2024届高考英语一轮复习基础提升晨练:Module 4《Great Scientists》(外研版必修4)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习基础提升晨练:Module 4《Great Scientists》(外研版必修4)

  Module 4 Great Scientists 外研版必修4 Ⅰ.单词速记 A.识记单词 1.________(n.) 人物 2.________(vt.) 出版 3.________(vt.) 支持 4.________ (vt.) 取代;以……代替 5.________ (n.) 数量 6.________ (n.) 质量 7.________(vt.) 诊断 8.________ (vi.) 逃跑;逃避 9.________ (adj.) 直的 10.________ (vi.) (烟雾)消散 B.联想串记 11.________ (n.)生产者→________ (vt.)生产→________ (n.)产量 12.________ (adj.)主要的→________ (vt.)领导;引导→________ (n.)领导;领袖 13.________ (vt.)教育→________ (n.)教育→________ (n.)教育家;教育工作者 14.________ (adj.)原来的;最初的→________ (n.)起源 15.________ (vt.)出口→________ (vt.)(反义词)进口 16.________ (adj.)简短的;简洁的→________ (adv.)简短地;简洁地 17.________ (adj.)身体的;物理学的→________ (adv.)身体上 18.________ (vi.)毕业;(n.)毕业生→________ (n.)毕业答案:1.figure 2.publish 3.support 4.replace 5.quantity 6.quality 7.diagnose 8.escape 9.straight 10.clear 11.producer;produce;production 12.leading;lead;leader 13.educate;education;educator 14.original;origin 15.export;import 16.brief;briefly 17.physical;physically 18.graduate;graduation .短语速记 1.________________ 培养;养育 2.________________ 做某事的关键 3.________________ 对……进行实验 4.________________ 引进 5.________________ 由于……的结果 6.________________ 实施;履行 7.________________ 因……而出名/闻名 8.________________ 被诊断患有……疾病 9.________________ 谋生 10.________________ 掌权答案:1.bring up 2.the key to doing sth. 3.experiment with 4.bring in 5.as a result of 6.carry out 7.be known for 8.be diagnosed with 9.earn one's living 10.come to power .典句忆析 1.The tubes were attached to a long stick which helped ______________ in a straight direction. 这些管子被绑在一根长木棍上,这根木棍能使火箭直线前进。 [解析] 本句中的keep the rocket moving属于“keep+宾语+宾补”结构。其中the rocket是宾语,现在分词moving是宾补,宾语与宾补之间是主动关系。 [仿写] 由于缺少资金,我发现很难使公司正常运行。 Short of financial support, I found it hard ______________. 2.But ____________ wanted to use rockets in battles. 但并不是每个人都想在战争中使用火箭。 [解析] not everybody“并不是每个人”,表示部分否定。 [仿写] 并非每个人都出席了这次会议。 ____________ was present at the meeting. 3.Or was he carried miles into space, ________________?或者他被带到了太空中数英里的地方,成为了世界上第一个宇航员? [解析] 本句中的becoming the world's first astronaut是现在分词短语作结果状语。现在分词作结果状语常表示一种自然结果或意料之中的结果。 [仿写] 她的父母去世了,给她留下了很多债务。 Her parents died, ________________. 答案:1.keep the rocket moving;to keep the company going smoothly 2.not everybody;Not everybody 3.becoming the world's first astronaut;leaving her a lot of debts .课文回顾 Yuan Longping was born and __(1)__ up in China. As a boy he was __(2)__ in many schools and was given the __(3)__, “the student who asks questions”. He studies __(4)__ in college and as a young teacher he began experiments in crop __(5)__. The results of his experiments were __(6)__ in China in 1966. As a result of his discoveries, Chinese rice __(7)__ rose greatly. Yuan Longping's rice was __(8)__ to other countries. The new hybrid rice, whose __(9)__ is much greater than that of other types of rice, has been __(10)__ by the Yuan Longping High­tech Agricultural Company of China. 答案:(1)brought (2)educated (3)nickname (4)agriculture (5)breeding (6)published (7)production (8)exported (9)yield (10)developed