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  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Innocence in New Orleans   新奥尔良的洗冤录   A shocking tale from the Big Easy   自由城里一个骇人听闻的故事   Free after 34 years   监禁34年后被释放   IT S all good, Reginald Adams said as he walkedfree on May 12th, having spent the past 34 years inprison for a murder he didn t commit. A less forgiving man might have put it differently. NewOrleans police and prosecutors should have known they had the wrong guy back in 1979.They recovered the gun used in the murder, and linked it to another pair of criminals who hadnothing to do with Mr Adams.   5月12日,被误判为杀人犯的雷金纳德亚当斯迈出了监禁了他34年的监狱,并表示:一切都很好。许多不像他一样宽容的人或许会觉得不可思议。事实上,新奥尔良的警方和检察官早在1979年就知道他们判错了刑。他们找到了谋杀案里使用的枪,并证实了该案件与另外两个人有关,而和亚当斯毫无关系。   All the police had against Mr Adams was his confession: one he gave after a marathoninterview, during which police allegedly plied him with alcohol and drugs. Mr Adams gotalmost every detail of the crime wrong, from the calibre of weapon used to the number ofshots fired to the sex and hair colour of the victim.   当初,警察一致认为亚当斯先生就是杀人凶手,因为他曾做过一个忏悔在他接受了一个漫长的采访,并被警方不断指认涉嫌滥用酒精和毒品后。亚当斯先生几乎被指证了每一个犯罪细节,从武器的口径和开枪的次数到受害者的性别和发色。   when they first tried him. And they did not hand over to his defence team the police reporttracing the gun s provenance. Mr Adams s new lawyers sayand the city s current districtattorney, Leon Cannizzaro, agreesthat detectives knowingly gave false testimony.   在亚当斯先生第一次受审时,警方并没有给他的辩护团提供有关追踪枪支来源的报告。亚当斯先生的新律师称,该市目前的检察官列昂坎尼扎罗,通过了侦探故意提供的虚假证词。   As Mr Adams languished in prison, some of his tormentors were caught wandering off thestraight and narrow. One prosecutor became a crooked judge and was jailed for it. One of thedetectives served five years for vehicular homicide. And Ronald Ulfers, the cop whose wifewas murdered, is now serving life in prison for murdering his second wife.   然而,当亚当斯先生在监狱中备受煎熬时,那些迫害他的人也陆续遭受苦果。一名检察官被证实判案不公正并因此入狱;一名侦探因车祸杀人而服役五年;而受害人的丈夫罗纳德,则因杀害他的第二任妻子而锒铛入狱。   Mr Cannizzaro took only ten days to join the motion by Mr Adams s lawyers to set aside theguilty verdict. The DA said the misconduct was the worst he has seen. That is sayingsomething. The DA s office in New Orleans has become notorious for such cases, largely fromthe three-decade tenure of former DA Harry Connick senior, the father of a well-knownsinger. Most of the defective cases involve Brady violations: failures to give defendants allmaterial that might be exculpatory.   当时,坎尼扎罗先生仅用了10天的时间就否定了亚当斯的律师团要求预留有罪判决的要求。地方检察官表示这样的渎职行为是他见过的最为严重的一次。这同样也证明了一个问题。在这样的情况下,地方检察院在新奥尔良变得臭名昭著。这样的情况主要产生于前任地方检察院的高官哈利康在位的三年内。哈利康是一位著名歌手的父亲。在他的任期内,许多误判的案件都存在布雷迪行为:不能给被告充分的机会来证明他们无罪。   In one case Mr Connick s men sent John Thompson to death row for a murder he didn tcommit, hiding evidence that would have helped him. Mr Thompson narrowly missed beingexecuted. After his exoneration, he won a 14m judgment against the DA s office.   在一个案例中,哈利康等人以谋杀罪判决约翰汤普森死刑。而事实上,约翰?汤普森并没有杀人,哈利康等人却隐瞒了可以证明他无罪的证据。汤普森先生差一点被执行死刑。他被释放后,上告哈利康等人并获得了140万美元的补偿。   Mr Cannizzaro appealed the award, saying it would bankrupt his office. In 2011 the SupremeCourt ruled 5-4 in his favour, saying the office should not be held liable for the acts of arogue prosecutor. Dissenting, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg wrote that Mr Connick s officehad been deliberately indifferent to the Brady rule. The Innocence Project of NewOrleans, which represented Mr Adams, counts 31 cases from the Connick era where Bradyviolations have been proven. Mr Connick has said that his office handled so many cases that afew mistakes were bound to occur.   坎尼扎罗先生对此判决提出上诉,声称如果这样,地方检察院将面临破产。2011年,最高法院以5:4的比例通过了他的上诉,并表示地方检察院不应该为流氓的检察官买单。同时,这也存在异议。鲁思金斯伯格法官写道:哈利康的政权已经故意冷淡布雷迪规则了。新奥尔良的无罪行动,释放了像亚当斯这样的在哈利康当权期间被误判的31人,这就是一个很好的证明。康尼克先生则说他们地方检察院要处理许多案件,出一些错误是不可避免的。   Not long ago, every pillar of New Orleans s criminal-justice system was broken. Now thepolice and the jail are under federal decrees requiring judicial oversight and reforms, and MrCannizzaro has done much to improve the DA s office. But that may be scant comfort for MrAdams.   不久前,新奥尔良刑事司法体系的每一个支柱都被打破了。现在警方和监狱正在联邦法规的要求下进行司法监督和改革,坎尼扎罗先生已经对当地检察院做了许多改革。这也许是对亚当斯先生的一点微不足道的安慰。   词语解释   1.link to 与连接, 联系   And sometimes they link to you incorrectly.   而有时候它们链接到你这里会不正确。   It will be helpful when I need to link to them.   当我想要链接到他们的时候会很有用。   2.fire to 射击   Protesters set fire to government building and burned his likeness in effigy.   抗议者点燃了政府大楼和卡扎菲的肖像。   Aboriginal protesters set fire to an australian flag outside the national parliament incanberra.   澳大利亚土著居民抗议者在堪培拉国家议会外放火焚烧一面澳大利亚国旗。   3.hand over 交出;交付;交给   Foreign companies will not readily hand over their technology or management skills to achinese partner.   外国公司不会把他们的技术和管理方法交给他们的中国合作伙伴。   Now here s my question: would you hand over your car keys to a perfect stranger?   现在请回答我,你会把你的车钥匙交给一个完全陌生的人吗?   4.wander off 迷失,离开正途   You know he could wander off.   你知道嘛,他可能迷路的。   Don t let the children wander off when visiting.   参观的时候不要孩子们走散了。


  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Innocence in New Orleans   新奥尔良的洗冤录   A shocking tale from the Big Easy   自由城里一个骇人听闻的故事   Free after 34 years   监禁34年后被释放   IT S all good, Reginald Adams said as he walkedfree on May 12th, having spent the past 34 years inprison for a murder he didn t commit. A less forgiving man might have put it differently. NewOrleans police and prosecutors should have known they had the wrong guy back in 1979.They recovered the gun used in the murder, and linked it to another pair of criminals who hadnothing to do with Mr Adams.   5月12日,被误判为杀人犯的雷金纳德亚当斯迈出了监禁了他34年的监狱,并表示:一切都很好。许多不像他一样宽容的人或许会觉得不可思议。事实上,新奥尔良的警方和检察官早在1979年就知道他们判错了刑。他们找到了谋杀案里使用的枪,并证实了该案件与另外两个人有关,而和亚当斯毫无关系。   All the police had against Mr Adams was his confession: one he gave after a marathoninterview, during which police allegedly plied him with alcohol and drugs. Mr Adams gotalmost every detail of the crime wrong, from the calibre of weapon used to the number ofshots fired to the sex and hair colour of the victim.   当初,警察一致认为亚当斯先生就是杀人凶手,因为他曾做过一个忏悔在他接受了一个漫长的采访,并被警方不断指认涉嫌滥用酒精和毒品后。亚当斯先生几乎被指证了每一个犯罪细节,从武器的口径和开枪的次数到受害者的性别和发色。   when they first tried him. And they did not hand over to his defence team the police reporttracing the gun s provenance. Mr Adams s new lawyers sayand the city s current districtattorney, Leon Cannizzaro, agreesthat detectives knowingly gave false testimony.   在亚当斯先生第一次受审时,警方并没有给他的辩护团提供有关追踪枪支来源的报告。亚当斯先生的新律师称,该市目前的检察官列昂坎尼扎罗,通过了侦探故意提供的虚假证词。   As Mr Adams languished in prison, some of his tormentors were caught wandering off thestraight and narrow. One prosecutor became a crooked judge and was jailed for it. One of thedetectives served five years for vehicular homicide. And Ronald Ulfers, the cop whose wifewas murdered, is now serving life in prison for murdering his second wife.   然而,当亚当斯先生在监狱中备受煎熬时,那些迫害他的人也陆续遭受苦果。一名检察官被证实判案不公正并因此入狱;一名侦探因车祸杀人而服役五年;而受害人的丈夫罗纳德,则因杀害他的第二任妻子而锒铛入狱。   Mr Cannizzaro took only ten days to join the motion by Mr Adams s lawyers to set aside theguilty verdict. The DA said the misconduct was the worst he has seen. That is sayingsomething. The DA s office in New Orleans has become notorious for such cases, largely fromthe three-decade tenure of former DA Harry Connick senior, the father of a well-knownsinger. Most of the defective cases involve Brady violations: failures to give defendants allmaterial that might be exculpatory.   当时,坎尼扎罗先生仅用了10天的时间就否定了亚当斯的律师团要求预留有罪判决的要求。地方检察官表示这样的渎职行为是他见过的最为严重的一次。这同样也证明了一个问题。在这样的情况下,地方检察院在新奥尔良变得臭名昭著。这样的情况主要产生于前任地方检察院的高官哈利康在位的三年内。哈利康是一位著名歌手的父亲。在他的任期内,许多误判的案件都存在布雷迪行为:不能给被告充分的机会来证明他们无罪。   In one case Mr Connick s men sent John Thompson to death row for a murder he didn tcommit, hiding evidence that would have helped him. Mr Thompson narrowly missed beingexecuted. After his exoneration, he won a 14m judgment against the DA s office.   在一个案例中,哈利康等人以谋杀罪判决约翰汤普森死刑。而事实上,约翰?汤普森并没有杀人,哈利康等人却隐瞒了可以证明他无罪的证据。汤普森先生差一点被执行死刑。他被释放后,上告哈利康等人并获得了140万美元的补偿。   Mr Cannizzaro appealed the award, saying it would bankrupt his office. In 2011 the SupremeCourt ruled 5-4 in his favour, saying the office should not be held liable for the acts of arogue prosecutor. Dissenting, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg wrote that Mr Connick s officehad been deliberately indifferent to the Brady rule. The Innocence Project of NewOrleans, which represented Mr Adams, counts 31 cases from the Connick era where Bradyviolations have been proven. Mr Connick has said that his office handled so many cases that afew mistakes were bound to occur.   坎尼扎罗先生对此判决提出上诉,声称如果这样,地方检察院将面临破产。2011年,最高法院以5:4的比例通过了他的上诉,并表示地方检察院不应该为流氓的检察官买单。同时,这也存在异议。鲁思金斯伯格法官写道:哈利康的政权已经故意冷淡布雷迪规则了。新奥尔良的无罪行动,释放了像亚当斯这样的在哈利康当权期间被误判的31人,这就是一个很好的证明。康尼克先生则说他们地方检察院要处理许多案件,出一些错误是不可避免的。   Not long ago, every pillar of New Orleans s criminal-justice system was broken. Now thepolice and the jail are under federal decrees requiring judicial oversight and reforms, and MrCannizzaro has done much to improve the DA s office. But that may be scant comfort for MrAdams.   不久前,新奥尔良刑事司法体系的每一个支柱都被打破了。现在警方和监狱正在联邦法规的要求下进行司法监督和改革,坎尼扎罗先生已经对当地检察院做了许多改革。这也许是对亚当斯先生的一点微不足道的安慰。   词语解释   1.link to 与连接, 联系   And sometimes they link to you incorrectly.   而有时候它们链接到你这里会不正确。   It will be helpful when I need to link to them.   当我想要链接到他们的时候会很有用。   2.fire to 射击   Protesters set fire to government building and burned his likeness in effigy.   抗议者点燃了政府大楼和卡扎菲的肖像。   Aboriginal protesters set fire to an australian flag outside the national parliament incanberra.   澳大利亚土著居民抗议者在堪培拉国家议会外放火焚烧一面澳大利亚国旗。   3.hand over 交出;交付;交给   Foreign companies will not readily hand over their technology or management skills to achinese partner.   外国公司不会把他们的技术和管理方法交给他们的中国合作伙伴。   Now here s my question: would you hand over your car keys to a perfect stranger?   现在请回答我,你会把你的车钥匙交给一个完全陌生的人吗?   4.wander off 迷失,离开正途   You know he could wander off.   你知道嘛,他可能迷路的。   Don t let the children wander off when visiting.   参观的时候不要孩子们走散了。


信息流广告 网络推广 周易 易经 代理招生 二手车 网络营销 招生代理 旅游攻略 非物质文化遗产 查字典 精雕图 戏曲下载 抖音代运营 易学网 互联网资讯 成语 成语故事 诗词 工商注册 注册公司 抖音带货 云南旅游网 网络游戏 代理记账 短视频运营 在线题库 国学网 知识产权 抖音运营 雕龙客 雕塑 奇石 散文 自学教程 常用文书 河北生活网 好书推荐 游戏攻略 心理测试 石家庄人才网 考研真题 汉语知识 心理咨询 手游安卓版下载 兴趣爱好 网络知识 十大品牌排行榜 商标交易 单机游戏下载 短视频代运营 宝宝起名 范文网 电商设计 免费发布信息 服装服饰 律师咨询 搜救犬 Chat GPT中文版 经典范文 优质范文 工作总结 二手车估价 实用范文 爱采购代运营 古诗词 衡水人才网 石家庄点痣 养花 名酒回收 石家庄代理记账 女士发型 搜搜作文 石家庄人才网 铜雕 词典 围棋 chatGPT 读后感 玄机派 企业服务 法律咨询 chatGPT国内版 chatGPT官网 励志名言 河北代理记账公司 文玩 朋友圈文案 语料库 游戏推荐 男士发型 高考作文 PS修图 儿童文学 买车咨询 工作计划 礼品厂 舟舟培训 IT教程 手机游戏推荐排行榜 暖通,电采暖, 女性健康 苗木供应 主题模板 短视频培训 优秀个人博客 包装网 创业赚钱 养生 民间借贷律师 绿色软件 安卓手机游戏 手机软件下载 手机游戏下载 单机游戏大全 免费软件下载 网赚 手游下载 游戏盒子 职业培训 资格考试 成语大全 英语培训 艺术培训 少儿培训 苗木网 雕塑网 好玩的手机游戏推荐 汉语词典 中国机械网 美文欣赏 红楼梦 道德经 网站转让 鲜花 社区团购 社区电商