2024届高考英语新人教版一轮复习课件:选修6 Unit 1 Art

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2024届高考英语新人教版一轮复习课件:选修6 Unit 1 Art

  Unit 6

  I’m more outgoing than my sister. Section B Period 1 Words and expressions schoolwork



  使;促使;迫使 for


  为;给;对 laugh Friendship is very important in our life.

  We may have many friends. Some are the same as us. Some are different.

  A friend in need is a friend indeed.

  Is he a good friend? When you fight with others, he helps you to fight. When you are tired, he does homework for you. When you are thirsty, he gives you a cup of tea. 4.

  When you meet a thief, he runs away quickly.

  5. When you don’t know the answers in the exam, he gives you the answers to copy. Friend wanted Tom: I don’t know how to make myself more handsome. My clothes are too ugly. If my friend have some cool clothes, that will be great.

  Tom thinks a good friend has cool clothes.

  Mary: The schoolwork is so difficult for me. I don’t know how to get good grades. I want to ask my friend for help. Mary thinks a good friend____________. Tara: I am very outgoing. I like going shopping, swimming, sightseeing and so on. I like to do these with my friend together. Tara thinks a good friend____________. Tim: I am very athletic. I like playing sports and I am good at sports. I want to play sports with my friend together. Tim thinks a good friend__________. Jimmy: I am not very popular in school. Maybe I am too quiet. I like the student who is very popular with others. Jimmy thinks a good friend__________.

  Holly: Sometimes I feel tired and sad, I think a good friend_________. ___a. has cool clothes.

  ___b. is popular in school.

  ___c. likes to do the same things as me.

  ___d. is good at sports.

  ___e. is good at schoolwork.

  ___f. makes me laugh. A good friend… 1a What kind of things are important in a friend? A: I think a good friend makes me

  laugh. B: For me, a good friend likes to do

  the same things as me. C: Yes, and a good friend is popular,

  too. D: That’s not very important for me … 1b GROUPWORK Holly


  Likes about best friends likes to do the same things popular, good at sports good listener keeps secrets Listening (2a,2b) Holly


  The same as best


  They are both pretty outgoing. look alike, both tall both have long, curly hair Holly


  Different from best friend Pete’s more athletic, funnier and wilder. Holly is quieter. Vera is quieter and smarter. Maria is more

  outgoing. Tapescript Interviewer: Who is your best friend,

  Holly? Holly: Pete. Interviewer: Why is he a good friend?

  Holly: Because he likes to do the same things as I do. He’s popular,

  too, and he’s good at sports. Interviewer: Are you good at sports, too? Holly: Well, I like sports, but Pete’s more athletic than me. I’d say we’re both pretty outgoing, though. Interviewer: what else do you like

  about Pete? Holly: He’s funnier than I am, and he’s wilder. I’m a little quieter. Interviewer: How about you, Maria?

  Who’s your best friend? Maria: My best friend is Vera. Interviewer: What do you like about

  her? Maria: Well, she’s a good listener, and she keeps secrets that’s important to me. Interviewer: Is she a lot like you? Maria: Some people say that we look alike. We’re both tall, and we both have long, curly hair. But Vera is much quieter than me, and she’s also smarter. I’m more outgoing. 1. I think a good friend makes me laugh.

  make sb. do sth.


  带to的不定式) Explanation e.g. His words made us feel so


  The boss made the workers work

  all day and all night.

  2. She’s a good listener, and she keeps




  keep a secret

  保密 3. Is she a lot like you?

  = Is she like you very much?

  (1)a lot 表程度, 相当于very

  much, 但位置不同。

  (2)be like 像……, like为介词。 2c PAIRWOR Talk about Holly and Maria and their best friends. A: Holly’s best friend is funnier

  than she is. B: Well, Maria and her best friend

  are both tall.

  Unit 6

  I’m more outgoing than my sister. Section B Period 1 Words and expressions schoolwork



  使;促使;迫使 for


  为;给;对 laugh Friendship is very important in our life.

  We may have many friends. Some are the same as us. Some are different.

  A friend in need is a friend indeed.

  Is he a good friend? When you fight with others, he helps you to fight. When you are tired, he does homework for you. When you are thirsty, he gives you a cup of tea. 4.

  When you meet a thief, he runs away quickly.

  5. When you don’t know the answers in the exam, he gives you the answers to copy. Friend wanted Tom: I don’t know how to make myself more handsome. My clothes are too ugly. If my friend have some cool clothes, that will be great.

  Tom thinks a good friend has cool clothes.

  Mary: The schoolwork is so difficult for me. I don’t know how to get good grades. I want to ask my friend for help. Mary thinks a good friend____________. Tara: I am very outgoing. I like going shopping, swimming, sightseeing and so on. I like to do these with my friend together. Tara thinks a good friend____________. Tim: I am very athletic. I like playing sports and I am good at sports. I want to play sports with my friend together. Tim thinks a good friend__________. Jimmy: I am not very popular in school. Maybe I am too quiet. I like the student who is very popular with others. Jimmy thinks a good friend__________.

  Holly: Sometimes I feel tired and sad, I think a good friend_________. ___a. has cool clothes.

  ___b. is popular in school.

  ___c. likes to do the same things as me.

  ___d. is good at sports.

  ___e. is good at schoolwork.

  ___f. makes me laugh. A good friend… 1a What kind of things are important in a friend? A: I think a good friend makes me

  laugh. B: For me, a good friend likes to do

  the same things as me. C: Yes, and a good friend is popular,

  too. D: That’s not very important for me … 1b GROUPWORK Holly


  Likes about best friends likes to do the same things popular, good at sports good listener keeps secrets Listening (2a,2b) Holly


  The same as best


  They are both pretty outgoing. look alike, both tall both have long, curly hair Holly


  Different from best friend Pete’s more athletic, funnier and wilder. Holly is quieter. Vera is quieter and smarter. Maria is more

  outgoing. Tapescript Interviewer: Who is your best friend,

  Holly? Holly: Pete. Interviewer: Why is he a good friend?

  Holly: Because he likes to do the same things as I do. He’s popular,

  too, and he’s good at sports. Interviewer: Are you good at sports, too? Holly: Well, I like sports, but Pete’s more athletic than me. I’d say we’re both pretty outgoing, though. Interviewer: what else do you like

  about Pete? Holly: He’s funnier than I am, and he’s wilder. I’m a little quieter. Interviewer: How about you, Maria?

  Who’s your best friend? Maria: My best friend is Vera. Interviewer: What do you like about

  her? Maria: Well, she’s a good listener, and she keeps secrets that’s important to me. Interviewer: Is she a lot like you? Maria: Some people say that we look alike. We’re both tall, and we both have long, curly hair. But Vera is much quieter than me, and she’s also smarter. I’m more outgoing. 1. I think a good friend makes me laugh.

  make sb. do sth.


  带to的不定式) Explanation e.g. His words made us feel so


  The boss made the workers work

  all day and all night.

  2. She’s a good listener, and she keeps




  keep a secret

  保密 3. Is she a lot like you?

  = Is she like you very much?

  (1)a lot 表程度, 相当于very

  much, 但位置不同。

  (2)be like 像……, like为介词。 2c PAIRWOR Talk about Holly and Maria and their best friends. A: Holly’s best friend is funnier

  than she is. B: Well, Maria and her best friend

  are both tall.