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  1. little by little:一点点地,渐渐地

  His fortune is accumulated little by little.他的财富一点点地积累起来了。

  混淆短语:make little of:不重视

  Young people nowdays make little of traditional festivals.现在的年轻人都不重视传统节日。

  2. live on:靠hellip;hellip;生活

  To be honest, I can barely live on my slender salary.老实说,我微薄的薪水只能勉强维持生计。

  3. live up to:达到,遵循

  In order to live up to his reputation, he decided to run for Governor.为了不负众望,他决定参选州长。

  4. lock...out:把hellip;hellip;关在外面

  Mark locked himself out because he left the key in the house.马克把钥匙忘在家里,把自己关在了门外。

  混淆短语:lock one#39;s fingers together:紧扣手指

  The locked their fingers together and made a lifelong vow.他们紧扣手指,许下了终身的誓约。

  5. long for:渴望

  Longing for a family of his own, he asked Jane to marry him.因渴望有个家庭,他向简求婚了。

  替换短语:be anxious for:渴望

  Being anxious for a family of his own, he asked Jane to marry him.因渴望有个家庭,他向简求婚了。

  6. look down upon:看不起

  He never looks down upon anyone even though he was born with a silver spoon in mouth.即使他出身富贵家庭,也从未看不起任何人。

  替换短语:turn one#39;s nose up at:对hellip;hellip;嗤之以鼻,看不起

  He never turns his nose up at anyone even though he was born with a silver spoon in mouth.即使他出身富贵家庭,也从未看不起任何人。

  7. look for an needle in a haystack:大海捞针

  Looking for your lost dog in Shanghai is like looking for an needle in a haystack.要在上海找回你丢失的狗,好比大海捞针。

  替换短语:fish for an needle in the ocean:大海捞针

  Looking for your lost dog in Shanghai is like fishing for an needle in the ocean.要在上海找回你丢失的狗,好比大海捞针。

  8. lose control of:失控

  If we don#39;t cut the office expenses, we will definitely lose control of our budget.如果不减少办公室开销,我们的预算肯定会失控。

  替换短语:out of control:失控

  If we don#39;t cut the office expenses, our budget will definitely be out of control.如果不减少办公室开销,我们的预算肯定会失控。


  1. little by little:一点点地,渐渐地

  His fortune is accumulated little by little.他的财富一点点地积累起来了。

  混淆短语:make little of:不重视

  Young people nowdays make little of traditional festivals.现在的年轻人都不重视传统节日。

  2. live on:靠hellip;hellip;生活

  To be honest, I can barely live on my slender salary.老实说,我微薄的薪水只能勉强维持生计。

  3. live up to:达到,遵循

  In order to live up to his reputation, he decided to run for Governor.为了不负众望,他决定参选州长。

  4. lock...out:把hellip;hellip;关在外面

  Mark locked himself out because he left the key in the house.马克把钥匙忘在家里,把自己关在了门外。

  混淆短语:lock one#39;s fingers together:紧扣手指

  The locked their fingers together and made a lifelong vow.他们紧扣手指,许下了终身的誓约。

  5. long for:渴望

  Longing for a family of his own, he asked Jane to marry him.因渴望有个家庭,他向简求婚了。

  替换短语:be anxious for:渴望

  Being anxious for a family of his own, he asked Jane to marry him.因渴望有个家庭,他向简求婚了。

  6. look down upon:看不起

  He never looks down upon anyone even though he was born with a silver spoon in mouth.即使他出身富贵家庭,也从未看不起任何人。

  替换短语:turn one#39;s nose up at:对hellip;hellip;嗤之以鼻,看不起

  He never turns his nose up at anyone even though he was born with a silver spoon in mouth.即使他出身富贵家庭,也从未看不起任何人。

  7. look for an needle in a haystack:大海捞针

  Looking for your lost dog in Shanghai is like looking for an needle in a haystack.要在上海找回你丢失的狗,好比大海捞针。

  替换短语:fish for an needle in the ocean:大海捞针

  Looking for your lost dog in Shanghai is like fishing for an needle in the ocean.要在上海找回你丢失的狗,好比大海捞针。

  8. lose control of:失控

  If we don#39;t cut the office expenses, we will definitely lose control of our budget.如果不减少办公室开销,我们的预算肯定会失控。

  替换短语:out of control:失控

  If we don#39;t cut the office expenses, our budget will definitely be out of control.如果不减少办公室开销,我们的预算肯定会失控。