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  (时间:100分钟 满分:120分)(共两节满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分满分30分)阅读下列短文从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。A

  Here are some of the favourite books that people might feel like reading in their leisure time.


  Author: Stephenie Meyer

  RRP: (建议零售价) £6.99Save:£3.13(45%)ds that her new classmates are drawn to this pale,dark-haired new girl in town.Jacqueline Wilson


  Save:£0.59(5%)-haired baby when her mother leaves her on the step of the Foundling Hospital.The hospital cares for abandoned children—but Hetty must live with a foster family until she is big enough to go to school.Danielle Steel


  Save:£4.13(52%)ves a privileged life,but everything changes on a cold April day in 1912 when the sinking of the Titanic happens.Finding strength within her grief,Annabelle throws herself into volunteer work,nursing the poor.

  4.Return to the Hundred Acre Wood

  Author: David Benedictus


  Save:£6.50(50%)-the-Pooh first delighted readersd a few more treasured hours with the Best Bear in all the world.

  【语篇解读】 本文推荐了几本人们在业余时间可能喜欢读的书。________.attracted the attention of her classmates

  解析:细节理解题。根据第一本书简介的最后一句“But in fact she finds that her new classmates are drawn to this pale-haired new girl in town”可知伊莎贝拉·斯旺吸引了她的同学的注意故选D项。答案:Dd you actually pay if you buy a copy of A Good Woman?


  D.£12.12.解析:细节理解题。根据第三本书介绍下的“Save:£4.13(52%)”可知实际需要支付的钱是:£7.99-£4.13=£3.86故选B项。答案:Bwho likes to read a book about adventures,would probably buy________.解析:细节理解题。根据第四本书介绍下的“David Benedictus takes us back to the Hundred Acre Wood for more adventures”可知这本书是关于冒险的故选C项。答案:CB

  It's that time of year when people need to lock their cars.It's not because there are a lot of criminals running around stealing





  good-hearted neighbours who want to share their harvest.Especially with this year's large crop(西葫芦).-in-lawd year for tomatoes.She and her family had eaten and canned so many that they began to feel their skin turn slightly red.That's when she decided it was time to share her blessings.She started calling everyone she knew.When that failed,she began to ask everyone in the neighbourhood like a politician,eventually finding a neighbour delighted to have the tomatoes.“Feel free to take whatever you want.” Sharon told her.She felt happy that she could help someone and that the food didn't go to waste.

  A few days later,Sharon answered the door.There was the neighbour,holding some

  bread. The

  neighbour smiled pleasantly,“I want to thank you for all of the tomatoes,and I have to admit that I took a few other things and hope you wouldn't mind.”

  Sharon couldn't think of anything else in her garden that had been worth harvesting and said so.“Oh

  but you did,”the neighbour said.“You had some of the prettiest zucchini I've ever seen.”

  Sharon was confused.Zucchini in her garden? They hadn't even planted any zucchini.But her neighbour insisted that there really were bright-green zucchini in Sharon's garden.Sharon's curiosity got the better of her and she had to go and see where the zucchini had grown.The two of them walked together into the backyard.When the neighbour pointed at the long green vegetables,Sharon smiled.“Well,actually,those are cucumbers that we never harvested,because they got too big,soft and bitter for eating or canning.”

  The neighbour looked at Sharon,shock written all over her face.Then,she smiled,and held out the bread that she had shared all over the neighbourhood.“I brought you a loaf of cucumber bread.I hope you like it.”

  【语篇解读】 本文介绍了邻居之间共享丰收果实时而出现的一个有趣的小插曲。eighbours might throw rubbish in them.

  D.Their neighbours might fill them with their harvest.

  解析:细节理解题。根据第一段的第三句“Rather-hearted neighbours who want to share their harvest”及第四句内容可知好心的邻居会与他们共享丰收的果实故选D项。答案:Dmeone else who would like them.

  解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“She started calling everyone she knew.When that failed...”可知她给认识的人打电话结果失败了故选A项。答案:Aatoes only.

  B.She harvested zucchini by accident.

  C.She took some cucumbers mistakenly.

  D.She took something without Sharon's permission.

  解析:推理判断题。根据第五段中的“Well可知这位邻居错摘了莎伦家园子里的黄瓜故选C项。答案:C________.解析:推理判断题。根据文章第五段中的“because they got too big可知邻居错把黄瓜当成了西葫芦黄瓜面包的味道会有点怪故选B项。答案:BC

  Games are a good form of teaching or training children as they combine fun with knowledge.They make the teaching or training activities more interesting.They are useful in all fields of teaching and training.

  Help your child discover just how much more is going on in the world around them with this listening game.It will also provide a few minutes of peace and quiet in what is probably a very noisy and busy day.A discussion of the sounds you each heard will also assist in language development and an ability to articulate what was heard.The sit-and-listen game is especially helpful if your child is at the stage of developing language skills:listening,speaking and so on.

  Method:This is a very relaxing activity in which you both need to sit still and silent for about 30 seconds and just listen to the world around you.You are both trying to hear as many different things as you canour little one some open-ended questions to promote their language development:“What was the loudest sound you heard?” “What was the closest sound you heard?” “How many cars did you hear?” “How far away do you think that barking dog might live?” “What sounds did you hear which you did not expect to hear?”:As an extension activity you may wish to draw a picture of all the things you could hear.【语篇解读】 本文为说明文介绍了一种有助于开发儿童语言能力的游戏。-and-listen game is intended to develop ________.解析:事实细节题。根据第二段最后两句的内容可知选D项。答案:D________.解析: 推理判断题。由第三段的内容可排除A、C两项并选出B项。而由第四段的内容可知D项错误。答案:B________.解析:事实细节题。根据最后一段的内容C项正确。答案:CThe underlined word “articulate” in the 2nd paragraph probably means “________”.A.describe


  Frozen fruit and vegetables can be healthier,with higher levels of vitamins and cancer-fighting antioxidants (抗氧化物) produce.Two independent studies found more beneficial nutrients in everything from frozen broccoli (西兰花) florets to carrots.In two out of three cases frozen fruit and vegetables scored better on antioxidant-type compounds (化合物).Consumption


  these antioxidant compounds is considered beneficial in preventing cancer and supporting the working of the body,brain,skin and eyes.

  Produce bought from the supermarket greengrocer sections is full of colour,while many stores even use fine mist sprays (喷剂) to give a just-picked” look.Shoppers are misled to pay an extra payment for food that they believe is good for their family's health as well as being tasty.Howevernth,while they then sit in the fridge at home for days before being eaten.Over the days,they gradually deteriorate,slowly losing some of the nutrients associated with leafy greens and fruit.By contrast,frozen vegetables and fruit are chilled (冷藏) soon after harvest and so keep higher levels of vitamins and antioxidants until they are eaten.h had been sitting in a fridge for three days and the frozen equivalent (相等物).The findings show that eating newly-picked produce is the healthiest option;however Dr Rachel Burch said : “We must discard (抛弃) the mistaken opinion that ‘fresh’ food is always better for us than frozen food.”In two out of three cases frozen fruit and vegetables scored better on antioxidant-type compounds including vitamin C(多酚和花青素)ter on polyphenols,which are thought to help prevent cancer.

  【语篇解读】 本文为说明文。冷冻的水果和蔬菜比超市里所谓的新鲜的水果和蔬菜更有营养。n food is as good as “fresh” food.

  D.Frozen food can be better than “fresh” food.

  解析:主旨大意题。文章开篇点题:冷冻的水果和蔬菜更健康比“新鲜”果蔬所含的维生素和抗氧化物的水平高。下文又对这一事实进行了更深入的说明。答案:Dnd vegetables?

  A.To keep them in good quality.

  B.To make them taste good.

  C.To make them look fresh.

  D.To make them sell cheaply.

  解析:事实细节题。根据第二段中的“many stores even use fine mist sprays

  to give a ‘just-picked’ look...Howevers that these vegetables and fruit may well have been held in storage for a month,while they then sit in the fridge at home for days before being eaten.”可知超市那么做是为了使水果和蔬菜看起来新鲜。答案:CWhat does the underlined word “deteriorate” in Paragraph 2 mean?

  A.Grow worse.B.Grow better.解析:词义猜测题。根据画线词后面的“slowly losing some of the nutrients associated with leafy greens and fruit”可知绿叶蔬菜和水果在逐渐失去某些营养物质。由此可答案:A解析: 事实细节题。根据最后一段中的“Howeveron polyphenols,which are thought to help prevent cancer.”可知答案选C项。答案:C第二节(共5小题;每小题2分满分10分)根据短文内容从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。talk with our mouth,but we communicate with our facial expressions,our tone of voice and our whole body.

  __16__When we can read what others are saying unconsciously,we can deal with things—at work and at home before they become problems.

  By understanding how to use body language,you can communicate more effectively.Here is how:__17__Throughout the day,notice details about the way you speak,gesture and move.When standing,keep your shoulders straight,your body open and your weight balanced on both feet.

  ▲Work on your handshake.__18__ The handshake most likely to show confidence is firm and dry with strong but not too much pressure.

  ▲Use eye contact.Eye contact is very important in forming an impression of someone.You should have the ability to keep direct eye contact if you want to be taken seriously.But some people feel uncomfortable when it is too strong.__19__

  ▲Be yourself.Nonverbal (非言语的) messages come from deep inside yourespect.If you are comfortable with yourself,they show.__20__ They always give others a deep impression.

  A.Use hand gestures carefully.

  B.Pay attention to your body-talk.ho they are have a relaxing way of

  talking and moving.

  E.In the business world,the handshake shows important

  messages about power.

  F.Understanding body language is one of the most useful

  skills you can develop.

  G.To avoid this problem,change your focus so that you

  look at somewhere between the eyes and the chin.

  【语篇解读】 本文主要介绍了肢体语言的作用以及使用肢体语言的四条建议。解析:根据下文内容可知本段主要介绍了读懂肢体语言的作用故选F“理解肢体语言是你能发展的最有用的技能之一”。答案:F解析:通读本段可知本段主要介绍了应当如何注意日常生活中的肢体语言;结合空后一句中的“notice”可以判断选B项。答案:B解析:由空前一句可知本段主要谈的是“如何握手”这一话题所以选E项项介绍了生意场上正确握手的重要性。答案:E解析:由空前一句可知如果你和某人的G项正确。答案:G解析:根据空处的下一句可知他们会给他人留下深刻的印象;据此可以判断项“那些知道自己是谁的人拥有能够让人放松的交谈和行为方式”符合语境。空后的They指代选项D中的“People who know who they are”。答案:D第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分满分30分)阅读下面短文从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(n) __21__ life,but any parent can tell you that it's hard to let


  of your children.That


  between keeping your children safe and allowing them to learn from their own mistakes can be

  __24__.Years of experience means

  that parents often


  know best__25__,the young,being less bound by tradition,are often more

  __26__,more able to find new solutions to old problems.__27__ are led by the young.

  Good teachers make the growth of critical thinking easier in their students,__28__

  that this can lead to a questioning of the teachers' basic beliefs.Schools encourage parents to become

  __29__,but are often embarrassed when parents have doubts about some of the educational methods being used.The rebellious (叛逆的)



  important in social

  development.They are not


  representatives of those they want to


  or not realistic about their demands__33__

  their voices must be heard.

  Good parents know that just forbidding particular behaviour does not prevent their children from finding ways to


  in these forbidden activities.__35__,sometimes the forbidden fruit is more

  __36__,just because it is not accepted by

  __37__.Parents must work with their children to educate them


  the facts__39__

  support their children when they don't follow


  is expected of them.But the most important point is that they also need to learn how to let go.

  【语篇解读】 本文主要讲述了父母应该如何教育孩子从而让他们健康独立地成长。 B.independentD.easy

  解析:根据下文的“it's hard to let

  __22__和“and allowing them to learn from their own mistakes”可推知所有的父母都要做好准备让孩子学会独立。答案:B解析:由下文的“But the most important point is that they also need to learn how to let go”可知选A项。let go of意为“放手”为固定词组。答案:A解析:让孩子保持安全又可以从balance)。答案:C-hearted

  D.wholehearted解析:这种平衡并不容易有的时候让人心碎(heartbreaking)。 答案:A

  D.in other words解析:根据“but”的提示可知此处在讲事物的另一个方面。on the other hand“另一方面”符合语境。答案:C解析:根据空后的“more able to find new solutions to old problems”可推知年轻人更具有创造性。creative“有创造力的”。答案:A解析:由上文的“the young和“more able to find new solutions to old problems”可推知年轻人更具有创造性会引领新的革命。答案:B解析:好的老师培养学生的批判性思维结果却发现这会对老师的权威形成挑战。only to find“结果发现”。答案:B