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  英语四级晨读100篇精华版015:Online Transaction 网上交易

  15. Online Transaction 网上交易

  Your credit card bill arrives, but the figures dnnt tally up - a worst nightnare. Fraudulent online transations worth millions of dollars were made. And with the intemational nature of the next.


  This could he a fraction of the true figure or which consumer being stung. Heres some information you need to surf safely. Because of the explosion of interest in the Net the problem online fraud has become as hyped as the potential for e-commerce.


  While there are problems our there. the situation is no where near as had as the press has implied. The online problem jis certainly no worse than the average rate of credit eard fraud, although there are indications that it is spreading. Is impartant to remember. however, that the real loser are the banks and retailers-consumers almost always get the money back.


  The retailers lose the entire value of fraudulenlly obtained interns. This costs them millions evenr year.


  Use common sense and you should be fine when shopping line. Choose one of the secure altenatives to credit cards. Weh is a world of fantastic new opportunities-dont let the distant of fraud put you off exploring it.



  traurdulent 欺诈的 骗性的

  explosion 爆发

  hype 大肆宣传;大做广告

  obtain 获得

  imply 暗示;意味

  average 平均;平均数

  fraud 欺骗,欺诈

  indication 指出;指示

  alternative 二中选一;可选择的办法


  While there are problems our there. the situation is no where near as had as Lhe press has implied


  本句是一个转折句,由while引导。主语为the situation,谓语为副词词组nn where表示IE。单词implied意思是暗含;表示。implied:包含

  Freedom does not necessarily imply responsihility.



  英语四级晨读100篇精华版015:Online Transaction 网上交易

  15. Online Transaction 网上交易

  Your credit card bill arrives, but the figures dnnt tally up - a worst nightnare. Fraudulent online transations worth millions of dollars were made. And with the intemational nature of the next.


  This could he a fraction of the true figure or which consumer being stung. Heres some information you need to surf safely. Because of the explosion of interest in the Net the problem online fraud has become as hyped as the potential for e-commerce.


  While there are problems our there. the situation is no where near as had as the press has implied. The online problem jis certainly no worse than the average rate of credit eard fraud, although there are indications that it is spreading. Is impartant to remember. however, that the real loser are the banks and retailers-consumers almost always get the money back.


  The retailers lose the entire value of fraudulenlly obtained interns. This costs them millions evenr year.


  Use common sense and you should be fine when shopping line. Choose one of the secure altenatives to credit cards. Weh is a world of fantastic new opportunities-dont let the distant of fraud put you off exploring it.



  traurdulent 欺诈的 骗性的

  explosion 爆发

  hype 大肆宣传;大做广告

  obtain 获得

  imply 暗示;意味

  average 平均;平均数

  fraud 欺骗,欺诈

  indication 指出;指示

  alternative 二中选一;可选择的办法


  While there are problems our there. the situation is no where near as had as Lhe press has implied


  本句是一个转折句,由while引导。主语为the situation,谓语为副词词组nn where表示IE。单词implied意思是暗含;表示。implied:包含

  Freedom does not necessarily imply responsihility.
