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  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Contemporary philosophy   当代哲学   Pump-primer   直觉泵入门   Tools for pondering imponderables   用来思考难以解释的事物的工具   Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking.ByDaniel Dennett.   《思考的工具:直觉泵及其他》   THINKING is hard, concedes Daniel Dennett. Thinking about some problems is so hard thatit can make your head ache just thinking about thinking about them. Mr Dennett shouldknow. A professor of philosophy at Tufts University, he has spent half a century ponderingsome of the knottiest problems around: the nature of meaning, the substance of minds andwhether free will is possible. His latest book, Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking,is a precis of those 50 years, distilled into 77 readable and mostly bite-sized chapters.   丹尼尔丹尼特承认:思考是困难的。思考某些问题之难,几乎到了只要一想到要思考这些问题就会头疼的地步。对此,丹尼特深有体会。作为塔夫斯大学的一名哲学教授,在过去半个世纪里,他一直在试图解开我们身边那些最难以解决的问题:语言含义的本质,人类心灵是由什么组成的以及自由意志是否可能等。日前,他把自己50年来的思考浓缩为77篇既有可读性又短小精悍的文章,汇集成册后取名为《思考的工具:直觉泵及其他》   Intuition pumps are what Mr Dennett calls thought experiments that aim to get at the nubof concepts. He has devised plenty himself over the years, and shares some of them. But theaim of this book is not merely to show how the pumps work, but to deploy them to helpreaders think through some of the most profound conundrums.   直觉泵是丹尼特用来称呼思想实验的一个词语。所谓思想实验就是一种意在探究概念核心内容的实验。在书中,他同读者一起分享了这些年来为自己所设计的许多此类实验。但是,他写作本书的目的不仅仅是要展示直觉泵的工作流程,更重要的是通过使用直觉泵,帮助读者去思考那些最深奥的难题。   As an example, take the human mind. The time-honoured idea that the mind is essentially alittle man, or homunculus, who sits in the brain doing clever things soon becomesproblematic: who does all the clever things in the little man s brain? But Mr Dennett offers away out of this infinite regress. Instead of a little man, what if the brain was a hierarchicalsystem?   下面,就让我们以人类的心灵为例来介绍一下丹尼特的直觉泵理论。传统的观点认为,从本质上说,心灵是一个住在人类大脑里从事智力活动小人,或者侏儒。不过,在丹尼特看来这种观点是站不住脚的:既然如此,那么,住在这个侏儒的大脑中,从事智力活动的人又是谁呢?对此,丹内特提供了一种走出此类无限回归的方法。在他看来,如果大脑不是一个侏儒,而是一个分级系统,情况会如何呢?   This pump, which Mr Dennett calls a cascade of homunculi, was inspired by the field ofartificial intelligence. An AI programmer begins by taking a problem a computer is meantto solve and breaking it down into smaller tasks, to be dealt with by particular subsystems.These, in turn, are composed of sub-subsystems, and so on. Crucially, at each level down inthe cascade the virtual homunculi become a bit less clever, to a point where all it needs to dois, say, pick the larger of two numbers. Such homuncular functionalism replaces the infiniteregress with a finite one that terminates at tasks so dull and simple that they can be doneby machines.   丹内特把这种泵称之为级联侏儒,其灵感自于人工智能领域。在人工智能领域,当一名程序员接受了一项准备交给计算机去解决的任务时,他首先会把这项任务分解为一些更小的任务,然后再把这些更小的任务交给一些特定的子系统去解决,而这些子系统又是由更小的子子系统组成的,以此类推。这一过程的关键在于,在这个串联在一起的每一个较低层次的子系统中,那个虚拟侏儒会渐渐地变得不再那么聪明,直至到达这样一个点为止。在这个点上,需要那个侏儒来做的全部事情就是在两个数字中选出较大的那一个。这样,这种侏儒技能主义就用有限回归代替了原来的无限回归,而这种有限回归能够在任务变得非常单调又非常简单以至于只需机器就可以完成的时候自动停止。   Of course the AI system is designed from the top down, by an intelligent designer, toperform a specific task. But there is no reason why something similar couldn t be built upfrom the bottom. Start with nerve cells. They are certainly not conscious, at least in anyinteresting sense, and so invulnerable to further regress. Yet like the mindless single-cellorganisms from which they have evolved, each is able to secure the energy and rawmaterials it needs to survive in the competitive environment of the brain. The nerve cellsthat thrive do so because they network more effectively, contribute to more influentialtrends at the [higher] levels where large-scale human purposes and urges are discernible.   人工智能系统当然是由一位有智慧的设计师,为了完成某项特殊的任务,按照由上至下的原则设计出来的。既然如此,那么就没有理由不能按照从下至上的原则建造一个同样的系统。以神经细胞为例,这些细胞当然是没有意识的,他们几乎没有任何有趣的感觉,它们非常脆弱,再也经不起进一步的回归。然而,就像它们从中进化而来的、没有思维能力的单细胞器官一样,这些神经细胞中的每一个都具备获取所需的能量和原料的能力,这种能力确保它们能在互相竞争的大脑环境中生存下去。那些茁壮成长的神经细胞之所以这样做,是因为他们串联在一起时的工作效率更高,对[更高]层次那些更有影响力的趋势做出了贡献,而这些更高的层次可以辨识大量的人类意识。   From this viewpoint, then, the human mind is not entirely unlike Deep Blue, the IBMcomputer that famously won a game of chess against Garry Kasparov, the world champion.The precise architecture of Mr Kasparov s brain certainly differs from Deep Blue s. But it isstill a massively parallel search engine that has built up, over time, an outstanding arrayof heuristic pruning techniques that keep it from wasting time on unlikely branches.   由此来看,心灵并不是完全不同于深蓝的东西。深蓝是由IBM公司设计建造的一台计算机,它因在一场比赛中战胜了国际象棋世界冠军加里卡斯帕罗夫而名噪一时。卡斯帕罗夫大脑的精确架构肯定有别于深蓝。不过,即便如此,深蓝的大脑仍旧是人类到目前为止按照启发式剪枝技术阵列而建造的一台能够进行大规模并行运算的搜索引擎,启发式剪枝技术阵列是一种先进的技术,它能够让搜索引擎不把时间浪费在不可能的选择之上。   Those who insist Deep Blue and Mr Kasparov s mind must surely be substantially different willbalk at this. They may well be right. But the burden of proof, Mr Dennett argues, is on them,for they are in effect claiming that the human mind is made up of wonder tissue withmiraculous, mind-moulding properties that are, even in principle, beyond the reach ofsciencean old-fashioned homunculus in all but name.   读到此处,那些坚持深蓝与卡斯帕罗夫的心灵一定是由不同物质构成的人定会咆哮不已。他们也许是对的。但是,丹内特指出,如果如此的话,那么证明这一理论的重担就落在了这些人的身上。这是因为,他们的观点实际上是在宣称,人类心灵是由具有不可思议的、能够影响心灵的性能的非同一般的组织所组成的。但是,从理论上来说,这些组织已经超出了科学的认知范畴实际上,它们不过是一种已经过时的侏儒而已。   Mr Dennett s book is not a definitive solution to such mind-benders; it is philosophy inaction. Like all good philosophy, it works by getting the reader to examine deeply held butunspoken beliefs about some of our most fundamental concerns, like personal autonomy.It is not an easy read: expect to pore over some passages more than once. But given theintellectual gratification Mr Dennett s clear, witty and mercifully jargon-free proseaffords, that is a feature, not a bug.   丹内特的书并不是对此类让头脑发晕的问题的终极答案。相反,他的书是对此类问题的终极思考。这就如同那些有意义的终极思考一样,该书通过让读者对那些深藏于我们内心却又无法言说的信念进行检讨,从而达到自己的目的。这不是一本容易读懂的书。因此,我们希望读者在阅读某些篇章时多读几遍。不过,考虑到丹内特那种明晰、诙谐以及充分为读者考虑而不使用术语的文风所带来的智力上的满足,多读几遍才能读懂正是本书的一大特色,而不是一个瑕疵。   词语解释   1.think about 考虑;捉摸   It has the ability to truly disrupt the way we thinkabout products.   3D打印将完全颠覆我们考虑产品的方式。   I don t think about it much.   我不想过多地考虑这些。   2.distill into 提取到   Distill what you want to say into three key points.   蒸馏您所想说的话到三个关键点。   As I have prayed and meditated over the last several weeks on what I should say tonight, Ihave come to distill it into one sentence.   最近几个礼拜以来,我一直在祷告和默想我今晚该讲些什么,最终我将要讲的内容概括为一句话。   3.break down 失败;损坏   Next, let s break down the revenue streams at staples:   下面,让我们把史泰博的收益流进行一下简单的划分:   If they are devalued in a default then the entire collateral system would break down.   但如果政府违约造成国债贬值,整个抵押体系就可能失灵。   4.design from 设计   But have you ever thought about design from the point of promotion?   但是你有更进一步地品味过设计吗?   Study modern earth folk dwelling design from entirety angle.   从整体观角度研究现代土楼民居设计。


  2023复习正是强化复习阶段,在考研英语中占了40分,所以考研英语阅读是英语科目中重要的一项。名师老师曾建议过考研生需要坚持每天泛读10-15分钟的英文原刊。强烈推荐了杂志《经济学人》.杂志中的文章也是考研英语的主要材料来源.希望考研考生认真阅读,快速提高考研英语阅读水平。   Contemporary philosophy   当代哲学   Pump-primer   直觉泵入门   Tools for pondering imponderables   用来思考难以解释的事物的工具   Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking.ByDaniel Dennett.   《思考的工具:直觉泵及其他》   THINKING is hard, concedes Daniel Dennett. Thinking about some problems is so hard thatit can make your head ache just thinking about thinking about them. Mr Dennett shouldknow. A professor of philosophy at Tufts University, he has spent half a century ponderingsome of the knottiest problems around: the nature of meaning, the substance of minds andwhether free will is possible. His latest book, Intuition Pumps and Other Tools for Thinking,is a precis of those 50 years, distilled into 77 readable and mostly bite-sized chapters.   丹尼尔丹尼特承认:思考是困难的。思考某些问题之难,几乎到了只要一想到要思考这些问题就会头疼的地步。对此,丹尼特深有体会。作为塔夫斯大学的一名哲学教授,在过去半个世纪里,他一直在试图解开我们身边那些最难以解决的问题:语言含义的本质,人类心灵是由什么组成的以及自由意志是否可能等。日前,他把自己50年来的思考浓缩为77篇既有可读性又短小精悍的文章,汇集成册后取名为《思考的工具:直觉泵及其他》   Intuition pumps are what Mr Dennett calls thought experiments that aim to get at the nubof concepts. He has devised plenty himself over the years, and shares some of them. But theaim of this book is not merely to show how the pumps work, but to deploy them to helpreaders think through some of the most profound conundrums.   直觉泵是丹尼特用来称呼思想实验的一个词语。所谓思想实验就是一种意在探究概念核心内容的实验。在书中,他同读者一起分享了这些年来为自己所设计的许多此类实验。但是,他写作本书的目的不仅仅是要展示直觉泵的工作流程,更重要的是通过使用直觉泵,帮助读者去思考那些最深奥的难题。   As an example, take the human mind. The time-honoured idea that the mind is essentially alittle man, or homunculus, who sits in the brain doing clever things soon becomesproblematic: who does all the clever things in the little man s brain? But Mr Dennett offers away out of this infinite regress. Instead of a little man, what if the brain was a hierarchicalsystem?   下面,就让我们以人类的心灵为例来介绍一下丹尼特的直觉泵理论。传统的观点认为,从本质上说,心灵是一个住在人类大脑里从事智力活动小人,或者侏儒。不过,在丹尼特看来这种观点是站不住脚的:既然如此,那么,住在这个侏儒的大脑中,从事智力活动的人又是谁呢?对此,丹内特提供了一种走出此类无限回归的方法。在他看来,如果大脑不是一个侏儒,而是一个分级系统,情况会如何呢?   This pump, which Mr Dennett calls a cascade of homunculi, was inspired by the field ofartificial intelligence. An AI programmer begins by taking a problem a computer is meantto solve and breaking it down into smaller tasks, to be dealt with by particular subsystems.These, in turn, are composed of sub-subsystems, and so on. Crucially, at each level down inthe cascade the virtual homunculi become a bit less clever, to a point where all it needs to dois, say, pick the larger of two numbers. Such homuncular functionalism replaces the infiniteregress with a finite one that terminates at tasks so dull and simple that they can be doneby machines.   丹内特把这种泵称之为级联侏儒,其灵感自于人工智能领域。在人工智能领域,当一名程序员接受了一项准备交给计算机去解决的任务时,他首先会把这项任务分解为一些更小的任务,然后再把这些更小的任务交给一些特定的子系统去解决,而这些子系统又是由更小的子子系统组成的,以此类推。这一过程的关键在于,在这个串联在一起的每一个较低层次的子系统中,那个虚拟侏儒会渐渐地变得不再那么聪明,直至到达这样一个点为止。在这个点上,需要那个侏儒来做的全部事情就是在两个数字中选出较大的那一个。这样,这种侏儒技能主义就用有限回归代替了原来的无限回归,而这种有限回归能够在任务变得非常单调又非常简单以至于只需机器就可以完成的时候自动停止。   Of course the AI system is designed from the top down, by an intelligent designer, toperform a specific task. But there is no reason why something similar couldn t be built upfrom the bottom. Start with nerve cells. They are certainly not conscious, at least in anyinteresting sense, and so invulnerable to further regress. Yet like the mindless single-cellorganisms from which they have evolved, each is able to secure the energy and rawmaterials it needs to survive in the competitive environment of the brain. The nerve cellsthat thrive do so because they network more effectively, contribute to more influentialtrends at the [higher] levels where large-scale human purposes and urges are discernible.   人工智能系统当然是由一位有智慧的设计师,为了完成某项特殊的任务,按照由上至下的原则设计出来的。既然如此,那么就没有理由不能按照从下至上的原则建造一个同样的系统。以神经细胞为例,这些细胞当然是没有意识的,他们几乎没有任何有趣的感觉,它们非常脆弱,再也经不起进一步的回归。然而,就像它们从中进化而来的、没有思维能力的单细胞器官一样,这些神经细胞中的每一个都具备获取所需的能量和原料的能力,这种能力确保它们能在互相竞争的大脑环境中生存下去。那些茁壮成长的神经细胞之所以这样做,是因为他们串联在一起时的工作效率更高,对[更高]层次那些更有影响力的趋势做出了贡献,而这些更高的层次可以辨识大量的人类意识。   From this viewpoint, then, the human mind is not entirely unlike Deep Blue, the IBMcomputer that famously won a game of chess against Garry Kasparov, the world champion.The precise architecture of Mr Kasparov s brain certainly differs from Deep Blue s. But it isstill a massively parallel search engine that has built up, over time, an outstanding arrayof heuristic pruning techniques that keep it from wasting time on unlikely branches.   由此来看,心灵并不是完全不同于深蓝的东西。深蓝是由IBM公司设计建造的一台计算机,它因在一场比赛中战胜了国际象棋世界冠军加里卡斯帕罗夫而名噪一时。卡斯帕罗夫大脑的精确架构肯定有别于深蓝。不过,即便如此,深蓝的大脑仍旧是人类到目前为止按照启发式剪枝技术阵列而建造的一台能够进行大规模并行运算的搜索引擎,启发式剪枝技术阵列是一种先进的技术,它能够让搜索引擎不把时间浪费在不可能的选择之上。   Those who insist Deep Blue and Mr Kasparov s mind must surely be substantially different willbalk at this. They may well be right. But the burden of proof, Mr Dennett argues, is on them,for they are in effect claiming that the human mind is made up of wonder tissue withmiraculous, mind-moulding properties that are, even in principle, beyond the reach ofsciencean old-fashioned homunculus in all but name.   读到此处,那些坚持深蓝与卡斯帕罗夫的心灵一定是由不同物质构成的人定会咆哮不已。他们也许是对的。但是,丹内特指出,如果如此的话,那么证明这一理论的重担就落在了这些人的身上。这是因为,他们的观点实际上是在宣称,人类心灵是由具有不可思议的、能够影响心灵的性能的非同一般的组织所组成的。但是,从理论上来说,这些组织已经超出了科学的认知范畴实际上,它们不过是一种已经过时的侏儒而已。   Mr Dennett s book is not a definitive solution to such mind-benders; it is philosophy inaction. Like all good philosophy, it works by getting the reader to examine deeply held butunspoken beliefs about some of our most fundamental concerns, like personal autonomy.It is not an easy read: expect to pore over some passages more than once. But given theintellectual gratification Mr Dennett s clear, witty and mercifully jargon-free proseaffords, that is a feature, not a bug.   丹内特的书并不是对此类让头脑发晕的问题的终极答案。相反,他的书是对此类问题的终极思考。这就如同那些有意义的终极思考一样,该书通过让读者对那些深藏于我们内心却又无法言说的信念进行检讨,从而达到自己的目的。这不是一本容易读懂的书。因此,我们希望读者在阅读某些篇章时多读几遍。不过,考虑到丹内特那种明晰、诙谐以及充分为读者考虑而不使用术语的文风所带来的智力上的满足,多读几遍才能读懂正是本书的一大特色,而不是一个瑕疵。   词语解释   1.think about 考虑;捉摸   It has the ability to truly disrupt the way we thinkabout products.   3D打印将完全颠覆我们考虑产品的方式。   I don t think about it much.   我不想过多地考虑这些。   2.distill into 提取到   Distill what you want to say into three key points.   蒸馏您所想说的话到三个关键点。   As I have prayed and meditated over the last several weeks on what I should say tonight, Ihave come to distill it into one sentence.   最近几个礼拜以来,我一直在祷告和默想我今晚该讲些什么,最终我将要讲的内容概括为一句话。   3.break down 失败;损坏   Next, let s break down the revenue streams at staples:   下面,让我们把史泰博的收益流进行一下简单的划分:   If they are devalued in a default then the entire collateral system would break down.   但如果政府违约造成国债贬值,整个抵押体系就可能失灵。   4.design from 设计   But have you ever thought about design from the point of promotion?   但是你有更进一步地品味过设计吗?   Study modern earth folk dwelling design from entirety angle.   从整体观角度研究现代土楼民居设计。


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