【新托福考试高分突破 词汇】Word List 12

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【新托福考试高分突破 词汇】Word List 12

  专八Minilecture,以讲座的形式展开,考察在整篇lecture中捕捉信息和关键词的能力,逐步领会Minilecture的命题规律和答题技巧 本篇选用的是《2024年星火满分听力》l综合篇。 关于专八听力,因为还有一档专八Interview和专八资讯的节目,所以不是每一项都是每天更新的,但是minilecture不更新的同时interview有更新,大家也可以关注一下。 IV.Factore need to pay attention to A,misuc: ---have slow tempo,regular patterns ---make voices and instruments coordinate with orchestra to make students ___ B,teachers: ---cover lots of ____in class ---structure the material in gloden proportion. ---be highly ___,reliable and credible ----eatablish good relations with students ---act as authority and security C,___ ---include acting,singing songs,playing games,telling storiea ,carrying on___,and psycho-dramas ----the teacher carefully structure them

  The first stage is presentation. In this stage, students are helped to relax and move into a positive frame of mind, with the feeling that the learning is going to be easy and fun. The second stage is called Active Concert. This involves the active presentation of the material to be learnt. For example, in a foreign language course, there might be the dramatic reading of a piece of text accompanied by classical music. The third stage is passive review. In this section, the students are now invited to relax and listen to some Baroque music, with the text being read very quietly in the background. The music is specially selected to bring the students into the optimum mental state for the effortless acquisition of the material. The last stage is practice. A range of games and puzzles will be used to review and consolidate the learning. focused learning materials prestigious Activities short conversations


  专八Minilecture,以讲座的形式展开,考察在整篇lecture中捕捉信息和关键词的能力,逐步领会Minilecture的命题规律和答题技巧 本篇选用的是《2024年星火满分听力》l综合篇。 关于专八听力,因为还有一档专八Interview和专八资讯的节目,所以不是每一项都是每天更新的,但是minilecture不更新的同时interview有更新,大家也可以关注一下。 IV.Factore need to pay attention to A,misuc: ---have slow tempo,regular patterns ---make voices and instruments coordinate with orchestra to make students ___ B,teachers: ---cover lots of ____in class ---structure the material in gloden proportion. ---be highly ___,reliable and credible ----eatablish good relations with students ---act as authority and security C,___ ---include acting,singing songs,playing games,telling storiea ,carrying on___,and psycho-dramas ----the teacher carefully structure them

  The first stage is presentation. In this stage, students are helped to relax and move into a positive frame of mind, with the feeling that the learning is going to be easy and fun. The second stage is called Active Concert. This involves the active presentation of the material to be learnt. For example, in a foreign language course, there might be the dramatic reading of a piece of text accompanied by classical music. The third stage is passive review. In this section, the students are now invited to relax and listen to some Baroque music, with the text being read very quietly in the background. The music is specially selected to bring the students into the optimum mental state for the effortless acquisition of the material. The last stage is practice. A range of games and puzzles will be used to review and consolidate the learning. focused learning materials prestigious Activities short conversations


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