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  Who Let the Dogs Bark?

  That dog is out there barking day and night,and we dont know what to do anymore,she said.

  I cant wait,Mrs.Czarnecki said.The council took up the ordinance for a first reading on Tuesday;a final vote is scheduled on August 8.

  In New York,at least 30 towns in Nassau and Suffolk Counties have similar laws,as do about 25 towns in Westchester County.Connecticut has a statewide law barring dogs that are a nuisancebecause of excessive barking or other disturbance.

  Many of these ordinances go back to the 1800s,said the New Rochelle corporation counsel,Bernis Shapiro.Theyre just carried forward and they dont get changed until an issue comes up.

  As for those who contend that a barking dog should be a low priority,Councilman Fusco said,If the dog was next to your house,youd sing a different song.

  But David Axelrod,a groomer at Furrs N Purrs on Valley Road,said he did not think the measure was tough enough.

  The ordinance says barking must be sustained to be illegal,and it bans excessive barking only from 10 p.m.to 7 a.m.

  Last year about a dozen warning letters were sent to residents about their barking dogs,Clifton officials said.

  The new ordinance has some bite to it,Mr.Fusco said.Eric M.Zwefiing,director of the Rutgers University Noise Technical Assistance Center,trains police officers on noise complaints and writes municipal noise codes.

  Mr.Zwerling,the owner of a chocolate Labrador named Bosco,said he had his own appreciation of the barking problem.


  howlvi.嚎叫,怒吼 municipalityn.市政当局,自治市5nju:s[nsIk5sesIvp

  prohibitionn.禁止,阻止 counseln.辩护律师5prCsIkju:t5sIvlp


  2. Clifton:克利夫顿:美国新泽西州东北部一城市,位于帕特森附近

  4. lodge a complaint against sb.with the police:向警方对某人提出控诉

  6. unconstitutionally vague:因含糊不清而违背宪法精神


  A) She went to her neighbors door to complain about it.

  C) She lodged a complaint against the dog with the municipality.

  2. In the city of Clifton,A legislative bill that addresses whining and barking was introduced by:

  B) Frank C.Fusco

  D) Eric M.Zwerling

  A) Mrs.Czarneckis complaint made the city officials decide to introduce the general noise ordinance.

  C) The general noise ordinance in Clifton is contradictory to the Constitution so that it was changed in 1998.

  4. Which of the following statements about the proposed ordinance is true?

  B) Under the ordinance,whenever a dog barks over 30 minutes in an hour,its master will get fined.

  D) People who complain about the disturbance by noisy dogs do not need to prosecute the case in municipal court themselves according to the proposed ordinance.

  A) The ordinance is not tough enough since it allows a dog bark for 30 minutes.

  C) Financial punishment is the best way to ban dogs from barking.


  2. B 根据文章第五段,市议会议员Frank C.Pusco提出了新的法案。

  4. D 由第十七段的最后一句可推出新法案允许受害者作为证人,由律师代为控诉。


  Who Let the Dogs Bark?

  That dog is out there barking day and night,and we dont know what to do anymore,she said.

  I cant wait,Mrs.Czarnecki said.The council took up the ordinance for a first reading on Tuesday;a final vote is scheduled on August 8.

  In New York,at least 30 towns in Nassau and Suffolk Counties have similar laws,as do about 25 towns in Westchester County.Connecticut has a statewide law barring dogs that are a nuisancebecause of excessive barking or other disturbance.

  Many of these ordinances go back to the 1800s,said the New Rochelle corporation counsel,Bernis Shapiro.Theyre just carried forward and they dont get changed until an issue comes up.

  As for those who contend that a barking dog should be a low priority,Councilman Fusco said,If the dog was next to your house,youd sing a different song.

  But David Axelrod,a groomer at Furrs N Purrs on Valley Road,said he did not think the measure was tough enough.

  The ordinance says barking must be sustained to be illegal,and it bans excessive barking only from 10 p.m.to 7 a.m.

  Last year about a dozen warning letters were sent to residents about their barking dogs,Clifton officials said.

  The new ordinance has some bite to it,Mr.Fusco said.Eric M.Zwefiing,director of the Rutgers University Noise Technical Assistance Center,trains police officers on noise complaints and writes municipal noise codes.

  Mr.Zwerling,the owner of a chocolate Labrador named Bosco,said he had his own appreciation of the barking problem.


  howlvi.嚎叫,怒吼 municipalityn.市政当局,自治市5nju:s[nsIk5sesIvp

  prohibitionn.禁止,阻止 counseln.辩护律师5prCsIkju:t5sIvlp


  2. Clifton:克利夫顿:美国新泽西州东北部一城市,位于帕特森附近

  4. lodge a complaint against sb.with the police:向警方对某人提出控诉

  6. unconstitutionally vague:因含糊不清而违背宪法精神


  A) She went to her neighbors door to complain about it.

  C) She lodged a complaint against the dog with the municipality.

  2. In the city of Clifton,A legislative bill that addresses whining and barking was introduced by:

  B) Frank C.Fusco

  D) Eric M.Zwerling

  A) Mrs.Czarneckis complaint made the city officials decide to introduce the general noise ordinance.

  C) The general noise ordinance in Clifton is contradictory to the Constitution so that it was changed in 1998.

  4. Which of the following statements about the proposed ordinance is true?

  B) Under the ordinance,whenever a dog barks over 30 minutes in an hour,its master will get fined.

  D) People who complain about the disturbance by noisy dogs do not need to prosecute the case in municipal court themselves according to the proposed ordinance.

  A) The ordinance is not tough enough since it allows a dog bark for 30 minutes.

  C) Financial punishment is the best way to ban dogs from barking.


  2. B 根据文章第五段,市议会议员Frank C.Pusco提出了新的法案。

  4. D 由第十七段的最后一句可推出新法案允许受害者作为证人,由律师代为控诉。


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