Sudan’s pyramids twice as many as Egypt 苏丹的金字塔数量为埃及的两倍

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Sudan’s pyramids twice as many as Egypt 苏丹的金字塔数量为埃及的两倍

Sudan’s pyramids twice as many as Egypt 苏丹的金字塔数量为埃及的两倍

本集内容 Sudan’s pyramids twice as many as Egypt 苏丹的金字塔数量为埃及的两倍

学习要点 有关“ancient history 古代史”的词汇

边看边答 Why were the tops of the pyramids blown off in the 1830’s?

A hidden and largely unknown history is re-emerging. These Nubian pyramids in modern-day Sudan were built around the fourth century BC.

They're much smaller than the Egyptian ones, but Sudan boasts nearly double the number.

This was one of the main cities in the Kingdom of Kush and the pyramids served as tombs for kings and queens. Today, the site is largely deserted.

But a new generation is helping to recover this history. And they are making it their own.

Mohamed Elmur, tour guide

I was surprised to see all of these things that literally nobody visited, that no one is taking care of them. This is an ancient history for our families. And the stories that I've heard from my family about this place - the stories of how these places were led by women, about how these places were great civilisations back in time. And I wanted to know more, how to take care of it, how to make the world know more about it.

Mohammed made it his mission to get the Sudanese youth interested in their country's history. He set up a camp, and began offering free tours on social media, hoping it would help preserve Sudan's ancient wonders.

Mohamed Elmur, tour guide

“This is the pyramid that was blown up by dynamite.”

In the 1830s, an Italian treasure hunter came here in search of the jewels buried in the pyramids. He blew off the tops…destroying the centuries-old heritage.

But there's still a lot to see. And young Sudanese are making the journey and braving the desert.

“You as a Sudanese, you need to know your history, your culture, you to be proud about it. You have to tell other people about your history - about how big is it. So you have to see it with your own eyes before you tell it to other people.”

The pyramids remain largely unguarded, even though this is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

There's a rich history here to protect… and perhaps even more to discover.





穆罕默德·艾木尔 导游



穆罕默德·艾木尔 导游







词汇 tombs




ancient wonders




centuries-old heritage


你知道吗? The great pyramid of Giza held the title of world’s tallest man-made structure for 3871 years. It is the last surviving wonder of the ‘seven wonders of the ancient world’. 


问题答案 In the 1830’s an Italian treasure hunter blew the tops off the pyramids in order to search for the jewels buried inside.

Sudan’s pyramids twice as many as Egypt 苏丹的金字塔数量为埃及的两倍

本集内容 Sudan’s pyramids twice as many as Egypt 苏丹的金字塔数量为埃及的两倍

学习要点 有关“ancient history 古代史”的词汇

边看边答 Why were the tops of the pyramids blown off in the 1830’s?

A hidden and largely unknown history is re-emerging. These Nubian pyramids in modern-day Sudan were built around the fourth century BC.

They're much smaller than the Egyptian ones, but Sudan boasts nearly double the number.

This was one of the main cities in the Kingdom of Kush and the pyramids served as tombs for kings and queens. Today, the site is largely deserted.

But a new generation is helping to recover this history. And they are making it their own.

Mohamed Elmur, tour guide

I was surprised to see all of these things that literally nobody visited, that no one is taking care of them. This is an ancient history for our families. And the stories that I've heard from my family about this place - the stories of how these places were led by women, about how these places were great civilisations">civilisations back in time. And I wanted to know more, how to take care of it, how to make the world know more about it.

Mohammed made it his mission to get the Sudanese youth interested in their country's history. He set up a camp, and began offering free tours on social media, hoping it would help preserve Sudan's ancient wonders.

Mohamed Elmur, tour guide

“This is the pyramid that was blown up by dynamite.”

In the 1830s, an Italian treasure">treasure hunter came here in search of the jewels buried in the pyramids. He blew off the tops…destroying the centuries-old heritage.

But there's still a lot to see. And young Sudanese are making the journey and braving the desert.

“You as a Sudanese, you need to know your history, your culture, you to be proud about it. You have to tell other people about your history - about how big is it. So you have to see it with your own eyes before you tell it to other people.”

The pyramids remain largely unguarded, even though this is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

There's a rich history here to protect… and perhaps even more to discover.





穆罕默德·艾木尔 导游



穆罕默德·艾木尔 导游







词汇 tombs




ancient wonders




centuries-old heritage


你知道吗? The great pyramid of Giza held the title of world’s tallest man-made structure for 3871 years. It is the last surviving wonder of the ‘seven wonders of the ancient world’. 


问题答案 In the 1830’s an Italian treasure hunter blew the tops off the pyramids in order to search for the jewels buried inside.

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