【收尾精炼】2024届高三英语一轮复习训练:Unit 5 Travelling abroad(新人教版选修7)

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【收尾精炼】2024届高三英语一轮复习训练:Unit 5 Travelling abroad(新人教版选修7)

  Unit 5 Travelling abroad


  1.It is reported that the floods have left about________people homeless.

  A.two thousandB.two-thousands

  C.two thousandsD.two thousands of

  2.I have started getting up at five a.m.to study but I don’t know if I can________.

  A.keep it outB.keep it away

  C.keep it backD.keep it up

  3.His parents________ him to work in a big company but he failed them.


  4.John acknowledged ________ the midterm examination.

  A.not to passB.passing notC.not passingD.didn’t pass

  5.—When will you be through with your work?

  —________?My boss usually finds something for me to do at the last minute.

  A.Who knowsB.Would you help me

  C.I beg your pardonD.Anything the matter

  6.________ herself with routine office tasks,she had no time to attend to her children.


  C.Being occupiedD.To be occupied

  7.It is wise of you to________ well-trained workers________ untrained ones in the assembly line.



  8.Haven’t you been thankful for the preparations she________ for the party?

  A.hadB.madeC.didD. paid

  9.________ oil,or else it will perish your rubber boots.

  A.Keep backB.Keep offC.Keep downD.Keep to

  10.I’m afraid I’m not________ the job,for it’s one calling for much patience.

  A.fit forB.fit inC.fit in withD.fit on

  11.—Why don’t the clothes sell well?

  —They are________and few people are willing to buy them.

  A.out of controlB.out of conditionC.out of countD.out of date

  12.________external appearances are concerned,radioactive materials do not look different from other substances.

  A.As far asB.As long asC.As soon asD.As much as

  13.The road conditions there turned out to be very good,________ was more than we could expect.


  14.The man pulled out a gold watch,________were made of small diamonds

  A.the hands of whomB.whom the hands of

  C.which the hands ofD.the hands of which

  15.For many cities in the world,there is no room to spread out further,________New York is an example.

  A.for whichB.in whichC.of whichD.from which


  Children’s books or children’s literature are very hard to define and categorise,because there is no set genre for children to enjoy.All in all they can be categorised into six major classes,namely early childhood picture books,traditional literature,fiction,non-fiction,biography and poetry.

  Children have unique taste and interest.Although Harry Potter may be an all-time favourite book for children all over the globe,they prefer funny books to fairy tales when it comes to bedtime.The top three favourite books in bedtime stories are The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler,The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and The BFG by Roald Dahl.

  There are many writers who popularised the children’s literature or children’s books through their brilliant works.John Amos Comenius is the author of Orbis Pictus which is considered to be the first picture book specifically for children.Charles Perrault is believed to be the one who laid the foundation of fairy tales.Perrault’s stories include Little Red Riding Hood,Cinderella,Sleeping Beauty and so on.Hans Christian Anderson is best known for his fairy tales,such as The Snow Queen,The Little Mermaid and The Emperor’s New Clothes.

  Many children’s books have been made into feature films and are equally successful in this medium,like Alice in Wonderland,the BFG series and the Harry Potter series.These series collected a huge amount of money when released worldwide in cinema halls.All these movies based on popular children’s books are not only popular among children but also popular among adult audience

  Children’s books are in demand all over the world and more and more writers and authors are coming up with some new books.The potential market is immense because children are more into reading in this era than previous and they are enjoying it to the fullest.

  16.Before going to sleep children like to enjoy________.

  A.fairy tales


  C.funny booksD.traditional literature

  17.All the following books are fairy tales except________.

  A.The Snow QueenB.The Gruffalo

  C.Little Red Riding HoodD.Cinderella

  18.Which of the following is NOT true about the films based on children’s books?

  A.Adults seem not to like them at all.B.They bring in a lot of money.

  C.They are very popular with children.D.They are shown around the world.

  19.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that________.

  A.more famous books would be published in future

  B.children would like to read children’ s books more

  C.more people are eager to be writers and authors

  D.the economy is developing faster and faster

  20.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

  A.There Are Six Kinds of Children’s Books

  B.Some Writers Are Well-known in the World

  C.Many Films Are Based on Children’s Books

  D.Children’s Books and Literature Are Very Popular


  假如你是一名高三学生,经常为看电视的事跟妈妈闹意见,今天你跟妈妈达成一致。请根据以下表格的内容,以“An Argument”为题为《英语广场》写一篇100词左右的英语短文。

  母亲 儿子

  高三学生学习任务重, 看电视浪费时间 学习一天很疲劳,看电视可以放松一下

  儿子自制力差,看电视会影响视力 看电视也可以增长知识,了解国际国内大事,紧跟时代
























  参考范文I am a Senior 3 student.I often quarrel with my mother over whether I can watch TV after school.My mother holds the view that students in Senior 3,heavily burdened with their studies,are too busy to spare any time to watch TV.It seems to her that once I am allowed to do that I will not be able to control myself and forget all about my study. She also thinks that it is bad for my eyes to watch TV too often.But I really can’t accept her ideas.I think it is relaxing to watch TV after a day’s hard work.Not only can it set my mind at rest,but it can broaden my horizons.Now we have at last reached an agreement that I can only watch TV at weekends,and the programs should be limited to news,entertainment,sports or science.

  Unit 5 Travelling abroad


  1.It is reported that the floods have left about________people homeless.

  A.two thousandB.two-thousands

  C.two thousandsD.two thousands of

  2.I have started getting up at five a.m.to study but I don’t know if I can________.

  A.keep it outB.keep it away

  C.keep it backD.keep it up

  3.His parents________ him to work in a big company but he failed them.


  4.John acknowledged ________ the midterm examination.

  A.not to passB.passing notC.not passingD.didn’t pass

  5.—When will you be through with your work?

  —________?My boss usually finds something for me to do at the last minute.

  A.Who knowsB.Would you help me

  C.I beg your pardonD.Anything the matter

  6.________ herself with routine office tasks,she had no time to attend to her children.


  C.Being occupiedD.To be occupied

  7.It is wise of you to________ well-trained workers________ untrained ones in the assembly line.



  8.Haven’t you been thankful for the preparations she________ for the party?

  A.hadB.madeC.didD. paid

  9.________ oil,or else it will perish your rubber boots.

  A.Keep backB.Keep offC.Keep downD.Keep to

  10.I’m afraid I’m not________ the job,for it’s one calling for much patience.

  A.fit forB.fit inC.fit in withD.fit on

  11.—Why don’t the clothes sell well?

  —They are________and few people are willing to buy them.

  A.out of controlB.out of conditionC.out of countD.out of date

  12.________external appearances are concerned,radioactive materials do not look different from other substances.

  A.As far asB.As long asC.As soon asD.As much as

  13.The road conditions there turned out to be very good,________ was more than we could expect.


  14.The man pulled out a gold watch,________were made of small diamonds

  A.the hands of whomB.whom the hands of

  C.which the hands ofD.the hands of which

  15.For many cities in the world,there is no room to spread out further,________New York is an example.

  A.for whichB.in whichC.of whichD.from which


  Children’s books or children’s literature are very hard to define and categorise,because there is no set genre for children to enjoy.All in all they can be categorised into six major classes,namely early childhood picture books,traditional literature,fiction,non-fiction,biography and poetry.

  Children have unique taste and interest.Although Harry Potter may be an all-time favourite book for children all over the globe,they prefer funny books to fairy tales when it comes to bedtime.The top three favourite books in bedtime stories are The Gruffalo by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler,The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and The BFG by Roald Dahl.

  There are many writers who popularised the children’s literature or children’s books through their brilliant works.John Amos Comenius is the author of Orbis Pictus which is considered to be the first picture book specifically for children.Charles Perrault is believed to be the one who laid the foundation of fairy tales.Perrault’s stories include Little Red Riding Hood,Cinderella,Sleeping Beauty and so on.Hans Christian Anderson is best known for his fairy tales,such as The Snow Queen,The Little Mermaid and The Emperor’s New Clothes.

  Many children’s books have been made into feature films and are equally successful in this medium,like Alice in Wonderland,the BFG series and the Harry Potter series.These series collected a huge amount of money when released worldwide in cinema halls.All these movies based on popular children’s books are not only popular among children but also popular among adult audience

  Children’s books are in demand all over the world and more and more writers and authors are coming up with some new books.The potential market is immense because children are more into reading in this era than previous and they are enjoying it to the fullest.

  16.Before going to sleep children like to enjoy________.

  A.fairy tales


  C.funny booksD.traditional literature

  17.All the following books are fairy tales except________.

  A.The Snow QueenB.The Gruffalo

  C.Little Red Riding HoodD.Cinderella

  18.Which of the following is NOT true about the films based on children’s books?

  A.Adults seem not to like them at all.B.They bring in a lot of money.

  C.They are very popular with children.D.They are shown around the world.

  19.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that________.

  A.more famous books would be published in future

  B.children would like to read children’ s books more

  C.more people are eager to be writers and authors

  D.the economy is developing faster and faster

  20.Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?

  A.There Are Six Kinds of Children’s Books

  B.Some Writers Are Well-known in the World

  C.Many Films Are Based on Children’s Books

  D.Children’s Books and Literature Are Very Popular


  假如你是一名高三学生,经常为看电视的事跟妈妈闹意见,今天你跟妈妈达成一致。请根据以下表格的内容,以“An Argument”为题为《英语广场》写一篇100词左右的英语短文。

  母亲 儿子

  高三学生学习任务重, 看电视浪费时间 学习一天很疲劳,看电视可以放松一下

  儿子自制力差,看电视会影响视力 看电视也可以增长知识,了解国际国内大事,紧跟时代
























  参考范文I am a Senior 3 student.I often quarrel with my mother over whether I can watch TV after school.My mother holds the view that students in Senior 3,heavily burdened with their studies,are too busy to spare any time to watch TV.It seems to her that once I am allowed to do that I will not be able to control myself and forget all about my study. She also thinks that it is bad for my eyes to watch TV too often.But I really can’t accept her ideas.I think it is relaxing to watch TV after a day’s hard work.Not only can it set my mind at rest,but it can broaden my horizons.Now we have at last reached an agreement that I can only watch TV at weekends,and the programs should be limited to news,entertainment,sports or science.