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  1.He is an attacking player.他是一个攻击型的运动员。

  2.He asked an embarrassing question.他提了一个令人难堪的问题。

  3.A little child learning to walk often falls.学走路的小孩常常跌跤。

  4.Do you know the number of people coming to the party?你知道来参加晚会的人数吗?


  1.A young man writing novels came to speak to us yesterday.

  A young man who writes novels came to speak to us yesterday.


  2.The girl sitting next to me was my cousin.

  The girl who was sitting next to me was my cousin.坐在我旁边的姑娘是我表妹。



  1.They set up an operating table in a small temple.他们将手术台架设在一座小庙里。

  2.He may be in the reading room,for all I know.他说不定在阅览室里。

  3.Ladies and gentlemen,please go and wait in the meeting room.女士们先生们,请去会议室等待。


  1.There were about 200 children studying in the art school.有大约二百个孩子在这所艺术学校学习。

  2.Who is the woman talking to our English teacher?



  1.That must have been a terrifying experience.那准时一段可怕的经历。

  2.The experiment was an amazing success.那项试验是一个惊人的成功。

  3.There is a page missing from this book.这本书(转载自中国教育文摘http://www.edUzhai.net,请保留此标记。)缺了一页。

  除了-ing形式能做定语外,如果-ing形式与被修饰词是被动关系,就用它的被动式,即being done.being doing通常表示正在被做,常做后置定语。如:

  1.The tall building being built now is our new school.正在被建的高楼是我们的新学校。

  2.The question being discussed was presented by the headmaster.正在被讨论的问题是被校长提出的。


  1.The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the _____.

  A.20 dollars remained  B.20 dollars to remain

  C.remained 20 dollars  D.remaining 20 dollars.

  2.The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket ______ the desert.

  A.covering   B.covered  C.cover  D.to cover

  3.I was told that there were about 50 foreign students ____ Chinese in the school,most _____ were from Germany.

  A.study;of whom    B.study;of them

  C.studying;of them  D.studying;of whom

  4.The question ______ at present has something important to do with our daily life.

  A.to be discussing   B.to discuss

  C.been discussed     D.being discussed

  5.China is a_____country______to the third world.

  A.developed;belongs   B.developing;belonging

  C.developing;belongs  D.developed;belonged

  6.---Who is the man______to the teacher?

  ---A model worker_____our school.

  A.talks,visits   B.is talking;is visiting

  C.talking;visiting  D.talking;visited

  7.How many of us________,say,a meeting that has nothing to do with us will be interested in the discussion?

  A.attend  B.attending  C.to attend  D.have attended

  8.The flowers_____sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.

  A.to smell   B.smelling  C.smelt  D.to be smelt

  答案:D A D D B C B B



  1.He is an attacking player.他是一个攻击型的运动员。

  2.He asked an embarrassing question.他提了一个令人难堪的问题。

  3.A little child learning to walk often falls.学走路的小孩常常跌跤。

  4.Do you know the number of people coming to the party?你知道来参加晚会的人数吗?


  1.A young man writing novels came to speak to us yesterday.

  A young man who writes novels came to speak to us yesterday.


  2.The girl sitting next to me was my cousin.

  The girl who was sitting next to me was my cousin.坐在我旁边的姑娘是我表妹。



  1.They set up an operating table in a small temple.他们将手术台架设在一座小庙里。

  2.He may be in the reading room,for all I know.他说不定在阅览室里。

  3.Ladies and gentlemen,please go and wait in the meeting room.女士们先生们,请去会议室等待。


  1.There were about 200 children studying in the art school.有大约二百个孩子在这所艺术学校学习。

  2.Who is the woman talking to our English teacher?



  1.That must have been a terrifying experience.那准时一段可怕的经历。

  2.The experiment was an amazing success.那项试验是一个惊人的成功。

  3.There is a page missing from this book.这本书(转载自中国教育文摘http://www.edUzhai.net,请保留此标记。)缺了一页。

  除了-ing形式能做定语外,如果-ing形式与被修饰词是被动关系,就用它的被动式,即being done.being doing通常表示正在被做,常做后置定语。如:

  1.The tall building being built now is our new school.正在被建的高楼是我们的新学校。

  2.The question being discussed was presented by the headmaster.正在被讨论的问题是被校长提出的。


  1.The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the _____.

  A.20 dollars remained  B.20 dollars to remain

  C.remained 20 dollars  D.remaining 20 dollars.

  2.The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket ______ the desert.

  A.covering   B.covered  C.cover  D.to cover

  3.I was told that there were about 50 foreign students ____ Chinese in the school,most _____ were from Germany.

  A.study;of whom    B.study;of them

  C.studying;of them  D.studying;of whom

  4.The question ______ at present has something important to do with our daily life.

  A.to be discussing   B.to discuss

  C.been discussed     D.being discussed

  5.China is a_____country______to the third world.

  A.developed;belongs   B.developing;belonging

  C.developing;belongs  D.developed;belonged

  6.---Who is the man______to the teacher?

  ---A model worker_____our school.

  A.talks,visits   B.is talking;is visiting

  C.talking;visiting  D.talking;visited

  7.How many of us________,say,a meeting that has nothing to do with us will be interested in the discussion?

  A.attend  B.attending  C.to attend  D.have attended

  8.The flowers_____sweet in the botanic garden attract the visitors to the beauty of nature.

  A.to smell   B.smelling  C.smelt  D.to be smelt

  答案:D A D D B C B B

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