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  ● take a dim view of:不赞成

  The director takes a dim view of his secretary coming to office after him.

  ● take a leaf out of someones book:学某人的样子

  Peter excels in academic work, but his younger brother doesnt. I think he should take a leaf out of Peters book.

  ● take advantage of:利用

  Its unethical to take advantage of an innocent girl./ Language students should take advantage of modern facilities for constant language practice.

  ● takeamiss:因见怪

  This morning, I was in a hurry and did not greet the director. I hope he wont take it amiss.

  ● takeas read:当作大家都已知道

  The news has been announced, so it should be taken as read.

  ● takeby storm:使大吃一惊;攻占

  The latest Italian designs have taken the fashion world by storm./The soldiers took the enemys fort by storm.

  ● takein ones stride:冷静处理

  David took the problems in his stride and solved them one by one.

  ● not take no for an answer:不准人家拒绝

  What Mr Li said was mandatory; he would not take no for an answer.

  ● take ones pick:任意选择

  Every book here is for one dollar only, so take your pick.

  ● take shape:形成

  The dissertation has taken shape and will be submitted to the academic supervisor for vetting.

  ● take the floor:站起来讲话

  All clapped when the guest speaker took the floor.

  ● take the lid off:揭露

  The government took the lid off its intention to deal with racial extremists.

  ● take the plunge:采取断然行动

  Sharon has been thinking of furthering her studies abroad. Yesterday, she took the plunge and would depart in three months time.

  ● take the rough with the smooth:是好是歹,一起承受

  There are advantages and disadvantages of being a teacher. One has to take the rough with the smooth.

  ● taketo task for:因而责备

  The teacher took Robert to task for not wearing the school uniform.

  ● takeunder ones wing:庇护

  It is the duty of the elder brother to take the young brother under his wing.

  ● takefor granted:把当着自然的事

  I took it for granted that you would come along, so I bought you a ticket./ Dont take promotion for granted; everything depends on your actual performance.

  ● take one up on ones offer:接受邀请

  Im pleased to take you up on your offer of a buffet lunch.

  ● take ones hat off to:欣赏或敬佩

  There are more and more voluntary workers in our society. I have to take my hat off to them.

  ● taketo heart:对耿耿于怀

  The manager criticised Angelas work this morning, and she took his criticism, though small, to heart.



  ● take a dim view of:不赞成

  The director takes a dim view of his secretary coming to office after him.

  ● take a leaf out of someones book:学某人的样子

  Peter excels in academic work, but his younger brother doesnt. I think he should take a leaf out of Peters book.

  ● take advantage of:利用

  Its unethical to take advantage of an innocent girl./ Language students should take advantage of modern facilities for constant language practice.

  ● takeamiss:因见怪

  This morning, I was in a hurry and did not greet the director. I hope he wont take it amiss.

  ● takeas read:当作大家都已知道

  The news has been announced, so it should be taken as read.

  ● takeby storm:使大吃一惊;攻占

  The latest Italian designs have taken the fashion world by storm./The soldiers took the enemys fort by storm.

  ● takein ones stride:冷静处理

  David took the problems in his stride and solved them one by one.

  ● not take no for an answer:不准人家拒绝

  What Mr Li said was mandatory; he would not take no for an answer.

  ● take ones pick:任意选择

  Every book here is for one dollar only, so take your pick.

  ● take shape:形成

  The dissertation has taken shape and will be submitted to the academic supervisor for vetting.

  ● take the floor:站起来讲话

  All clapped when the guest speaker took the floor.

  ● take the lid off:揭露

  The government took the lid off its intention to deal with racial extremists.

  ● take the plunge:采取断然行动

  Sharon has been thinking of furthering her studies abroad. Yesterday, she took the plunge and would depart in three months time.

  ● take the rough with the smooth:是好是歹,一起承受

  There are advantages and disadvantages of being a teacher. One has to take the rough with the smooth.

  ● taketo task for:因而责备

  The teacher took Robert to task for not wearing the school uniform.

  ● takeunder ones wing:庇护

  It is the duty of the elder brother to take the young brother under his wing.

  ● takefor granted:把当着自然的事

  I took it for granted that you would come along, so I bought you a ticket./ Dont take promotion for granted; everything depends on your actual performance.

  ● take one up on ones offer:接受邀请

  Im pleased to take you up on your offer of a buffet lunch.

  ● take ones hat off to:欣赏或敬佩

  There are more and more voluntary workers in our society. I have to take my hat off to them.

  ● taketo heart:对耿耿于怀

  The manager criticised Angelas work this morning, and she took his criticism, though small, to heart.


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