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278 visit to… 参观某个地方

279 wait for sb 等某人

280 wait for sb to do sth 等某人做什么 wait for sb 等某人 wait for sometime 等多少时间

eg : Would you please wait for me to get ready 等我准备好,好吗?

Let's wait for the rain to stop 让我们等雨停吧

281 wake sb up 把某人叫醒

282 want to do sth 想做某事

283 watch sb do sth 观看某人做某事

284 welcome to +…(地方) 欢迎到……

285 what about +n /doing eg : what about an apple

286 what if 如果……怎么办 What if +句子

eg : What if it is true ? 如果是真的怎么办?

What if aliens should come to the earth 假如外星人来到地球怎么办?

287 what they will do = what to do

288 What's the matter ? = What's the trouble ? = What's wrong ? 有什么困难?

289 while +延续性动词

290 why don't you do = why not do

291 will you please do will you please not do

292 with one's best = with the help of sb 在某人的帮助下

293 with the help of sb 在某人的帮助下 with one's help

294 work at…在某处工作

295 work with sb 和某人一起工作

296 would like sth /to do sth eg : I would like to go to LuZhou

297 would you please +do

298 yet :至今 ,用在否定句中

299 you'd better do 最好做某事 = you'd better not do 最好不要做某事

300 不定式 +v(原)

301 联系动词(taste吃起来/sound听起来/look看起来/semll闻起来)+adj

302 名词、副词、 形容词修饰 enongh 时, 形容词放在之前 , 名词 副词放在之后

303 太多 too much +不可数 too many +可数 much too 相当于 very ,修饰形容词

304 向宾语提问:Whom

305 向地点提问:Where

306 向方式提问:How

307 向价格和不可数名词提问:How much

308 向可数名词提问:How many

309 向频率提问: How often

310 向时间段提问:How long

311 向时间提问:what time/when

312 向物主代词提问:Whose

313 向职业提问:what do/does……do

314 向主语提问: Who

315 在将来时中,……以后(用 in, 一般时态中,……以后(用 after

278 visit to… 参观某个地方

279 wait for sb 等某人

280 wait for sb to do sth 等某人做什么 wait for sb 等某人 wait for sometime 等多少时间

eg : Would you please wait for me to get ready 等我准备好,好吗?

Let's wait for the rain to stop 让我们等雨停吧

281 wake sb up 把某人叫醒

282 want to do sth 想做某事

283 watch sb do sth 观看某人做某事

284 welcome to +…(地方) 欢迎到……

285 what about +n /doing eg : what about an apple

286 what if 如果……怎么办 What if +句子

eg : What if it is true ? 如果是真的怎么办?

What if aliens should come to the earth 假如外星人来到地球怎么办?

287 what they will do = what to do

288 What's the matter ? = What's the trouble ? = What's wrong ? 有什么困难?

289 while +延续性动词

290 why don't you do = why not do

291 will you please do will you please not do

292 with one's best = with the help of sb 在某人的帮助下

293 with the help of sb 在某人的帮助下 with one's help

294 work at…在某处工作

295 work with sb 和某人一起工作

296 would like sth /to do sth eg : I would like to go to LuZhou

297 would you please +do

298 yet :至今 ,用在否定句中

299 you'd better do 最好做某事 = you'd better not do 最好不要做某事

300 不定式 +v(原)

301 联系动词(taste吃起来/sound听起来/look看起来/semll闻起来)+adj

302 名词、副词、 形容词修饰 enongh 时, 形容词放在之前 , 名词 副词放在之后

303 太多 too much +不可数 too many +可数 much too 相当于 very ,修饰形容词

304 向宾语提问:Whom

305 向地点提问:Where

306 向方式提问:How

307 向价格和不可数名词提问:How much

308 向可数名词提问:How many

309 向频率提问: How often

310 向时间段提问:How long

311 向时间提问:what time/when

312 向物主代词提问:Whose

313 向职业提问:what do/does……do

314 向主语提问: Who

315 在将来时中,……以后(用 in, 一般时态中,……以后(用 after