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1. Wall Street is the source of a considerable portion of all NY earnings.


It deals not only with finance, but also insurance and real estate – altogether amounting to 35% of total NY city income.



2. The earnings of a Wall Street employee is shockingly higher than of an average one in America.


An average Wall Street employee makes $363,000 (bonuses included) compared to an average American Doctor of Science with $81,400 not to mention those who have not achieved this much.


3. If you could travel back to 1956 and invest $1,000 with Warren Buffet, you would have more than $300 million today.


Einstein called compounding "the 8th wonder of the world" for a reason – with a 22% yearly growth, one thousand bucks invested with Warren Buffet 60 years ago would bring you 300 million bucks.


4. Wall Street's history as of the center of business and finance began under a buttonwood tree.


It's where twenty four traders signed an agreement to trade stocks with each other and initiate the NY Stock and Exchange Board.


5. Wall Street is not actually the world coolest financial center.


Its position is second in the list, the first one belongs to London (according to the Global Financial Centres Index).


6. The Wall Street Crash was not so much suicidal as widely believed.


In the period from Black Thursday to the end of 1929 the number of suicides and suicude attempts in NY amounted to a hundred. However, only 4 of them were connected with the Wall Street Crash.


7. Director Oliver Stone made two movies about ''Wall Street''.


The first one was released in 1987 and starred such prominent actors as Charlie Sheen, Michael Douglas, Daryl Hannah and Martin Sheen, the second one was a sequel of 2010 with Charlie Sheen, Michael Douglas who agreed to act


8. Wall Street starts trading daily at 9.30 a.m. when it hears the bell of the NY Stock Exchange ringing.


The closing bell rings at 4 p.m. Many famous people at different times have obtained the honour to ring it.


9. 16.4 million shares were being traded on Black Tuesday – this record lasted for forty years.


People were shouting out ''Sell! Sell! Sell!'' so loudly that the opening bell was not ever heard. A lot of investors lost all their life savings within seconds.


10. The first location of the NY Stock Exchange was a coffee house.


The Tontine Coffee House was placed on the corner of Wall Street and Water Street. The New York Stock Exchange has moved many times, the current building was constructed in 1903.


1. Wall Street is the source of a considerable portion of all NY earnings.


It deals not only with finance, but also insurance and real estate – altogether amounting to 35% of total NY city income.



2. The earnings of a Wall Street employee is shockingly higher than of an average one in America.


An average Wall Street employee makes $363,000 (bonuses included) compared to an average American Doctor of Science with $81,400 not to mention those who have not achieved this much.


3. If you could travel back to 1956 and invest $1,000 with Warren Buffet, you would have more than $300 million today.


Einstein called compounding "the 8th wonder of the world" for a reason – with a 22% yearly growth, one thousand bucks invested with Warren Buffet 60 years ago would bring you 300 million bucks.


4. Wall Street's history as of the center of business and finance began under a buttonwood tree.


It's where twenty four traders signed an agreement to trade stocks with each other and initiate the NY Stock and Exchange Board.


5. Wall Street is not actually the world coolest financial center.


Its position is second in the list, the first one belongs to London (according to the Global Financial Centres Index).


6. The Wall Street Crash was not so much suicidal as widely believed.


In the period from Black Thursday to the end of 1929 the number of suicides and suicude attempts in NY amounted to a hundred. However, only 4 of them were connected with the Wall Street Crash.


7. Director Oliver Stone made two movies about ''Wall Street''.


The first one was released in 1987 and starred such prominent actors as Charlie Sheen, Michael Douglas, Daryl Hannah and Martin Sheen, the second one was a sequel of 2010 with Charlie Sheen, Michael Douglas who agreed to act


8. Wall Street starts trading daily at 9.30 a.m. when it hears the bell of the NY Stock Exchange ringing.


The closing bell rings at 4 p.m. Many famous people at different times have obtained the honour to ring it.


9. 16.4 million shares were being traded on Black Tuesday – this record lasted for forty years.


People were shouting out ''Sell! Sell! Sell!'' so loudly that the opening bell was not ever heard. A lot of investors lost all their life savings within seconds.


10. The first location of the NY Stock Exchange was a coffee house.


The Tontine Coffee House was placed on the corner of Wall Street and Water Street. The New York Stock Exchange has moved many times, the current building was constructed in 1903.


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