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  Unlike other countries, police in UK does not carry guns. Some think it leaves citizen unprotected. Others think it reduces the overall violence in UK society. Discuss.

  正文 关于警察配枪的八分作文!

  This should be a familiar scene in a Hollywood detective movie: an American police officer, armed with a pistol in case of a sudden strke from a misty corner, patrols a dark alley in search of the criminal element.In the meantime, his UK counterparts has to do the same job with merely a short baton in ha12 He is like a fearless knight fighting for honour against enemies armed with guns with only his lance. Naturally, the ending will always be unfavourable to him. Or the ending will always not be to the delight of the spectators.Police, as protectors of his people , should do what they can, and use whatever means they can, to keep people out of harms way. But in the UK, police are on duty without carying a gun, which is a very bad idea. They are handicapping themselves.

  Generally speaking, gun is recognized as a emblem of power and justice of police. It is clear that a police with gun on is able to prevent those potential criminal activities. For instance, a pistol on the belt works effectively to stop crimes range from those robbery, theft, and rape and it can also force the criminals to be arrested.

  Furthermore, gun serves for a reliable friend while the police crashs into a emergent situation like gun fighting or commotion. Guns are not expected to be employed to finish off the chaos but to help the police survive before the reinforcement comes.

  Meanwhile, the violence rate is rising in UK due to the global terrorism. Unlike the ordinary gangster and robbers who is armed daggers and knives, a large number of international terrorists are equipped with semi-auto rifles and massive destruction weapons. Proper measures must be taken to limit the uneven contrast of power and the great efforts should be made to protect civilian from the harm of terrorist attack. However, there is an old saying combat poison with poison, say, an overall upgrading of UK police equipments couldnt be better to meet the needs. It is all necessary that every police carries a pistol while they are on duty, that would be the practicable way to ensure the public security in Briton.

  As a consequence, having carry guns by police will evidently benefit people in UK, and of which will lead to a more steady and harmonic society. If there must be a controversy, it would go to whether the government should place a curb upon the possible abuse of gun.



  Unlike other countries, police in UK does not carry guns. Some think it leaves citizen unprotected. Others think it reduces the overall violence in UK society. Discuss.

  正文 关于警察配枪的八分作文!

  This should be a familiar scene in a Hollywood detective movie: an American police officer, armed with a pistol in case of a sudden strke from a misty corner, patrols a dark alley in search of the criminal element.In the meantime, his UK counterparts has to do the same job with merely a short baton in ha12 He is like a fearless knight fighting for honour against enemies armed with guns with only his lance. Naturally, the ending will always be unfavourable to him. Or the ending will always not be to the delight of the spectators.Police, as protectors of his people , should do what they can, and use whatever means they can, to keep people out of harms way. But in the UK, police are on duty without carying a gun, which is a very bad idea. They are handicapping themselves.

  Generally speaking, gun is recognized as a emblem of power and justice of police. It is clear that a police with gun on is able to prevent those potential criminal activities. For instance, a pistol on the belt works effectively to stop crimes range from those robbery, theft, and rape and it can also force the criminals to be arrested.

  Furthermore, gun serves for a reliable friend while the police crashs into a emergent situation like gun fighting or commotion. Guns are not expected to be employed to finish off the chaos but to help the police survive before the reinforcement comes.

  Meanwhile, the violence rate is rising in UK due to the global terrorism. Unlike the ordinary gangster and robbers who is armed daggers and knives, a large number of international terrorists are equipped with semi-auto rifles and massive destruction weapons. Proper measures must be taken to limit the uneven contrast of power and the great efforts should be made to protect civilian from the harm of terrorist attack. However, there is an old saying combat poison with poison, say, an overall upgrading of UK police equipments couldnt be better to meet the needs. It is all necessary that every police carries a pistol while they are on duty, that would be the practicable way to ensure the public security in Briton.

  As a consequence, having carry guns by police will evidently benefit people in UK, and of which will lead to a more steady and harmonic society. If there must be a controversy, it would go to whether the government should place a curb upon the possible abuse of gun.


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