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  1. While Sarah may have been rather quiet, she was by no means a_________, for she often spent evenings with other people and considered that time to be quite_________.

   recluse . . enjoyable

   conservative. . diplomatic

   reformer . . irritating

   barbarian . . confusing

   critic . . demanding

  2. The improvements made on the new automobile are largely_________; although the exterior has been changed, the engine has remained unchanged.






  3. One of the serious_________ of meteorology is that natural weather patterns cannot be_________in the laboratory for investigation.

   successes .. achieved

   complexities .. broadened

   premises .. acknowledged

   weaknesses . . recreated

   advantages .. analyzed

  4. It is often said that seventeenth-century literature is_________ to todays readers, especially when compared with more recent works, which introduce fewer problems of _________.

   significant. . writing

   impractical . . tradition

   inscrutable . . comprehension

   opaque . . thought

   instructional. . agreement

  5. The playwright________ realism and fantasy in her work so well that the audience is never sure whether the characters experiences are_________ or imaginary.

   intermingles . . actual

   explains . . enjoyable

   combines . . obvious

   delineates . . questionable

   exposes . . correct

  6. While his writing demonstrated the difficulties of living a_________ life within the confines of a corrupt society, Darius Holmes never despaired, and he continued to_________ his ideal of virtue.

   complete .. attack

   neutral.. allude to

   sanguine . . consider

   moral . . pursue

   grandiose . . struggle with

  7. Zora Neale Hurstons talent at convincing her readers to believe in the world as she describes it in her novels is due to her ability to create extremely_________ characters.






  8. Jacobs w as much more than a _ ________ member of the group; he was chosen in light of his extraordinary analytical skills and strong staff management skills.






  9. Some educators view television as an entirely_________ presence in society, virtually disregarding the idea that television has the potential to be_________.

   pernicious .. understood

   auxiliary .. discontinued

   deleterious . . beneficial

   cohesive .. informative

   stabilizing .. hidden

  1. A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.E 8.A 9.C




  1. While Sarah may have been rather quiet, she was by no means a_________, for she often spent evenings with other people and considered that time to be quite_________.

   recluse . . enjoyable

   conservative. . diplomatic

   reformer . . irritating

   barbarian . . confusing

   critic . . demanding

  2. The improvements made on the new automobile are largely_________; although the exterior has been changed, the engine has remained unchanged.






  3. One of the serious_________ of meteorology is that natural weather patterns cannot be_________in the laboratory for investigation.

   successes .. achieved

   complexities .. broadened

   premises .. acknowledged

   weaknesses . . recreated

   advantages .. analyzed

  4. It is often said that seventeenth-century literature is_________ to todays readers, especially when compared with more recent works, which introduce fewer problems of _________.

   significant. . writing

   impractical . . tradition

   inscrutable . . comprehension

   opaque . . thought

   instructional. . agreement

  5. The playwright________ realism and fantasy in her work so well that the audience is never sure whether the characters experiences are_________ or imaginary.

   intermingles . . actual

   explains . . enjoyable

   combines . . obvious

   delineates . . questionable

   exposes . . correct

  6. While his writing demonstrated the difficulties of living a_________ life within the confines of a corrupt society, Darius Holmes never despaired, and he continued to_________ his ideal of virtue.

   complete .. attack

   neutral.. allude to

   sanguine . . consider

   moral . . pursue

   grandiose . . struggle with

  7. Zora Neale Hurstons talent at convincing her readers to believe in the world as she describes it in her novels is due to her ability to create extremely_________ characters.






  8. Jacobs w as much more than a _ ________ member of the group; he was chosen in light of his extraordinary analytical skills and strong staff management skills.






  9. Some educators view television as an entirely_________ presence in society, virtually disregarding the idea that television has the potential to be_________.

   pernicious .. understood

   auxiliary .. discontinued

   deleterious . . beneficial

   cohesive .. informative

   stabilizing .. hidden

  1. A 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.D 7.E 8.A 9.C



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