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  第一部分: 英语知识运用(共两节, 满分30分)

  第一节: 单项填空(共20小题; 每小题0. 5分, 满分10分)

  从A、B、C和D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

  1. (原创)Liu Yang is first woman astronaut in China who reachedspace.

  A. /; the B. the; / C. the; theD. a; a

  2. Since a good story is universal, it is no that cartoons have captured the imagination of the world.

  A. wonder B. need

  C. point

  D. sense

  3. (原创)It was because of the most beautiful village teacher—Xiao Shan’s strong determination he formed the woman football team in the poor area.

  A. that B. what

  C. why

  D. how

  4. —Why did the parents spend so much money on their children?

  —They just want to have their childrenwith good education.

  A. offered B. paid

  C. made

  D. equipped

  5. (原创)It will take great courage and political wisdom for the new leadership to gather proper supports for the reforms .

  A. being promised B. to promise

  C. promising

  D. promised

  6. The girl was nervous in front of so many strangers and we did all we could to make her feel more .

  A. at ease B. in silence

  C. for fun

  D. with joy

  7. China plans toa 3D express coach(立体快巴)project in Beijing, with the idea to provide cleaner, greener and faster traffic.

  A. build up B. carry out

  C. star in

  D. pick out

  8. The success of her business made hard for her to fulfill her role as a wife and mother.

  A. her B. that

  C. it

  D. one

  9. (原创)This is the second time Obama as US President.

  A. has been elected B. had been elected

  C. has elected

  D. had elected

  10. The key to our success was having the courage to take on any job and then being creative in ourto getting it finished.

  A. measure B. method

  C. appointment

  D. approach

  11. (2024·衢州模拟)This magazine is very with young people, who like its content and style.

  A. familiarB. similar

  C. popular

  D. particular

  12. (2024·兖州模拟)I to go on a diet, but the dishes at the party were simply impossible to resist.

  A. had intended B. am intending

  C. intend

  D. could intend

  13. As is known to us all, English books of this kind well in middle schools.

  A. sell B. sells

  C. is sold

  D. are sold

  14. At horse races everyone has already studied the form of the horse .

  A. behind time B. in progress

  C. in advance

  D. in time

  15. —Jim has been dismissed by the supermarket.

  — He is always late for work and he is always complaining.

  A. Hardly surprising!

  B. Forget it!

  C. How come? D. Who knows?

  16. (2024·宁波模拟)The large grassland, reaching out far away, looks extremely beautiful the blue and clean sky.

  A. with B. against

  C. through

  D. beyond

  17. (2024·杭州模拟)The well-dressed gentleman pretends to be a millionairein fact he hasn’t a penny to his name.

  A. unless

  B. while

  C. since

  D. before

  18. (2024·宁波模拟)I’m interested in this job very much and hope to get it. I’d much appreciate from you soon.

  A. hearing B. to have heard

  C. to hear

  D. having heard

  19. (2024·温州模拟)So far all cloned animals have suffered from different serious disorders,  dying soon after birth.

  A. many of which

  B. many of whom

  C. many of them

  D. many of that

  20. (2024·绍兴模拟)—Did you forget about my birthday?

  — I’ve booked a table at Michel’s restaurant for this evening.

  A. What then? B. I’m afraid so.

  C. How could I?

  D. For sure.

  第二节: 完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1分, 满分20分)

  阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。

  After losing my dog Cassie, my best friend of 11 years, I felt incredibly lost. It was like getting my arm cut off, like part of me was 21 .

  One day while surfing on the Internet, I typed “Cassie” and “dog” into the search bar, just 22 interest. I clicked on a few websites and had a look at the 23 dogs also called Cassie.

  I 24 one site for pet adoption based in the US with a success story about a Cassie, who had been 25 . The new owners had sent pictures of her in her new home to the website. The amazing thing was that their Cassie has passed as a twin for mine—the 26 were striking.

  I sent an e-mail to the woman who ran the website, along with a 27 of my dog.

  I didn’t 28 to hear anything back,  29 I assumed they were far away and probably busy, if the pet refuge(救助所)still existed at all, as the 30 with Cassie on it was from four years ago.

  But the owner of the refuge sent me back a lovely 31 saying she was sorry for my loss, and agreed that it was an amazing coincidence(巧合)that the two dogs looked so similar and had the same 32 . She told me that Cassie was 33 with the same owners, and had been brought back to the 34 and adopted by another couple.

  A few days later, I 35 another e-mail, this time from the couple now 36 the American Cassie—the lady from the refuge had 37 my e-mail to them. The couple had 38 some recent photos of their Cassie, saying how glad they were to have her. They then passed on their 39 and wished me well.

  I was so pleased that the American Cassie had found a lovely new home. It was also so heartwarming that people on the other side of the world would take the time to send on their good wishes to a 40 .

  21. A. losing B. missing

  C. confused

  D. shocked

  22. A. out of

  B. of

  C. beyond

  D. in

  23. A. same

  B. loyal

  C. various

  D. fierce

  24. A. cared for

  B. looked up

  C. referred to

  D. came across

  25. A. hurt

  B. sold

  C. adopted

  D. exchanged

  26. A. acquaintance B. differences

  C. similarities

  D. appearance

  27. A. picture

  B. twin

  C. friend

  D. character

  28. A. want

  B. decide

  C. like

  D. expect

  29. A. before

  B. because

  C. when

  D. until

  30. A. page

  B. newspaper

  C. article

  D. report

  31. A. book

  B. letter

  C. e-mail

  D. telephone

  32. A. name

  B. color

  C. size

  D. height

  33. A. once again

  B. no longer

  C. actually

  D. regularly

  34. A. home

  B. school

  C. refuge

  D. hospital

  35. A. sent

  B. wrote

  C. accepted

  D. received

  36. A. looking after B. taking care

  C. caring about

  D. looking for

  37. A. turned

  B. forwarded

  C. explained

  D. introduced

  38. A. left

  B. taken

  C. collected

  D. attached

  39. A. apology

  B. enthusiasm

  C. sympathy

  D. expectation

  40. A. stranger

  B. friend

  C. dog

  D. student

  第二部分: 阅读理解(第一节20小题, 第二节5小题; 每小题2分, 满分50分)

  第一节: 阅读下列材料, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项。


  (原创)Survivors of a bus crash that killed nine people on a partly icy section of interstate(州际公路)in rural Eastern Oregon said on Monday that some passengers were thrown from the vehicle through broken windows after it skidded(打滑)out of control, smashed through a guardrail(护栏)and plummeted(垂直落下)60 meters down an embankment(路堤).

  When the tour bus came to a rest, terrified passengers, most of them Koreans, looked around for their loved ones.

  “Some mothers screamed to find their son or daughter. ” said Jaemin Seo, a 23-year-old exchange student from Suwon, South Korea, who is studying in Vancouver, British Columbia.

  The charter bus, owned by a Canadian company, crashed on Sunday just east of Pendleton while returning to Canada from Las Vegas—one of the stops on a nine-day western US tour.

  Aboard were 48 people, some of them were exchange students from South Korea. Some passengers were from British Columbia, and some from the US state of Washington. Investigators said there also may have been a Japanese passenger and one from the Chinese island of Taiwan.

  The survivors, who range in age from 7 to 74, were sent to 10 hospitals in Oregon, Washington state and Idaho. At least 10 were released on Monday, police said.

  The crash occurred near a spot on the interstate called Deadman Pass, at the top of a steep, 11-km descent from the Blue Mountains. That section of road is so notorious that state transportation officials published a warning for truck drivers saying it has “some of the most changeable and severe weather conditions in the Northwest” .

  But a state transportation spokesman said that while there were icy spots where the crash occurred, it was nothing unusual for this time of year.

  He said a sanding truck had applied sand a few hours earlier and was behind the bus making another run when the crash occurred. The sand truck driver was among the first at the scene, adding that the highway has been shut down several times this winter, mostly due to crashed trucks blocking the roadway.

  Seo said he was awakened by screaming and was ejected from a broken window as the bus careened down the hill. Seo had a broken ankle, a gash in his arm that required stitches(缝线)and shallow scratches across his face.

  41. What caused the accident?

  A. Being crowded with passengers.

  B. The icy road.

  C. The big fog.

  D. The heavy rain.

  42. The passengers on the bus may be .

  A. Koreans, Canadians, Americans, Japanese and Chinese

  B. Koreans, British, Americans, Japanese and Chinese

  C. Koreans, Canadians, British, Japanese and Chinese

  D. Koreans, Canadians, Americans, British and Chinese

  43. We can learn that from the text.

  A. there were only children among the survivors on the bus

  B. there were only children and the old among the survivors on the bus

  C. there were children and the old among the survivors on the bus

  D. there were the old and the young among the survivors on the bus

  44. What can we learn from the seventh paragraph?

  A. The section of the road where the accident happenedis very icy.

  B. Accidents often happen on the section of the road.

  C. The section of the road has attracted the state transportation officials’attention.

  D. The drivers drive carelessly.

  45. Seo is a in the accident.

  A. witness

  B. passenger

  C. driver

  D. official


  Here is some information about several famous local bakeries(面包烤房)in Indiana, the US. They serve as a social gathering place for locals.

  Maple Lane Bakery

  At 8260 S. State Rd. Claypool, IN. (574)566-2917, it offers a variety of cooked pies, cookies, and bread. With 20 years’experience, Maple Lane Bakery has specialized in the making of pies. The menu includes peach pie $7. 19, berry pie

  $7. 70, apple pie $7. 19 and banana pie $6. 99. Feel free to place an order at least 24 hours in advance.

  Betty’s Cake & Candy Shop

  At 816 E. Winona Avenue Warsaw, IN. (574)269-1231, it specializes in cakes and offers cookies and candies. The chocolate cookies are sold at $8. 99 a dozen. Betty’s Cake &Candy Shop, started half a century ago, specializes in wedding cakes and birthday cakes. Buying a cake from Betty’s will not disappoint you as they are always excellent.

  Crepes’ Quality Bakery

  At 217 S. Cavin Street Ligonier, IN. (260)894-3024, this third generation bakery is located in downtown Ligonier. It offers cookies and cupcakes, and specializes in rolls and bread. If you plan to buy cookies for the office or work area, you had better get there early as the building workers arrive just before 5: 00 am waiting for the doors to open.

  Olympia Candy Kitchen

  At 136 N. Main Street Goshen, IN. (574)533-5040, it has been welcoming visitors for almost a century in its unchanged location in downtown Goshen, Indiana. Its tradition began in 1912 when Greek Nicholas began making his own chocolates. Today this family-owned operation offers all kinds of candies and boxed candies.

  If you need an order, you should call ahead of time to see if they can meet your request.

  46. From the passage we can learn that .

  A. the local people of Indiana like gathering in the bakeries

  B. Maple Lane Bakery is on eastern State Road

  C. most of the bakeries in Indiana are located in Claypool

  D. Crepes’Quality Bakery opens at 8: 00 am

  47. Which of the following pies is the most expensive?

  A. Peach pie.

  B. Banana pie.

  C. Apple pie.

  D. Berry pie.

  48. If you want to order a birthday cake, you are advised to call .

  A. (574)533-5040 B. (574)269-1231

  C. (260)894-3024

  D. (574)566-2917

  49. The author wrote this passage mainly to .

  A. tell readers some travel information

  B. persuade more people to eat pies

  C. make the bakeries better known to readers

  D. warn customers to order bakeries in advance


  (原创)Before the world premiere(全球首映)of Life of Pi(《少年派的奇幻漂流》)at this year’s New York Film Festival on Sept. 28, director Ang Lee joked that his latest film in three years hit the four most notorious(臭名昭著的) “vices(恶行)” in the moviemaking process: kids, animals, water and 3D.

  Although we will discover how that turns out when the film releases on Nov. 22, early reviews have said Lee’s adaptation of Life of Pi is “one of the year’s most beautiful, original and adventurous pictures” .