Catherine II
Empress of Russia . Born Sophie Friederike Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst, on May 2, 1729, in Stettin, Prussia . At the age of 16, she married Grand Duke Peter of Holstein, the grandson of Peter the Great and the heir to the Russian throne . Their marriage was an unhappy one, and Catherine spent much of her time preparing for her future reign and engaging in extramarital affairs.
Supported by the Russian military, Catherine overthrew Peter III in 1762. Eight days later, Peter III was assassinated and Catherine was proclaimed empress of Russia under the title Catherine II.
During her 34-year reign, Catherine carried out an energetic foreign policy. She extended the Russian Empire to the Black Sea as a result of two successful wars against Turkey , while also bringing about the three partitions of Poland.
Despite pretensions to enlightened ideas, Catherines domestic policies achieved little for the mass of the Russian people, though great cultural advances were made among the nobility. In 1774, she suppressed the popular rebellion led by Yemelyan Pugachev, and later actively persecuted members of the progressive-minded nobility.
Catherines private life was dominated by a long series of lovers, most notably the Russian field marshal Grigoriy Potemkin. Catherine died from an unexpected stroke on November 17, 1796, at the age of 67. She was succeeded by her son Paul.
俄国女皇。原名索菲娅弗里德里克奥古斯特。1729 年5 月2 日生于奥得河畔的什切青市,1796 年11 月17 日猝死于皇村。父亲是德意志安霍尔特-策尔布斯特王族的职业军官 ,母亲是德意志霍尔施坦戈多普王族的公主。1745年8 月,同俄国皇位继承人彼得大公,即后来的彼得三世结婚,改名为叶卡捷琳娜阿列克谢耶夫娜。彼得三世执行亲普鲁士方针,损害俄国利益,引起了贵族的不满。1762 年7 月9日,叶卡捷琳娜发动宫廷政变,处死了彼得三世,登上了皇位。
叶卡捷琳娜二世在对内政策方面,力图加强贵族官僚的国家机器,扩大贵族特权,维护和发展农奴制度。60 年代,自诩开明君主,实行开明专制,同伏尔泰、D.狄德罗等西欧启蒙思想家保持通信联系。1767 年,她召开了新法典编纂委员会,并为这个委员会写了《圣谕》,标榜法律面前人人平等。镇压普加乔夫起义后,转向公开的反动统治。1775 年,颁布全俄帝国各省管理体制敕令,加强了贵族在各地的权力。在被征服的少数民族地区,实行强制的俄罗斯化政策。1785 年颁布《御赐贵族特权诏书》和《御赐城市特权诏书》,使贵族成为社会上的特权阶级,在一定程度上提高了市民的经济政治地位。在位期间,她将农奴制度强加给乌克兰人;赐给贵族以大批土地和农奴;先后颁布地主有权放逐农民,农民必须服从地主的诏书,使农奴制度发展到顶点。
在对外政策方面,为实现其夺取世界霸权的计划,对土耳其发动了两次战争,打通了黑海口,侵占克里木半岛在内的黑海北岸广大地区。1788~1790 年同瑞典进行了战争。伙同普鲁士、奥地利,于1772、1793 和1795 年3 次瓜分波兰。侵占了立陶宛、白俄罗斯和西乌克兰的大部分土地,置格鲁吉亚为保护国,俄国版图由此扩大了67万平方千米。1789 年法国资产阶级革命爆发后,力图组织反法联盟,积极参与欧洲君主国镇压法国革命,在俄国历史上开创了干涉欧洲革命的先例,使俄国成为欧洲宪兵。
Catherine II
Empress of Russia . Born Sophie Friederike Auguste von Anhalt-Zerbst, on May 2, 1729, in Stettin, Prussia . At the age of 16, she married Grand Duke Peter of Holstein, the grandson of Peter the Great and the heir to the Russian throne . Their marriage was an unhappy one, and Catherine spent much of her time preparing for her future reign and engaging in extramarital affairs.
Supported by the Russian military, Catherine overthrew Peter III in 1762. Eight days later, Peter III was assassinated and Catherine was proclaimed empress of Russia under the title Catherine II.
During her 34-year reign, Catherine carried out an energetic foreign policy. She extended the Russian Empire to the Black Sea as a result of two successful wars against Turkey , while also bringing about the three partitions of Poland.
Despite pretensions to enlightened ideas, Catherines domestic policies achieved little for the mass of the Russian people, though great cultural advances were made among the nobility. In 1774, she suppressed the popular rebellion led by Yemelyan Pugachev, and later actively persecuted members of the progressive-minded nobility.
Catherines private life was dominated by a long series of lovers, most notably the Russian field marshal Grigoriy Potemkin. Catherine died from an unexpected stroke on November 17, 1796, at the age of 67. She was succeeded by her son Paul.
俄国女皇。原名索菲娅弗里德里克奥古斯特。1729 年5 月2 日生于奥得河畔的什切青市,1796 年11 月17 日猝死于皇村。父亲是德意志安霍尔特-策尔布斯特王族的职业军官 ,母亲是德意志霍尔施坦戈多普王族的公主。1745年8 月,同俄国皇位继承人彼得大公,即后来的彼得三世结婚,改名为叶卡捷琳娜阿列克谢耶夫娜。彼得三世执行亲普鲁士方针,损害俄国利益,引起了贵族的不满。1762 年7 月9日,叶卡捷琳娜发动宫廷政变,处死了彼得三世,登上了皇位。
叶卡捷琳娜二世在对内政策方面,力图加强贵族官僚的国家机器,扩大贵族特权,维护和发展农奴制度。60 年代,自诩开明君主,实行开明专制,同伏尔泰、D.狄德罗等西欧启蒙思想家保持通信联系。1767 年,她召开了新法典编纂委员会,并为这个委员会写了《圣谕》,标榜法律面前人人平等。镇压普加乔夫起义后,转向公开的反动统治。1775 年,颁布全俄帝国各省管理体制敕令,加强了贵族在各地的权力。在被征服的少数民族地区,实行强制的俄罗斯化政策。1785 年颁布《御赐贵族特权诏书》和《御赐城市特权诏书》,使贵族成为社会上的特权阶级,在一定程度上提高了市民的经济政治地位。在位期间,她将农奴制度强加给乌克兰人;赐给贵族以大批土地和农奴;先后颁布地主有权放逐农民,农民必须服从地主的诏书,使农奴制度发展到顶点。
在对外政策方面,为实现其夺取世界霸权的计划,对土耳其发动了两次战争,打通了黑海口,侵占克里木半岛在内的黑海北岸广大地区。1788~1790 年同瑞典进行了战争。伙同普鲁士、奥地利,于1772、1793 和1795 年3 次瓜分波兰。侵占了立陶宛、白俄罗斯和西乌克兰的大部分土地,置格鲁吉亚为保护国,俄国版图由此扩大了67万平方千米。1789 年法国资产阶级革命爆发后,力图组织反法联盟,积极参与欧洲君主国镇压法国革命,在俄国历史上开创了干涉欧洲革命的先例,使俄国成为欧洲宪兵。