D. to be asked

  31. Not until he retired from teaching three years ago ______ having a holiday abroad.

  A. he had considered

  B. had he considered

  C. he considered

  D. did he consider

  32. ______ to work overtime that evening, I missed a wonderful film.

  A. Having been asked

  B. To ask

  C. Having asked

  D. To be asked

  33. We lost our way in that small village, otherwise we ______ more places of interest yesterday.

  A. visited

  B. had visited

  C. would visit D. would have visited

  34. ---______ you interrupt now? Can’t you see I’m on the phone?

  ---Sorry Sir, but it’s urgent.

  A. Can

  B. Should

  C. Must

  D. Would

  35. Nothing is so easy as ______ parents to raise their expectations of their children too high.

  A. of

  B. for

  C. by

  D. to






  1.Fireworks exploded during _____ opening ceremony of _____ 2011 Asian Cup football tournament at Khalifa Stadium.

  A.the; a

  B.the: the

  C.a; a

  D.a; the

  2.He who _____ to succeed without hard work _____ to be disappointed.

  A.hope; are bound

  B.hopes; is bound

  C.hope; are due

  D.hopes; is due

  3.Several years after they got married he ____ chatting on the Internet until very late, which eventually resulted in their divorce.

  A. took on

  B. came to

  C. took to

  D. came about

  4.The first African-American president of the United States received a(n) _____ welcome in the African countries, where he was received as a returning son.





  5.Wanda Plaza in Wuxi is _____ a shopping center.You can do almost anything there.

  A.no more than

  B.not more than

  C.more than

  D.rather than

  6.It is said that many kids are worried about the year 2024, _____ , they think the earth will be destroyed by disasters.





  7.Those who tend to _____ to their fate are sure not to make any achievements.

  A. submit

  B. subscribe

  C. correspond

  D. apply

  8.—Are you going to stay overnight?

  —Not _____ it's really necessary.





  9.It's not necessary to explain the truth _____ there is spring wind, there is green grass.

  A.which wherever

  B.that which

  C.which when

  D.that wherever

  0.Li Gang, a police officer said that little about what his son _____ he know the moment all the media reported the traffic accident _____ in Hebei University.

  A.did did; happening

  B.did do; happened

  C.would do; happening

  D.could do; happened

  11.After the flood, what the local government did first was to provide _____ for the homeless families.





  2.You could have watched the movie Transformers 3 last night.Why _____ you?





  3.If no passers-by _____ a blind eye to the injured little Yueyue in Foshan Guangdong, she _____ alive now.

  A.turned; would be

  B.had turned; would have been

  C.turned; would have been

  D.had turned; would be

  4.When we reached the stadium in a rush,

  the newly-elected major ____ his speech and the performance _______.

  A. have finished ; began

  B. had just finished; was about to begin

  C. had just finished; had begun

  D. just finished; began

  15.—It's a shame to ask you to lend me more money, but...

  —_____ .You really need money to keep on with your education.

  A.Forget it

  B.Don't be silly

  C.No way

  D.Don't mention it’s all right.





  17.---Tom graduated from college at a very young age.

  ----Oh, he _____ have been a very smart boy by then.





  18.He showed signs of exceptional skill at chess, but _____ enough , maths is not his thing.





  19.A gift is a ____ of what a relationship means to us. The best gifts meet the needs of the receiver.





  20.There ____ a lot of visitors in his house , he has no time to talk with you.





  21.---Tom didn’t pass the exam.


  ? He was studying hard all the time!





  22.He had lots of Christmas cards, but he doesn’t know who ____, for he has few friends.

  A.to send them to

  B.to send them

  C.to be sent to

  D.to have them sent

  23.The warmth of ____ coat will mostly be determined by ____ soft of cloth used

  A.the; a

  B.a; the

  C./; the

  D.a; a

  24._____ the pressure from work, they have to deal with psychological problems caused by the relationship among colleagues.

  A.As far as

  B.As long as

  C.As well as

  D.As soon as

  25.Hurry up, Paul! Your mother is sure ____ for us at the bus stoop

  A.to be waiting

  B.to wait

  C.of waiting

  D.of being waiting

  26.Hoping he would not disturb his sleeping father, Bob stole in, ____ and waited for him to wake up

  A.didn’t speak

  B.not to speak

  C.not speak

  D.not spoke

  27.Lili’s dream is to have her own garden ______ to grow plenty of flowers


  B.by which


  D.in which

  28.Not far from the club , there was a garden, ____ owner seated in it playing bridge with his children.





  D.in which

  29.I haven’t read ____ of her novels, but judging from the one I have read , I think she’s a promising writer.





  30 Playing with fire can be very dangerous, or to ___ it another way , don’t try it like this.






  16-20 BABCA

  21-25 BABCA

  26-30 ADBBD



  从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1.It is reported thatrecently discovered painting may be

  Van Goph.A.the;不填B.a;the

  C.a;不填D.the;a2.Alice had an accident on her way to school yesterday.

  ? She is always careful.

  A.Ho come

  B.Why notC.So whatD.What for3.We can go on Tuesday or Friday,you preler.

  A.wheneverB.howeverC.whateverD.whichever4.As Mrs Roosevelt put,I'd rather light a candle than complain about the darkness.A.it B.that C.thisD.them

  according to the instructions,the medicine will work for your headache.A.To takeB.Taking C.D.6.at must have been a terrible experience.

  Yeah.Iin the damaged car,unable t move.

  A.was stuckB.have been stuck

  C.am stuckD.had been stuck.

  7.Tom had been studying French hard for nearly three yearshe mastered it.A.afterB.when C.since D.before

  8.It suddenly occurred to meI hadn’t locked my door.A.whichB.whereC.that D.whether

  9.He drank up the whole bottle of milk,noteven a drop to his little brother.A.1eaveB.eaving