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To: all yahoos


Fr: Jerry




I wanted to address all of you on the news weve just announced. the board of directors and I have agreed to initiate a succession process for the ceo role of yahoo!. roy bostock, our chairman of the board, is leading the effort to identify and assess potential candidates for consideration by the full board. the board will be evaluating and considering both internal and external candidates and has retained heidrick and struggles to help in this effort.

我将告知你们大家我们刚刚宣布的一条消息:董事会成员和我已经达成协议,将发起一项雅虎CEO职位的继任程序。我们的董事会主席罗伊博斯托克(roy bostock)将根据全体董事会成员的考虑,领导大家确定并评估可能的人选。董事会将评估并考虑公司内部及外部人选,并聘请著名猎头公司Heidrick Struggles来帮助我们。

I will be participating in the search for my successor, and i will continue as ceo until the board selects a new ceo. once a successor is named, i will return to my previous role as chief yahoo and continue to serve as a director on the board.

我也会参与到候选人的搜寻中,而且在继任者未确定之前我还将继续担任雅虎公司CEO。一旦新任CEO人选确定,我将会回到以前雅虎酋长(Chief Yahoo)的位子并将继续以董事会成员的身份为雅虎服务。

last june, i accepted the boards request that i assume the ceo role to restructure and reposition the company as a whole in order to more effectively meet the fast-changing needs of both users and partners. since taking on the ceo role, i have had an ongoing dialogue with the board about succession timing. thanks in large measure to your tireless efforts, we have created a more open, competitive yahoo! and we believe the time is now right to transition to a new ceo who can take the company to the next level.


Despite the external environment we face, the fact remains that yahoo! is now a significantly different company that is stronger in many ways than it was just 18 months ago. this only makes it all the more essential that we manage this opportunity to leverage the progress up to this point as effectively as possible. i strongly believe that having transformed our platform and better aligned costs and revenues, we have a unique window for the right ceo to take ownership over the next wave of mission-critical decisions facing the company.


All of you know that I have always, and will always bleed purple. i will always do what I think is right for this great company. while this step will be an adjustment for all of us, i know its the right one. i look forward to updating you on this process as soon as the board has developments to share, and will continue to do everything i can to make yahoo! fulfill its full potential.


Thank you,




To: all yahoos


Fr: Jerry




I wanted to address all of you on the news weve just announced. the board of directors and I have agreed to initiate a succession process for the ceo role of yahoo!. roy bostock, our chairman of the board, is leading the effort to identify and assess potential candidates for consideration by the full board. the board will be evaluating and considering both internal and external candidates and has retained heidrick and struggles to help in this effort.

我将告知你们大家我们刚刚宣布的一条消息:董事会成员和我已经达成协议,将发起一项雅虎CEO职位的继任程序。我们的董事会主席罗伊博斯托克(roy bostock)将根据全体董事会成员的考虑,领导大家确定并评估可能的人选。董事会将评估并考虑公司内部及外部人选,并聘请著名猎头公司Heidrick Struggles来帮助我们。

I will be participating in the search for my successor, and i will continue as ceo until the board selects a new ceo. once a successor is named, i will return to my previous role as chief yahoo and continue to serve as a director on the board.

我也会参与到候选人的搜寻中,而且在继任者未确定之前我还将继续担任雅虎公司CEO。一旦新任CEO人选确定,我将会回到以前雅虎酋长(Chief Yahoo)的位子并将继续以董事会成员的身份为雅虎服务。

last june, i accepted the boards request that i assume the ceo role to restructure and reposition the company as a whole in order to more effectively meet the fast-changing needs of both users and partners. since taking on the ceo role, i have had an ongoing dialogue with the board about succession timing. thanks in large measure to your tireless efforts, we have created a more open, competitive yahoo! and we believe the time is now right to transition to a new ceo who can take the company to the next level.


Despite the external environment we face, the fact remains that yahoo! is now a significantly different company that is stronger in many ways than it was just 18 months ago. this only makes it all the more essential that we manage this opportunity to leverage the progress up to this point as effectively as possible. i strongly believe that having transformed our platform and better aligned costs and revenues, we have a unique window for the right ceo to take ownership over the next wave of mission-critical decisions facing the company.


All of you know that I have always, and will always bleed purple. i will always do what I think is right for this great company. while this step will be an adjustment for all of us, i know its the right one. i look forward to updating you on this process as soon as the board has developments to share, and will continue to do everything i can to make yahoo! fulfill its full potential.


Thank you,




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