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11. Damp Squib


More of an usual term, a ‘damp squib’ in British slang terms refers to something which fails on all accounts.

这是一个常用的术语,在英式俚语中‘damp squib’是指某事在各个方面都不成功。

For example, ‘The party was a bit of a damp squib because only Richard turned up.’


12. All to Pot


Slightly more of an outdated version, this British slang term is still used, and its meaning remains relevant today. ‘All to pot’ refers to a situation going out of your control and failing miserably.

这个英式俚语稍微有一点过时,但是今天仍然在使用中,它的含义在今天还是非常有意义的。‘All to pot’指一种状态不受控制,从而陷入惨败。

For example, ‘The birthday party went all to pot when the clown turned up drunk and everyone was sick from that cheap barbecue stuff.’


13. The Bee’s Knees


The bee’s knees – a rather lovely term used to describe someone or something you think the world of. The bee’s knees –


For example, ‘She thinks Barry’s the bee’s knees’.


14. Chunder


Meaning ‘to vomit’ or ‘to be sick’, ‘chunder’ is almost always used in correlation with drunken nights, or being hugely ill and sick.


For example, ‘I ate a bad pizza last night after too many drinks and chundered in the street.’


15. Taking the Piss


‘Taking the piss’ is in fact one of the most popular and widely-used British slang terms, to ‘take the piss’ means to mock something, parody something.

‘Taking the piss’是英式俚语中使用最广泛的一个词,意为嘲笑或者拙劣的模仿某事。

For example, ‘The guys on TV last night were taking the piss out of the government again.’


17. Fortnight


‘Fortnight’ – a British slang term more commonly used by virtually everyone in the UK to mean ‘a group of two weeks’.

‘Fortnight’ – 在英国最常被使用的英式俚语之一,意为两周。

For example, ‘I’m going away for a fortnight to Egypt for my summer holiday.’


18. Bollocking


Very different to the ‘bollocks’ of the previous suggestion, a ‘bollocking’ is a telling-off or a severe or enthusiastic reprimand from a boss, co-worker, partner, or anyone you like, for a misdemeanour.

这个跟之前提到的‘bollocks’ 意思可不一样,bollocking表示由于行为不端,遭到上司、同事或者是亲人的责骂。

For example, ‘My wife gave me a real bollocking for forgetting to pick up the dry cleaning on my way home from work.’


19. Nice One


‘Nice one’ – used almost always sarcastically in common British lexicon, although it can be used sincerely depending on the context.

‘Nice one’通常在英式俚语中表达讽刺的意味,但是语境不同的话,也可以表示真诚的意思。

For example, ‘You messed up the Rutherford order? Nice one, really.’


20. Brass Monkeys


A more obscure British term, ‘brass monkeys’ is used to refer to extremely cold weather. The phrase comes from the expression, ‘it’s cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey’.

‘ Brass monkeys’是一个晦涩难懂的词汇,通常指极寒的天气。

For example, ‘You need to wear a coat today, it’s brass monkeys outside.’




11. Damp Squib


More of an usual term, a ‘damp squib’ in British slang terms refers to something which fails on all accounts.

这是一个常用的术语,在英式俚语中‘damp squib’是指某事在各个方面都不成功。

For example, ‘The party was a bit of a damp squib because only Richard turned up.’


12. All to Pot


Slightly more of an outdated version, this British slang term is still used, and its meaning remains relevant today. ‘All to pot’ refers to a situation going out of your control and failing miserably.

这个英式俚语稍微有一点过时,但是今天仍然在使用中,它的含义在今天还是非常有意义的。‘All to pot’指一种状态不受控制,从而陷入惨败。

For example, ‘The birthday party went all to pot when the clown turned up drunk and everyone was sick from that cheap barbecue stuff.’


13. The Bee’s Knees


The bee’s knees – a rather lovely term used to describe someone or something you think the world of. The bee’s knees –


For example, ‘She thinks Barry’s the bee’s knees’.


14. Chunder


Meaning ‘to vomit’ or ‘to be sick’, ‘chunder’ is almost always used in correlation with drunken nights, or being hugely ill and sick.


For example, ‘I ate a bad pizza last night after too many drinks and chundered in the street.’


15. Taking the Piss


‘Taking the piss’ is in fact one of the most popular and widely-used British slang terms, to ‘take the piss’ means to mock something, parody something.

‘Taking the piss’是英式俚语中使用最广泛的一个词,意为嘲笑或者拙劣的模仿某事。

For example, ‘The guys on TV last night were taking the piss out of the government again.’


17. Fortnight


‘Fortnight’ – a British slang term more commonly used by virtually everyone in the UK to mean ‘a group of two weeks’.

‘Fortnight’ – 在英国最常被使用的英式俚语之一,意为两周。

For example, ‘I’m going away for a fortnight to Egypt for my summer holiday.’


18. Bollocking


Very different to the ‘bollocks’ of the previous suggestion, a ‘bollocking’ is a telling-off or a severe or enthusiastic reprimand from a boss, co-worker, partner, or anyone you like, for a misdemeanour.

这个跟之前提到的‘bollocks’ 意思可不一样,bollocking表示由于行为不端,遭到上司、同事或者是亲人的责骂。

For example, ‘My wife gave me a real bollocking for forgetting to pick up the dry cleaning on my way home from work.’


19. Nice One


‘Nice one’ – used almost always sarcastically in common British lexicon, although it can be used sincerely depending on the context.

‘Nice one’通常在英式俚语中表达讽刺的意味,但是语境不同的话,也可以表示真诚的意思。

For example, ‘You messed up the Rutherford order? Nice one, really.’


20. Brass Monkeys


A more obscure British term, ‘brass monkeys’ is used to refer to extremely cold weather. The phrase comes from the expression, ‘it’s cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey’.

‘ Brass monkeys’是一个晦涩难懂的词汇,通常指极寒的天气。

For example, ‘You need to wear a coat today, it’s brass monkeys outside.’


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