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  Is creativity needed more than ever in the world today?

  参考思路:大家要注意today 这个措辞。此题适合准备个人例子。有了创造力,才能distinguish yourself from others, 不妨借鉴班上一个马来西亚同学说过一的学生会竞选的有趣故事。他说最后获胜者提出了很creative 的东西来吸引学生,比如:

  1) shopping, once a month 一月安排一次集体购物,他们是寄宿学校。

  2) ball, invite the girls in the girls-school, 一周安排一次集体舞会,要求女校学生参加。这就是与众不同啊。


  Can deception- pretending that something is true when it is not- sometimes have good results?



  In literature, many authors benefited from lying about themselves. The Bronte sisters, who are famous for their great literature talent, published their works under male names. They wrote at a time when womens sole job was confined to doing laundry and cooking. In such a male dominated society, the Bronte sisters had no hopes of publishing their novels under real name. By publishing under different names, the sisters novels were widely accepted and critically acclaimed. The Bronte sisters demonstrated that lying can be essential at times as their own works would have never been born had they not adopted male names.

  In the case of American Civil War, many slaves escaped their torturous lives via the Underground Railroad. Along the way, many freed slaves and even white Americans assisted these run-aways by providing food, shelter, and most importantly, by lying to slave catchers about the hiding place or trails of the slaves. By lying, these helpers saved and freed many lives. Without those help, many slaves would have been easily caught by the slave catchers, who were equipped with guns and dogs. Once caught, these slaves would face cruel punishment or even death penalty. Although the helpers lied to slave owners and catchers, they helped many slaves to escape their horrifying lives and consequently led America a step farther in racial equality.





  Is creativity needed more than ever in the world today?

  参考思路:大家要注意today 这个措辞。此题适合准备个人例子。有了创造力,才能distinguish yourself from others, 不妨借鉴班上一个马来西亚同学说过一的学生会竞选的有趣故事。他说最后获胜者提出了很creative 的东西来吸引学生,比如:

  1) shopping, once a month 一月安排一次集体购物,他们是寄宿学校。

  2) ball, invite the girls in the girls-school, 一周安排一次集体舞会,要求女校学生参加。这就是与众不同啊。


  Can deception- pretending that something is true when it is not- sometimes have good results?



  In literature, many authors benefited from lying about themselves. The Bronte sisters, who are famous for their great literature talent, published their works under male names. They wrote at a time when womens sole job was confined to doing laundry and cooking. In such a male dominated society, the Bronte sisters had no hopes of publishing their novels under real name. By publishing under different names, the sisters novels were widely accepted and critically acclaimed. The Bronte sisters demonstrated that lying can be essential at times as their own works would have never been born had they not adopted male names.

  In the case of American Civil War, many slaves escaped their torturous lives via the Underground Railroad. Along the way, many freed slaves and even white Americans assisted these run-aways by providing food, shelter, and most importantly, by lying to slave catchers about the hiding place or trails of the slaves. By lying, these helpers saved and freed many lives. Without those help, many slaves would have been easily caught by the slave catchers, who were equipped with guns and dogs. Once caught, these slaves would face cruel punishment or even death penalty. Although the helpers lied to slave owners and catchers, they helped many slaves to escape their horrifying lives and consequently led America a step farther in racial equality.



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