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  1. —Tom, don’t you see the headmaster is coming to us?

  —____ I’m not doing anything against the school rules.

  A. So what?

  B. Just so so!

  C. Why not

  D. Really?

  2. Some NBA fans like ____ basketball player like James while ____ others one like Curry.

  A. a;the

  B. the;the

  C. the;/

  D. a;/

  3. Jack is not good at sports, but when it comes ____ maths, he’s the best in the class.

  A. about

  B. to

  C. from

  D. for

  4. I couldn’t believe a polite gentleman ____ shout at his wife in public that day.

  A. could

  B. must

  C. should

  D. need

  5. As manufacturers, first, our products must ____ customers’ demand. Then we have to take other factors, such as their quality, cost, styles, into account.

  A. consider

  B. satisfy

  C. know

  D. realize

  6. Before you dive into a river or lake, be sure to find out ____ the depth of the water is. Otherwise you’ll be badly hurt for it is not deep enough.

  A. what

  B. who

  C. that

  D. how

  7. The problems he ____ at the meeting have already been solved.

  A. put forward

  B. came up

  C. brought up

  D. gave up

  8. David told us in his email “It is 5 years since he served the IBM, and he ____ in the Lenovo.”

  A. has worked

  B. had worked

  C. works

  D. is working

  9. Start out as early as possible at rush hour, ____ you’ll fail to get to work on time.

  A. and

  B. otherwise

  C. however

  D. in case

  10. Stick to working hard at your lessons, and ____, you’ll make progress.

  A. sooner or later

  B. first of all

  C. all in all

  D. generally speaking

  11. —You look upset. What’s the matter?

  —I had my proposal ____ again.

  A. turned down

  B. turned on

  C. turned off

  D. turned over

  12. I’d like a friend to come along and help me, but nobody has come because ____ must be too busy.

  A. he

  B. she

  C. they

  D. it

  13. The proverb says “Rome wasn’t built in a day”, so we have to build up our vocabulary ____.

  A. steadily

  B. instantly

  C. gradually

  D. permanently

  14. Mrs. Smith has lent David a large sum of money, for she considers him a ____ man.

  A. considerate

  B. sensitive

  C. thoughtful

  D. reliable

  15. All Rose’s colleagues regard John as a man full of ____. That’s because he seems to need no rest.

  A. ability

  B. strength

  C. energy

  D. power

  16. Such a large number of refugees from Syria (叙利亚) continue to ____ from the troubled region into Europe that the local governments have to face many challenges.

  A. float

  B. flow

  C. crawl

  D. emigrate

  17. This meeting room is a non-smoking area. I would like to warn you _____ that if you smoked here you would be fined.

  A. in general

  B. in detail

  C. in total

  D. in advance

  18. Having had a loose tooth to remove, I went to the dentist’s to get it ____ out yesterday.

  A. pulled

  B. to pull

  C. pulling

  D. being pulled

  19. Everything _______ shines is not necessarily gold.

  A. which   

  B. when 

   C. what   

  D. that

  20. — Why don’t you buy a new car?


  . After all, my old one is out of repair.

  A. Because my money is tight

  B. I couldn’t agree more

  C. It depends on the price

  D. No better suggestions



  One day I returned home to my daughter’s third-year birthday party to find her in the front room, grasping all of her presents, unwilling to let the other children play with them. The first thing I noticed was several parents in the room


  this selfish display. I was embarrassed.

  The atmosphere in the room was really charged—the children were


  around my little daughter with their hands out, asking to play with the presents they had just


  , and my daughter was absolutely refusing. I said to myself, “Certainly I should teach my daughter to


  . The value of sharing is one of the most basic things we believe in.”

  So I first tried a simple


  . “Honey, would you please share with your friends the toys?”

  “No,” she replied



  My second method was to use a little


  . “Honey, if you learn to share your toys with them when they are at your home, then when you go to their homes they will share


  with you.”

  Again, the immediate reply was “No!”

  I was becoming


  embarrassed, for it was


  I was having no influence. The third method was to


  rewards. Very softly I said, “Honey, if you share, I’ll give you a candy.”

  “I don’t want that!” she exploded.

  Now I was getting


  . For my fourth attempt, I started to fear and


  . “Not sharing, you will be in real trouble!”

  “I don’t care!” she cried. “These are my things. I don’t have to share!”

  Finally, I tried to


  . I merely took some of the toys and gave them to the


  kids. “Here, kids, play with these.”

  But at that moment, I valued the opinion those parents had of


  more than the growth of my child and our relationship together. I simply made an


  judgment that I was right; she should share, and she was


  in not doing so.

  My experience has been that there are times to teach and times not to teach. When relationships are


  , an attempt to teach is often considered as a form of judgment and


  . But to take the child alone, quietly, when the relationship is good and to discuss the teaching or the value seems to have much greater impact.

  21. A. watching

  B. feeling

  C. realizing

  D. witnessing

  22. A. standing

  B. sitting

  C. playing

  D. crowding

  23. A. brought

  B. given

  C. purchased

  D. possessed

  24. A. share

  B. play

  C. communicate

  D. company

  25. A. argument

  B. proposal

  C. request

  D. demand

  26. A. straightly

  B. immediately

  C. delightedly

  D. surprisingly

  27. A. criticizing

  B. warning

  C. reasoning

  D. complaining

  28. A. them

  B. themselves

  C. toys

  D. theirs

  29. A. more

  B. thoroughly

  C. especially

  D. extremely

  30. A. true

  B. actual

  C. evident

  D. available

  31. A. supply

  B. offer

  C. display

  D. design

  32. A. upset

  B. puzzled

  C. worried

  D. angry

  33. A. frighten

  B. encourage

  C. threat

  D. convince

  34. A. force

  B. forbid

  C. allow

  D. order

  35. A. selfish

  B. waiting

  C. unselfish

  D. other

  36. A. me

  B. mine

  C. them

  D. children

  37. A. fundamental

  B. initial

  C. accurate

  D. necessary

  38. A. skillful

  B. interested

  C. wrong

  D. generous

  39. A. unharmonious

  B. nervous

  C. harmonious

  D. abnormal

  40. A. approval

  B. rejection

  C. permission

  D. rebellion




  Since Amy Chua took the world of Chinese parents by storm with her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, in 2011 it seems more Chinese mothers have turned into “tiger moms”. Several young Chinese mothers are my friends. But rarely any of them is free for lunch or other activities, because they appear to have become their children’s “slaves”.

  One of these young mothers moved from Hebei province to Beijing just to get her daughter admitted to a private and very expensive kindergarten. She closed her booming business and her husband shifted his office to Beijing, where they have bought a house. Another young mother is divorced and always busy with her daughter’s dance, piano or English class. And a couple, both professionals in high positions, left their jobs, sold their Beijing house and moved to Australia when their son started going to school.

  The offspring of tiger moms rarely play sports, exchange ideas with their peers(同龄人), take part in social projects, clean their rooms or wash clothes. Since everything such children do is under the guidance of their protective mothers, they don’t learn how to manage their time or plan a project. As such, their education is far from complete. They are unable to defend an idea—let alone come up with one—deal with opposing views, accept defeat or organize their life.

  Tiger moms want their children to be more competitive so that they can enter the best schools. But school is only one period in a person’s life. What about real life? What kind of independence will these children have once they grow up?

  Today, children don’t get the chance to discuss or choose what they want: learn to play the violin or piano; take up drawing or swimming. Their tiger moms decide for them.

  Ideally, parents should discuss with their children, give them a choice and explain to them that they will have to finish what they start. This would help children develop not only their judgment but also their sense of responsibility.

  The solution to this problem is total reform of the education sector. And the government knows that. But reform needs time. We can only hope the reform is completed before today’s children become the “sacrificed generation”.

  But we need to reform the existent mindset(思维模式) more than the education sector(部门). Education is not only about memorizing books and taking exams. Therefore, we should stop seeing kindergartens as “schools”, and ensure all schools have the same standards, and bookish knowledge is enriched by knowledge from other sources, from society and life itself.

  Mothers are not to be blamed for the present situation, for in their desire to provide the best education for their children they become victims of social trends. But let’s hope the Chinese view of education will change, gradually if not rapidly, to the benefit of children, families and society as a whole.

  This is my wish on Mother’s Day.

  41. The last sentence in the 1st paragraph means that _________.

  A. Chinese mothers have become their children’s slaves

  B. Chinese mothers are too busy in serving their children

  C. Chinese mothers have to serve their children

  D. Chinese mothers are not free to serve their children

  42. What is the function of the 2nd paragraph?

  A. To tell us what “tiger moms” means.

  B. To show us how unselfish tiger moms are.

  C. To tell us what tiger moms do.

  D. To give us some examples of tiger moms.

  43. The underlined word “offspring” in Paragraph 3 means almost the same as _________.

  A. ancestors

  B. children

  C. relatives

  D. neighbours

  44. What enable children to develop both their judgment and their sense of responsibility?

  A. Making choices and completing what they should do on their own.

  B. Reforming both the existent mindset more than the education sector.

  C. Changing tiger moms into ones normally concerned about their children.

  D. Defending an idea, accepting defeat and organizing their life by themselves.

  45. The author wrote the passage for _________.

  A. Chinese children

  B. Chinese people

  C. Chinese mothers

  D. Chinese education authority


  On an August afternoon last year, Pamela Rivers, 40, and her friend Rita Graham, 38, were stopped at a red light on Cobb’s Creek Parkway in South Philadelphia when a white SUV traveling in the opposite direction turned across traffic in front of them. It then jumped the curb (围边) and rushed through a grassy expanse (绿化带) before plunging down an embankment (护堤) toward Cobb’s Creek. Pamela quickly pulled over, jumped out of her car, and dialed 911.

  Kenny Gibson, 23, and his friend Taron Green, 25, were driving home from a job when Rita flagged them down. Kenny stopped, and the men got out of the car and looked over the cliff. The SUV had landed upside down in five feet of water. A woman’s leg could be seen swinging out the driver’s side window.

  “I have a fear of water,” Kenny said now. “I almost drowned when I was nine.” Even so, he and Taron hurried down the 50-foot embankment into the muddy water. “I couldn’t just leave her,” he adds.