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M:May I borrow your phone?My battery is dead.


M:I need to make a call to my wife to let her know my boss had me work late.

W:OK,but please hurry.My taxi will be coming soon.

1.Who will the man call?

A.His wife. B.His boss. C.A taxi driver.


W:Hey,Jack,I’ve been on the phone with Domino’s Pizza for the past fifteen minutes.Do you think I should just drive over there to order our pizza?

M:No way.Don’t you know you can order online now?

2.What does the man suggest the woman do?

A.Wait on the phone.

B.Order the pizza online.

C.Drive to the pizza place.


W:Can you show me how to use this coffee maker?I need to make some for the meeting.

M:Actually,I don’t know how to use it.But you can find a YouTube video that will show you.

3.What does the woman want to do?

A.Make some coffee.

B.Buy a coffee maker.

C.Learn to make a video.


W:Jack,would you mind carrying out my Friday job if I do your Thursday job?I have a class to go to.

M:That’s fine,as long as it doesn’t conflict with my doctor’s appointment at 3 o’clock on Friday.

W:Great!The job ends at 2 o’clock.

4.What will the man do at 3 o’clock on Friday?

A.Go to class.

B.Meet the doctor.

C.Do the woman’s job.


W:Yesterday’s lecture was excellent,right?

M:The topic was interesting,but I couldn’t follow it completely.

5.What does the man think of the lecture?

A.Excellent. B.Difficult. C.Boring.





M:Hello,Lucy.This is Sam.Look,I’m on my way to the airport.Could you do something for me?I forgot a file in the office.It’s on my desk.Can you see it?

W:Yes.It’s here.

M:Good.Could you send it to me by overnight delivery to the Hilton Hotel in Sydney?

W:OK,but I’m busy at the moment.The boss has just asked me to prepare for a meeting this afternoon.I’ll get Carol to do it.

M:That would be great!Thanks!

W:That’s all right.Have a good trip.

6.Who will send the file?

A.Sam. B.Carol. C.Lucy.


7.Where is the woman?

A.At the airport. B.In the office. C.In the hotel.



M:Where to?

W:The Pacific Hotel on Granville Street.

M:Have you just arrived in London?

W:No,I have been here since last spring.

M:I guess you are a student.

W:In fact,I’m a student from the University of Edinburgh,and I’m on an educational program.

M:I see.By the way,when will you go back home?

W:At the end of August.Have you been driving a taxi for a long time?

M:Only a couple of hours!

W:Do you mean you’re just learning how to do it?

M:Just a joke!This is my second job.I do this on weekends to earn some more money.We call it moonlighting.

W:That’s interesting.

M:Here you are.The Pacific Hotel.The meter says 18.60 pounds.

W:Here you are.Keep the change,please.

8.When did the woman get to London?

A.Last spring. B.This August. C.A few hours ago.


9.Why does the woman come to London?

A.To visit relatives.

B.To take a holiday.

C.To attend a program.


10.What’s the meaning of moonlighting?

A.A second job. B.A kind of toy. C.A game.



M:Mary,when we get out of the lift,could you let my wife know that I left my car with the repairers this morning?I’m going into a meeting right away,so I don’t have time to call her.

W:Sure,Mr.Walters.By the way,if your car’s being repaired,how are you going to get to work tomorrow?Is your wife going to take you?

M:No,she works in an entirely different city.I guess I’ll have to consider taking the bus.

W:That might be a good idea.You could get off right in front of our building,and you wouldn’t have to worry about parking.

11.Where are the speakers?

A.In a car.B.In a lift.C.In a meeting room.


12.What does the man ask the woman to do?

A.Park his car. B.Call his wife. C.Find a repairman.


13.How will the man probably go to work tomorrow?

A.By bus. B.By car. C.By taxi.



W:Darling,I’m going to stop by Bergner’s first.It’s got some quality things.Who knows,some of their dresses might be on sale.


W:It’s a fairly well-known store like Penny’s.I need to get something for Lisa’s birthday.She’s into name brands.Any suggestions?

M:A Gucci handbag or Calvin Klein T-shirt might be nice.Oh,I have a 15% discount card for Penny’s.Let’s go ahead and use it.Here it is.

W:It’s wonderful.We can save some money for our home.Oh,no!I was supposed to give Helen a call an hour ago.It’s already a quarter to five.I left my phone with her.She must be still waiting for my call.

M:Use my phone,darling.

W:OK.Is my telephone number 61199621?

M:Oh,my god.You still don’t remember it.It’s 61299621.Only the last number is different from mine.Mine is 2.

W:Don’t blame me.I have changed it for only three days.

M:OK.You should write it down on your notebook.

14.What does the man suggest for Lisa?

A.A T-shirt. B.A purse. C.A dress.


15.When should the woman have called Helen?

A.At 3:45. B.At 4:15. C.At 4:45.


16.What’s the man’s telephone number?

A.61199621. B.61299621. C.61299622.


17.What’s the relationship between the speakers?

A.Husband and wife.

B.Boss and employee.




W:This is my fifth day at the summer camp.Life isn’t exactly what I expected.We have to get up early to make our beds before our teacher comes to inspect.After breakfast,we have some free time.Yesterday I went down to the nearby stream to fish,but the only thing I caught was a tree branch.In the afternoon,there are different activities like singing,horseback riding,and hiking.None are new to me.In the evening,everyone is supposed to perform different tasks to get dinner ready.Yesterday,I was in charge of preparing the hot dogs,but I accidentally dropped them in the fire.The other kids are always laughing at me about it.At night,we sit around a campfire and tell stories.That’s the most interesting moment to me.But one night while trying to find more sticks for the fire,I almost got lost in the forest.

Well,today is another day and I will go home the day after tomorrow.

18.When does the speaker help with cooking?

A.In the morning.B.In the afternoon.C.In the evening.


19.What does the speaker like best?

A.Fishing. B.Hiking. C.Telling stories.


20.How does the speaker find the summer camp?

A.Disappointing. B.Interesting. C.Surprising.






Crazy Festivals

Mike the Headless Chicken Festival

In 1945,farmer Lloyd Olsen attempted to cut off the head of Mike,a chicken,so his wife could cook it up for dinner.However,the bird didn’t die and lived another year and a half,making regular trips to the fair,where people paid a quarter to see the amazing headless bird.

Today,the spirit of Mike the Headless Chicken is celebrated with a two-day May festival in Fruita,Colorado,which includes live music,a golf tournament,and lots of delicious chicken.

Roswell UFO Festival

In the summer of 1947,a flying saucer crashed on a large farm outside the town of Roswell,New Mexico.The government says it didn’t come from outer space,but many top UFO researchers believe it did.

Knowing a good thing when it crashes in their backyard,the citizens of Roswell celebrate the event every July with a three-day festival that features a costume contest,a parade(游行) and other activities.Be careful,though—that odd little person next to you could be from another planet.

World’s Largest Rattlesnake Roundup

The rattlesnake,a poisonous American snake,serves an important function in nature by keeping small pests under control,but when their numbers grow too large,they can cause serious problems for farmers.That’s why every March the residents of Sweetwater,Texas,host a three-day festival in association with the town’s annual rattlesnake hunt.

Visitors can learn about rattlesnakes,take a bus tour of their natural habitat,participate in a rattlesnake eating contest and so on.


Every September,the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh sponsors a daylong festival that focuses on something most people try to avoid:insects.

Visitors can hold bugs that are not native,cheer on racing insects and learn about beekeeping.But the highlight for many is Café Insecta,where bugs are the main ingredient(原料) in a variety of tasty dishes.


21.Lloyd Olsen cut off the chicken’s head because .

A.his family wanted to eat it

B.he wanted to sell its meat at the fair

C.his family wanted to celebrate a headless chicken festival

D.he wanted to make money by showing a headless chicken


解析:细节理解题。根据第一个节日介绍中的“...farmer Lloyd Olsen attempted to cut off the head of Mike,a chicken,so his wife could cook it up for dinner.”可知答案。

22.By writing the underlined part,the author wants to .

A.remind readers that aliens do exist

B.add an air of mystery to the festival

C.imply that he may attend the festival

D.describe the fun of the costume contest



23.What’s the purpose of the World’s Largest Rattlesnake Roundup?

A.To increase the local tourism.

B.To protect rattlesnakes’ habitats.

C.To control the population of rattlesnakes.

D.To introduce the importance of rattlesnakes.


解析:细节理解题。根据第三个节日介绍中的“...when their numbers grow too large,they can cause serious problems for farmers.That’s why every March the residents of Sweetwater,Texas,host a three-day festival...”可知答案。

24.Which of the following is the earliest festival of the year?

A.Mike the Headless Chicken Festival.

B.Roswell UFO Festival.

C.World’s Largest Rattlesnake Roundup.





Have you ever seen a talking parrot on TV or in someone’s home?Parrots have learned to copy the sounds that people make.But birds are not the only animals that can copy the sounds they hear.Dolphins,bats,and some apes can also copy sounds.Now researches have found that elephants can also copy the sounds around them.

Dr.Thane is a zoologist.She has many researches in the sounds of elephants.When she was in Ohio,she often heard some strange noises made by Malika after sunset.Malika was a 10-year-old African elephant.

Malika lived near a highway.Dr.Thane says,“I could not tell the difference between Malika’s call and the distant trucks’ noise.” She and other scientists studied Malika’s sounds.It turned out that Malika was copying the sounds of the trucks going by.Why would Malika copy trucks which she heard going by on the highway?After copying the new sounds,animals may enjoy practicing them.When they are kept outside of their natural environment,they may copy unusual sounds.That may be why an elephant can copy the sound of trucks.

“Malika was not the only elephant that can copy other sounds,” Dr.Thane says.Camero is a 24-year-old male African elephant.He spent 15 years with two female Asian elephants.Asian elephants can make chirping sounds (sounds made by birds) to talk with one another.African elephants usually do not make chirping sounds.But Camero now does.He is copying his Asian elephant friends.Dr.Thane says that elephants need to form bonds with their family and friends.She says,“They make sounds to communicate with each other.When they are separated,they use sounds to keep in contact.”

The finding that the parrot,dolphins,humans,and elephants can learn to copy other sounds shows that copying is one way that animals and people make new friends and keep old ones.


25.According to the passage,what did Malika copy?

A.The sound of trucks. B.The sound of people.

C.The sound of Camero. D.The sound of birds.



26.Why is Camero mentioned in the passage?

A.To introduce a special skill of Asian elephants.

B.To show the cleverness of African elephants.