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专项二 音标 练习题

1.【2023浙江义乌】 The underlined part in the word picked is pronounced as_______.

A. /t/ B./d/ C./ t/ D./ d/

2.【2023黑龙江哈尔滨】Which word of the following doesnt have the same stress as the others?

A. Repair. B. Against. C. Magic.

3.【2023浙江杭州】16.The phonetic transcription for the word breakfast is ________.

A. /brekfɑ:st/ B. /brekfst/ C. /brekfst/ D. /brekfɑ:st/

4.【2023四川宜宾】21. The underlined part in the word watches is pronounced as ______.

A. /es/ B. /z/ C. /s/ D. /z/

5.【2023甘肃兰州】The underlined letter a in the word ______ has a different pronunciation from the others.

A. math B. calendar C. fantastic D. behave

6.【2023山东济南】21. We go to ___________ /sku:l/ five days a week.

A. cool B. fool C. full D. school

7.【2023山东济南】Its too late. They have to go ____________ /bk/ home on foot.

A. bike B. back C. bank D. black

8.【2023山东济南】When we are in the library, we should _____________ / ki:p / quiet.

A. meet B. keep C. sleep D. feet

9.【2023山东济南】David Beckham, the famous soccer ___________ / stɑ:/, will come to Jinan this year.

A. car B. start C. star D. far

10.【2023山东济南】Jason works as a ____________ /kpju:t / programmer in a company.

A. computer B. complain C. compare D. complete

11.【2023四川宜宾】The underlined part in the word teacher is pronounced as _______.

A. / i / B. /i: / C. / u / D. / u: /

12.【2023浙江杭州】The phonetic transcription for the word said is_________.

A. /si:d/ B. /sed/ C. /seid/ D. /said/

13.【2023山东济南】Jason works as a ____________ /kpju:t / programmer in a company.

A. computer B. complain C. compare D. complete

14.【2023四川宜宾】The underlined part in the word teacher is pronounced as _______.

A. / i / B. /i: / C. / u / D. / u: /

15.【2023浙江杭州】16. The phonetic transcription for the word said is_________.

A. /si:d/ B. /sed/ C. /seid/ D. /said/

16.【2023四川自贡】21. 请选出含/id/发音的单词:

A. wanted B. laughed C. lived

17.【2023湖北咸宁】Which of the following underlined parts has different pronunciation?

A. great B. feature C. peaceful D. dream

18.【2023甘肃兰州】The underlined letter a in the word ______ has a different pronunciation from the others.

A. math B. calendar C. fantastic D. behave




2.【解析】repair/rpe(r】/重音在第二个音节上;against /genst; genst /重音在第二个音节上;magic /mdk/重音在第一个音节上。




4.【解析】watches是watch的复数或第三人称单数形式,字母组合-es在/t/后读/ z /。


5.【解析】句意:下面单词中划线字母a与其它三个发音不同的是______。字母a在选项中的发音为A[B[C[D[ei] 。




7. 【解析】句意:天太晚了。他们必须回家。back的音标是/bk/,步行回家。


8.【解析】句意:当我们在图书馆的时候,我们应该安静。keep的音标是/ ki:p /。


9.【解析】句意:大卫贝克汉姆,著名的足球,今年将来到济南。star的音标是/ stɑ:/


10.【解析】句意:詹森作为一名程序设计师在一家电脑公司。computer的音标是/kpju:t /。






13.computer的音标是/kpju:t /。











18.【解析】考查语音辨析。句意:下面单词中划线字母a与其它三个发音不同的是______。字母a在选项中的发音为A[B[C[D[ei] 。




专项二 音标 练习题

1.【2023浙江义乌】 The underlined part in the word picked is pronounced as_______.

A. /t/ B./d/ C./ t/ D./ d/

2.【2023黑龙江哈尔滨】Which word of the following doesnt have the same stress as the others?

A. Repair. B. Against. C. Magic.

3.【2023浙江杭州】16.The phonetic transcription for the word breakfast is ________.

A. /brekfɑ:st/ B. /brekfst/ C. /brekfst/ D. /brekfɑ:st/

4.【2023四川宜宾】21. The underlined part in the word watches is pronounced as ______.

A. /es/ B. /z/ C. /s/ D. /z/

5.【2023甘肃兰州】The underlined letter a in the word ______ has a different pronunciation from the others.

A. math B. calendar C. fantastic D. behave

6.【2023山东济南】21. We go to ___________ /sku:l/ five days a week.

A. cool B. fool C. full D. school

7.【2023山东济南】Its too late. They have to go ____________ /bk/ home on foot.

A. bike B. back C. bank D. black

8.【2023山东济南】When we are in the library, we should _____________ / ki:p / quiet.

A. meet B. keep C. sleep D. feet

9.【2023山东济南】David Beckham, the famous soccer ___________ / stɑ:/, will come to Jinan this year.

A. car B. start C. star D. far

10.【2023山东济南】Jason works as a ____________ /kpju:t / programmer in a company.

A. computer B. complain C. compare D. complete

11.【2023四川宜宾】The underlined part in the word teacher is pronounced as _______.

A. / i / B. /i: / C. / u / D. / u: /

12.【2023浙江杭州】The phonetic transcription for the word said is_________.

A. /si:d/ B. /sed/ C. /seid/ D. /said/

13.【2023山东济南】Jason works as a ____________ /kpju:t / programmer in a company.

A. computer B. complain C. compare D. complete

14.【2023四川宜宾】The underlined part in the word teacher is pronounced as _______.

A. / i / B. /i: / C. / u / D. / u: /

15.【2023浙江杭州】16. The phonetic transcription for the word said is_________.

A. /si:d/ B. /sed/ C. /seid/ D. /said/

16.【2023四川自贡】21. 请选出含/id/发音的单词:

A. wanted B. laughed C. lived

17.【2023湖北咸宁】Which of the following underlined parts has different pronunciation?

A. great B. feature C. peaceful D. dream

18.【2023甘肃兰州】The underlined letter a in the word ______ has a different pronunciation from the others.

A. math B. calendar C. fantastic D. behave




2.【解析】repair/rpe(r】/重音在第二个音节上;against /genst; genst /重音在第二个音节上;magic /mdk/重音在第一个音节上。




4.【解析】watches是watch的复数或第三人称单数形式,字母组合-es在/t/后读/ z /。


5.【解析】句意:下面单词中划线字母a与其它三个发音不同的是______。字母a在选项中的发音为A[B[C[D[ei] 。




7. 【解析】句意:天太晚了。他们必须回家。back的音标是/bk/,步行回家。


8.【解析】句意:当我们在图书馆的时候,我们应该安静。keep的音标是/ ki:p /。


9.【解析】句意:大卫贝克汉姆,著名的足球,今年将来到济南。star的音标是/ stɑ:/


10.【解析】句意:詹森作为一名程序设计师在一家电脑公司。computer的音标是/kpju:t /。






13.computer的音标是/kpju:t /。











18.【解析】考查语音辨析。句意:下面单词中划线字母a与其它三个发音不同的是______。字母a在选项中的发音为A[B[C[D[ei] 。


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