2024届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修3 Module 6《Old and New》(外研版)

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2024届高考英语一轮复习课件:必修3 Module 6《Old and New》(外研版)

  [归纳拓展] (1)a narrow escape 九死一生 narrow victory/defeat 险胜/勉强击败 (2)narrow down 缩小……的范围 narrow...to... 把……局限在……之间 (3)narrowly adv.勉强地;差一点儿;狭隘地 ①Li Na won a narrow victory over her rival in the tennis competition.李娜在网球赛中险胜了她的对手。 ②The boy playing in the street narrowly missed being knocked down by a speeding car. 在街上玩耍的男孩差点被高速行驶的汽车撞倒。 [归纳拓展] hold on (打电话时用语)请等一下,不要挂断 hold up举起;支持住;使停顿;耽误;抢劫 hold on to 抓住; 保持; 不要放弃 hold one's breath 屏息 hold out 伸出 catch/get/grab/seize/take hold of 抓住, 拿住,握住 They managed to hold up until help arrived. 他们设法坚持到了救援来到。 [归纳拓展] make sense of 了解……的意义;懂得 in a sense 在某一方面;就某种意义来讲 in no sense 决不 There is no sense in doing sth.做某事没意义。 ①What you say is true in a sense. 你所说的在某种意义上是对的。 ②There is no sense in worrying about the past. 为过去的事情担忧是毫无意义的。 [辨析→明晰异同] make sense 意为“有意义;有道理;讲得通”;以物作主语,不可用于被动语态。 make sense of “弄懂,理解”;以人作主语,可以用于被动语态。 [归纳拓展] (1)bring/put an end to sth.=bring/put sth. to an end结束;终止 come to an end结束,完结 make ends meet使收支相抵 carry...through to the end将……进行到底 (2)from beginning to end从头到尾 end to end首尾相连地 in the end最后,最终 on end连续地;竖着 ①The meeting came to an end at last.会议终于结束了。 ②It has been raining for days on end.一连好几天连续下雨。 ②Making this plane model cost me much time. (句型转换) =It ______________________ this plane model. =I ______________________ this plane model. 做这个飞机模型花了我很长时间。 答案:①It took a long time for the wounds to heal. ②took me much time to make spent much time(in) making [归纳拓展] It takes sb. some time to do sth.,意为“某人花费时间做某事”,it在句中为形式主语,后面的不定式短语to do sth.是句子的真正主语。此外take还表“需要”之意。 ①Believe it or not,it takes great courage to tell the truth. 信不信由你,说实话需要很大的勇气。 ②Even in advanced agricultural societies, it took about ninety­five people on farms to feed five people in cities. 即使在发达的农业社会中,也需要大约95个农民来养活城里的5个人。 基础知识巩固 6.It's ________(freeze) in this house. Can't I turn on the heating? 7.It's difficult to travel through the town on a ________(fog) morning. 8.He likes visiting ________(history) sites in China, such as the Great Wall. 答案:1.accommodation 2.global 3.construction 4.narrowly 5.removal 6.freezing 7.foggy 8.historical 4.What he explained ______________ to me. 他所解释的一切对我来说都是无意义的。 5.______________________finish the task on time. 他可能会按时完成这项任务。 6.Who ________________ will win the first place? 你认为谁会赢得第一名? 7.____________________ complete the work. 他花了一生的时间来完成这部作品。 答案:1.dreamed of 2.Now that 3.came true 4.makes no sense 5.It is possible for him to 6.do you think 7.It took him all his life to 答案:①It took her two hours to clean the house. ②She spent two hours (in) cleaning the house.  ③Cleaning the house cost her two hours. (Ⅱ)句型转换 1.Tom is likely to go to Beijing for his summer vacation. →It is ________ ________ ________ ________ ________to Beijing for his summer vacation. 2.I think Tom is fit for the position. →Who ________ ________ ________ is fit for the position? 答案:1.likely that Tom is going 2.do you think Ⅳ.话题写作 根据提示,利用本模块所学知识,完成下面的小作文。 1.在寒冷的一天,市政府就是否把追溯到1 000年前的古庙移走,在那儿建个公园展开讨论。(freezing;date back to;remove) 2.一些人认为这样做有道理,因为他们认为只有将古庙移走建个公园,改善生活的梦想才能变为现实。(make sense;dream of; come true) 3.而另一些人试图阻止,因为他们认为这座古庙值得保护,而且把如此庞大的历史建筑移走是荒唐的。(hold back; enormous; historic construction;ridiculous) 4.最后,他们不得不终止了讨论。(bring an end to) ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 答案: On a freezing cold day, the city government held a discussion on whether to remove the old temple dating back to 1,000 years ago and build a park there. Some people thought it made sense to do so because they thought only in this way could their dream of improving life come true, while others tried to hold it back because they thought this old temple deserved protecting. What's more, removing the enormous historic construction was ridiculous. At last, they had to bring an end to the discussion. 路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索 走向高考 · 英语 外研版 · 高考总复习 Module 6 Old and New

  必修三 第一部分 基础知识聚焦 考点探究演练 2 基础知识巩固 3 基础知识晨记 1 基础知识晨记 Ⅰ.单词速记 核心必记 1.________(vi.) 始于(某一历史时期) 2.________(vt.) 迁移;搬迁 3.____________(vt.)容纳(乘客等)→______________(n.)住处;住宿;膳食;供应 4.___________(n.)建造;建设;建筑→________(vt.)建造,建设 date remove accommodate accommodation construction construct 5.________(vt.)发(电)→__________(n.)产生;一代(人) 6.________(adj.)狭窄的(v.)变窄→________(adv.)狭窄地;勉强地 7.________(adj.)冷冰冰的;极冷的→________(vt.)冷冻→________(adj.)结冰的;冻结的 generate generation narrow narrowly freezing freeze frozen 高频必知 8.________(adj.) 荒唐的;可笑的 9.________(adj.) 巨大的;庞大的 10.________(vi.) (飞机)失事;坠毁 11.________(adj.)历史的;有关历史的→________(adj.)有历史意义的→________(n.)历史 12.________(n.)诗;诗歌→________(n.)诗人 13.________(adj.)全球的→________(n.)地球;地球仪 14.________(adj.)有浓雾的→________(n.)雾 ridiculous enormous crash historical historic history poem poet global globe foggy fog [情景活用] 用所给词的适当形式填空 ①The bridge is under ________. That means it is being ________.(construction) ②I like these ________ but I don't know which ________ wrote them.(poem) ③I have visited the Xiangguo Temple ________ from the Song Dynasty.(date) ④On a ________ cold morning, the little match girl was found ________ to death in the corner.(freeze) 答案:①construction;constructed ②poems;poet ③dating ④freezing;frozen Ⅱ.短语互译 1.起源于 ____________________ 2.阻止____________________ 3.(梦想等)变成现实____________________ 4.有意义;有道理____________________ 5.of great importance____________________ 6.dream of____________________ 7.now that____________________ 8.bring an end to____________________ date from hold back come true make sense 很重要 梦想 既然 结束;终止 [情景活用] 根据语境用以上短语填空 ①Knowing his daughter's success, he couldn't ______________ tears of joy. ②The building, ______________ the 13th century, is being rebuilt now. ③Only after I read the poem a second time did I ______________ of it. 答案:①hold back ②dating from ③make sense Ⅲ.典句析练 1.________ took six years ________ and cost US $20 billion. 香港国际机场花费了6年的时间才建成,耗资200亿美元。 [解析] it为形式主语,后面的不定式短语to do sth.为真正的主语。 [仿写] 走到火车站用了(我)十分钟。 It ________________ ten minutes to walk to the railway station. 2.________________________ the relics now that they have been submerged? 既然这些遗迹都已被淹没, 还有可能再看到他们吗? [解析] Is it possible to do...?“做……有可能吗?” [仿写] 现在乘坐宇宙飞船到月球是有可能的了。 Now ________________ fly to the moon in a spaceship. 3.Why ________________ there are so many tall buildings in the world now? 你认为为什么现在世界上有这么多的高层建筑? [解析] do you think/believe/know/suggest...在句中可作插入语。 [仿写] 你知道谁获得了今年的贝诺尔文学奖吗? Who ________________ has won the Nobel Prize for literature this year? 答案:1.It;to build;took me 2.Is it possible to see;it is possible to 3.do you think;do you know Ⅳ.单元语法 非限性定语从句 语法填空 1.The new computer, ________ he loves a lot, breaks down frequently. 答案:which 空处引导非限制性定语从句,并且在从句中作loves的宾语,因此用which。 2.The air quality in our city, ________ is shown in the chart, has declined over the last three months. 答案:as 句意:就像图表中显示的那样,我们城市的空气质量在过去的三个月中有所下降。空处引导非限制性定语从句,指代主句的内容,且从句位于主语与谓语之间,应用as引导。 3.The world­famous director, three of ________ movies won Oscar Awards, is reported to have retired. 答案:whose 空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词world­famous director,而且根据句意,后面应该表示的是“他的三部电影”,因此用关系代词whose作定语。 4.The children, all of________ had played the whole day long, were worn out. 答案:whom 先行词为children,指人,且此处为非限制性定语从句,故用whom。句意:这些玩了一天的孩子们累坏了。 5.Her son was accused of cheating by the police, ________ made it difficult for her to go to sleep. 答案:which 考查定语从句。句意:她的儿子被警察指控犯了诈骗罪,这使她睡不着觉。此处which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整句话内容。 考点探究演练 ②This temple has a long history ________ ________ the early period of the Tang Dynasty. 这座寺庙历史悠久,可以追溯到初唐时期。 ③Don't forget to ________ ________ ________. 不要忘记在支票上注明日期。 答案:①dates back to ②dating from ③date your cheque [归纳拓展] date back to/from 始于;追溯到…… up to date 现代的;最新式的 out of date 过期的;过时的;不再流行的 to date= up to now 迄今为止;到目前为止 have a date with sb. 与某人约会 set/fix a date for... 确定……的日期 But in 2004,together with some climbers, I set a date for a cleanup. 但在2004年,我和一些登山者一起确定了一天为清理日。 提示:(1)date back to/from常指以现在的时间点为起点,向前追溯到过去某个时间,因此在句中作谓语时要用一般现在时态,没有进行时和被动语态形式。 (2)当date back to/from用作定语时,要用现在分词作定语。 [高考寻踪] (2024·广东阅读A)And he saw a date of 1973 on the back of the box. 在盒子的背面上他看到了一个1973年的日期。 ③Before the examination, the school organized some relaxed activities to ______ fears, anxiety etc. ________ students' mind. 考试前学校组织了一些轻松的活动来消除学生心理的害怕、焦虑等。 ④She ________ her jacket and hung it over the chair. 她脱掉她的夹克,把它挂在椅子上。 答案:①removed;from ②was removed from ③remove;from ④removed

  [归纳拓展] remove...from... 把……从……移开 remove from... to... 从……搬到…… be removed from school 被开除;被勒令退学 As soon as the cake is done, remove it from the oven. 蛋糕做好之后,从烤箱中取出来。 [辨析→明晰异同] remove remove强调完全放弃原来的地方而到达新的位置,有时相当于take away/off。remove还有“开除、除去”的含义。 move move强调位置和姿态的改变。表示“迁居”时,两者均可用。 [高考寻踪] (2024·全国Ⅱ阅读A) Sometimes this technique would not work, and I had to pick up the set and shake it to remove the sound. 有时候这种方法不管用,我不得不搬起电视机并且摇晃它来去除这种声音。 [归纳拓展] (1)accommodate to 适应,适合 accommodate oneself to 使某人自己适应…… accommodate sth. to sth. 使……适合/迁就/迎合…… accommodate sb. with sth. 帮忙;给……提供方便 (2)accommodation n.住所;膳宿 make accommodations for 为……提供膳宿 ①Wherever he goes, he can accommodate himself to new circumstances. 无论走到哪里,他都能适应新环境。 ②This hospital can make accommodations for 600 patients. 这所医院能为600名患者提供床位。 [高考寻踪] (2024·浙江阅读第二节)If you're lucky enough to land such an accommodation, though, be sure you're 100 percent on time. 如果你能有幸找到这样的住宿,你肯定不会迟到。

  [归纳拓展] (1)a narrow escape 九死一生 narrow victory/defeat 险胜/勉强击败 (2)narrow down 缩小……的范围 narrow...to... 把……局限在……之间 (3)narrowly adv.勉强地;差一点儿;狭隘地 ①Li Na won a narrow victory over her rival in the tennis competition.李娜在网球赛中险胜了她的对手。 ②The boy playing in the street narrowly missed being knocked down by a speeding car. 在街上玩耍的男孩差点被高速行驶的汽车撞倒。 [归纳拓展] hold on (打电话时用语)请等一下,不要挂断 hold up举起;支持住;使停顿;耽误;抢劫 hold on to 抓住; 保持; 不要放弃 hold one's breath 屏息 hold out 伸出 catch/get/grab/seize/take hold of 抓住, 拿住,握住 They managed to hold up until help arrived. 他们设法坚持到了救援来到。 [归纳拓展] make sense of 了解……的意义;懂得 in a sense 在某一方面;就某种意义来讲 in no sense 决不 There is no sense in doing sth.做某事没意义。 ①What you say is true in a sense. 你所说的在某种意义上是对的。 ②There is no sense in worrying about the past. 为过去的事情担忧是毫无意义的。 [辨析→明晰异同] make sense 意为“有意义;有道理;讲得通”;以物作主语,不可用于被动语态。 make sense of “弄懂,理解”;以人作主语,可以用于被动语态。 [归纳拓展] (1)bring/put an end to sth.=bring/put sth. to an end结束;终止 come to an end结束,完结 make ends meet使收支相抵 carry...through to the end将……进行到底 (2)from beginning to end从头到尾 end to end首尾相连地 in the end最后,最终 on end连续地;竖着 ①The meeting came to an end at last.会议终于结束了。 ②It has been raining for days on end.一连好几天连续下雨。 ②Making this plane model cost me much time. (句型转换) =It ______________________ this plane model. =I ______________________ this plane model. 做这个飞机模型花了我很长时间。 答案:①It took a long time for the wounds to heal. ②took me much time to make spent much time(in) making [归纳拓展] It takes sb. some time to do sth.,意为“某人花费时间做某事”,it在句中为形式主语,后面的不定式短语to do sth.是句子的真正主语。此外take还表“需要”之意。 ①Believe it or not,it takes great courage to tell the truth. 信不信由你,说实话需要很大的勇气。 ②Even in advanced agricultural societies, it took about ninety­five people on farms to feed five people in cities. 即使在发达的农业社会中,也需要大约95个农民来养活城里的5个人。 基础知识巩固 6.It's ________(freeze) in this house. Can't I turn on the heating? 7.It's difficult to travel through the town on a ________(fog) morning. 8.He likes visiting ________(history) sites in China, such as the Great Wall. 答案:1.accommodation 2.global 3.construction 4.narrowly 5.removal 6.freezing 7.foggy 8.historical 4.What he explained ______________ to me. 他所解释的一切对我来说都是无意义的。 5.______________________finish the task on time. 他可能会按时完成这项任务。 6.Who ________________ will win the first place? 你认为谁会赢得第一名? 7.____________________ complete the work. 他花了一生的时间来完成这部作品。 答案:1.dreamed of 2.Now that 3.came true 4.makes no sense 5.It is possible for him to 6.do you think 7.It took him all his life to 答案:①It took her two hours to clean the house. ②She spent two hours (in) cleaning the house.  ③Cleaning the house cost her two hours. (Ⅱ)句型转换 1.Tom is likely to go to Beijing for his summer vacation. →It is ________ ________ ________ ________ ________to Beijing for his summer vacation. 2.I think Tom is fit for the position. →Who ________ ________ ________ is fit for the position? 答案:1.likely that Tom is going 2.do you think Ⅳ.话题写作 根据提示,利用本模块所学知识,完成下面的小作文。 1.在寒冷的一天,市政府就是否把追溯到1 000年前的古庙移走,在那儿建个公园展开讨论。(freezing;date back to;remove) 2.一些人认为这样做有道理,因为他们认为只有将古庙移走建个公园,改善生活的梦想才能变为现实。(make sense;dream of; come true) 3.而另一些人试图阻止,因为他们认为这座古庙值得保护,而且把如此庞大的历史建筑移走是荒唐的。(hold back; enormous; historic construction;ridiculous) 4.最后,他们不得不终止了讨论。(bring an end to) ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ 答案: On a freezing cold day, the city government held a discussion on whether to remove the old temple dating back to 1,000 years ago and build a park there. Some people thought it made sense to do so because they thought only in this way could their dream of improving life come true, while others tried to hold it back because they thought this old temple deserved protecting. What's more, removing the enormous historic construction was ridiculous. At last, they had to bring an end to the discussion. 路漫漫其修远兮 吾将上下而求索 走向高考 · 英语 外研版 · 高考总复习 Module 6 Old and New

  必修三 第一部分 基础知识聚焦 考点探究演练 2 基础知识巩固 3 基础知识晨记 1 基础知识晨记 Ⅰ.单词速记 核心必记 1.________(vi.) 始于(某一历史时期) 2.________(vt.) 迁移;搬迁 3.____________(vt.)容纳(乘客等)→______________(n.)住处;住宿;膳食;供应 4.___________(n.)建造;建设;建筑→________(vt.)建造,建设 date remove accommodate accommodation construction construct 5.________(vt.)发(电)→__________(n.)产生;一代(人) 6.________(adj.)狭窄的(v.)变窄→________(adv.)狭窄地;勉强地 7.________(adj.)冷冰冰的;极冷的→________(vt.)冷冻→________(adj.)结冰的;冻结的 generate generation narrow narrowly freezing freeze frozen 高频必知 8.________(adj.) 荒唐的;可笑的 9.________(adj.) 巨大的;庞大的 10.________(vi.) (飞机)失事;坠毁 11.________(adj.)历史的;有关历史的→________(adj.)有历史意义的→________(n.)历史 12.________(n.)诗;诗歌→________(n.)诗人 13.________(adj.)全球的→________(n.)地球;地球仪 14.________(adj.)有浓雾的→________(n.)雾 ridiculous enormous crash historical historic history poem poet global globe foggy fog [情景活用] 用所给词的适当形式填空 ①The bridge is under ________. That means it is being ________.(construction) ②I like these ________ but I don't know which ________ wrote them.(poem) ③I have visited the Xiangguo Temple ________ from the Song Dynasty.(date) ④On a ________ cold morning, the little match girl was found ________ to death in the corner.(freeze) 答案:①construction;constructed ②poems;poet ③dating ④freezing;frozen Ⅱ.短语互译 1.起源于 ____________________ 2.阻止____________________ 3.(梦想等)变成现实____________________ 4.有意义;有道理____________________ 5.of great importance____________________ 6.dream of____________________ 7.now that____________________ 8.bring an end to____________________ date from hold back come true make sense 很重要 梦想 既然 结束;终止 [情景活用] 根据语境用以上短语填空 ①Knowing his daughter's success, he couldn't ______________ tears of joy. ②The building, ______________ the 13th century, is being rebuilt now. ③Only after I read the poem a second time did I ______________ of it. 答案:①hold back ②dating from ③make sense Ⅲ.典句析练 1.________ took six years ________ and cost US $20 billion. 香港国际机场花费了6年的时间才建成,耗资200亿美元。 [解析] it为形式主语,后面的不定式短语to do sth.为真正的主语。 [仿写] 走到火车站用了(我)十分钟。 It ________________ ten minutes to walk to the railway station. 2.________________________ the relics now that they have been submerged? 既然这些遗迹都已被淹没, 还有可能再看到他们吗? [解析] Is it possible to do...?“做……有可能吗?” [仿写] 现在乘坐宇宙飞船到月球是有可能的了。 Now ________________ fly to the moon in a spaceship. 3.Why ________________ there are so many tall buildings in the world now? 你认为为什么现在世界上有这么多的高层建筑? [解析] do you think/believe/know/suggest...在句中可作插入语。 [仿写] 你知道谁获得了今年的贝诺尔文学奖吗? Who ________________ has won the Nobel Prize for literature this year? 答案:1.It;to build;took me 2.Is it possible to see;it is possible to 3.do you think;do you know Ⅳ.单元语法 非限性定语从句 语法填空 1.The new computer, ________ he loves a lot, breaks down frequently. 答案:which 空处引导非限制性定语从句,并且在从句中作loves的宾语,因此用which。 2.The air quality in our city, ________ is shown in the chart, has declined over the last three months. 答案:as 句意:就像图表中显示的那样,我们城市的空气质量在过去的三个月中有所下降。空处引导非限制性定语从句,指代主句的内容,且从句位于主语与谓语之间,应用as引导。 3.The world­famous director, three of ________ movies won Oscar Awards, is reported to have retired. 答案:whose 空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词world­famous director,而且根据句意,后面应该表示的是“他的三部电影”,因此用关系代词whose作定语。 4.The children, all of________ had played the whole day long, were worn out. 答案:whom 先行词为children,指人,且此处为非限制性定语从句,故用whom。句意:这些玩了一天的孩子们累坏了。 5.Her son was accused of cheating by the police, ________ made it difficult for her to go to sleep. 答案:which 考查定语从句。句意:她的儿子被警察指控犯了诈骗罪,这使她睡不着觉。此处which引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整句话内容。 考点探究演练 ②This temple has a long history ________ ________ the early period of the Tang Dynasty. 这座寺庙历史悠久,可以追溯到初唐时期。 ③Don't forget to ________ ________ ________. 不要忘记在支票上注明日期。 答案:①dates back to ②dating from ③date your cheque [归纳拓展] date back to/from 始于;追溯到…… up to date 现代的;最新式的 out of date 过期的;过时的;不再流行的 to date= up to now 迄今为止;到目前为止 have a date with sb. 与某人约会 set/fix a date for... 确定……的日期 But in 2004,together with some climbers, I set a date for a cleanup. 但在2004年,我和一些登山者一起确定了一天为清理日。 提示:(1)date back to/from常指以现在的时间点为起点,向前追溯到过去某个时间,因此在句中作谓语时要用一般现在时态,没有进行时和被动语态形式。 (2)当date back to/from用作定语时,要用现在分词作定语。 [高考寻踪] (2024·广东阅读A)And he saw a date of 1973 on the back of the box. 在盒子的背面上他看到了一个1973年的日期。 ③Before the examination, the school organized some relaxed activities to ______ fears, anxiety etc. ________ students' mind. 考试前学校组织了一些轻松的活动来消除学生心理的害怕、焦虑等。 ④She ________ her jacket and hung it over the chair. 她脱掉她的夹克,把它挂在椅子上。 答案:①removed;from ②was removed from ③remove;from ④removed

  [归纳拓展] remove...from... 把……从……移开 remove from... to... 从……搬到…… be removed from school 被开除;被勒令退学 As soon as the cake is done, remove it from the oven. 蛋糕做好之后,从烤箱中取出来。 [辨析→明晰异同] remove remove强调完全放弃原来的地方而到达新的位置,有时相当于take away/off。remove还有“开除、除去”的含义。 move move强调位置和姿态的改变。表示“迁居”时,两者均可用。 [高考寻踪] (2024·全国Ⅱ阅读A) Sometimes this technique would not work, and I had to pick up the set and shake it to remove the sound. 有时候这种方法不管用,我不得不搬起电视机并且摇晃它来去除这种声音。 [归纳拓展] (1)accommodate to 适应,适合 accommodate oneself to 使某人自己适应…… accommodate sth. to sth. 使……适合/迁就/迎合…… accommodate sb. with sth. 帮忙;给……提供方便 (2)accommodation n.住所;膳宿 make accommodations for 为……提供膳宿 ①Wherever he goes, he can accommodate himself to new circumstances. 无论走到哪里,他都能适应新环境。 ②This hospital can make accommodations for 600 patients. 这所医院能为600名患者提供床位。 [高考寻踪] (2024·浙江阅读第二节)If you're lucky enough to land such an accommodation, though, be sure you're 100 percent on time. 如果你能有幸找到这样的住宿,你肯定不会迟到。