2024届高考英语一轮课时跟踪检测:《The power of nature》(人教版选修6)

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2024届高考英语一轮课时跟踪检测:《The power of nature》(人教版选修6)

  课时跟踪检测(三十) The power of nature


  1.(2024·济宁高三模拟)—Jenny, it won't be long before I receive the admission letter from Oxford University.


  A.Good luck! B.Congratulations!

  C.Why so soon?

  D.Don't worry.

  2.(2024·江苏南通二模)Carbon dioxide is said ________ the earth twice as quickly as previously feared.

  A.to be heated

  B.to be heating

  C.to have heated

  D.to have been heated

  3.(2024·湘潭二模)________ around the university, we then were taken to a building, where many scientists worked.


  B.Having been shown

  C.Being shown

  D.Having shown

  4.(2024·岳阳模拟)—The iPhone 5 has been on the market for some time. Have you got one?

  —Yes, I ________ one during my visit to Hong Kong.

  A.have bought


  C.had bought

  D.would buy

  5.(2024·山东莱芜高三期末考试)Attracting ________ senior citizens, Florida is ________ home to the largest population of elder Americans.

  A./; /

  B.the; a

  C.the; /

  D./; a

  6.(2024·马鞍山模拟)I was really ________ about you. You shouldn't have left home without a word.





  7.(2024·吉林市高三模拟)According to our headmaster's principle, all children should be encouraged to realize their full ________.





  8.The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons ________ for the day.



  C.had finished

  D.were finished

  9.(2024·江苏泰州检测)—Will you be able to finish the report before Friday?

  —I can't ________ anything, but I'll try my best.





  10.(2024·吉林长春外国语学校月考)In the botanical garden we can find a(n) ________ of plants that range from tall trees to small flowers.





  11.(2024·浙江高考)The research lacks ________ evidence, and therefore, its conclusions are doubtful.





  12.Nowadays food safety is a big problem and nobody can guarantee all foods are secure to us, but food produced in the normal companies is ________ better.





  13.He had a talent for music and was ________ conductor of Shanghai Symphony Orchestra at the age of 30.





  14.(2024·山西大同一中高三月考)His wonderful performances ________ to all ages and social groups in China and he is also popular with people all over the world.





  15.(2024·河北普通高中教学质检)The man talks as if he knew the truth about the car accident. ________ he knows nothing about it.







  (2024·黄山市高三质检)The World Bank estimates there are about 650 million mobile phone users in African countries south of the Sahara Desert.That is greater than the number of users in the United States and European Union.

  Samia Melhem works for the World Bank to increase information technologies in Africa.She says mobile phones are the fastest growing technology on the continent.

  “Faster than TV, and definitely faster than electricity.More people have access to mobile phones and therefore communication.More people have Internet access today in Africa than they have access to water, clean water, or even sanitation (卫生设备).So we can say that this has been the most significant revolution in terms of changing the African landscape and how people live their daily life.”

  CNN television recently named seven ways of life that have been revolutionized because of mobile phones.They include political activism, education, entertainment, disaster management, agriculture and health.

  Another area is banking.Reports say half or more of the adults in Gabon, Kenya and Sudan use mobile money.Rene Mendy sells goods in the streets of Dakar, Senegal.But he never had enough money to open a bank account.

  Now he uses a mobile phone banking service called Orange Money.With his telephone, he can add or take out as little as one dollar.He can make payments and send money to family members who live far away.

  Orange Money says it serves four million customers in ten countries.The World Bank's Samia Melhem notes that the French company is facing competition from


  mobile banking services.

  “The mobile banking is a huge trend.And people in the West don't understand it, because most people have bank accounts and credit cards.It — mobile banking — is the instant possession of cash at a much lower cost.The cost is the cost of sending a message, which is almost nothing compared to what traditional transfer agents, like Western Union, would charge 10 dollars or more for a particular money transfer.”

  1.Which country or area has the most mobile phone users according to the text?

  A.The USA. B.European Union.

  C.African countries.


  2.The most significant revolution refers to ________.

  A.seven ways of life revolutionized because of mobile phones

  B.more people having access to clean water

  C.mobile phones being the fastest growing technology in Africa

  D.the fast development of electricity in Africa

  3.Most people in the West don't use mobile banking because ________.

  A.they have bank accounts and credit cards

  B.they all have much money

  C.mobile banking costs few dollars

  D.mobile banking is hard to understand

  4.The text is mainly about ________.

  A.how people live their life in Africa

  B.mobile phones have changed lives in Africa

  C.mobile phones are the fastest growing technology

  D.the mobile banking is a huge trend


  (2024·长春高三二轮复习质量检测)In the United States, more and more families have turned to assisted living centers to care for their aging parents.But there may be an even better idea — one that provides a safe environment to older adults while keeping them close to loved ones.

  In a quiet neighborhood near Washington DC, two homes sit within several meters of each other.The larger house belongs to Soc Page and her family.Behind it is a small home where her mother, Viola Baez, lives.Miz Baez's home is a MEDCottage.These structures are built to meet the medical and safety needs of an older person.Soc Page says it was the best place for her mother.

  The MEDCottage is small — just 28 square meters.But it has separate areas for living and bathing.There is even space for medical equipment.“There is blood pressure, pulse meters and we connect all of this to her, and it takes all of the readings and sends them directly to her doctor's office.” There are also safety lights on the floor so Viola Baez can safely walk to the bathroom at night.The bathroom has a walk­in shower and hand railings.From her own house, Soc Page can use cameras and intercom equipment to see and hear her mother.

  Ken Dupin started N2Care, the company that builds the small homes.He wanted to help families stay together.“In nearly every other culture in the world they celebrate that, they see it as a privilege.But for whatever reason in the culture that I live in, we have resistance to that.And that's my duty, is to change that.”

  MEDCottages are built in Martinsville, Virginia.They are then transported and set up on the homeowner's property (房产).“If I have a purpose for the rest of my life, it is somehow challenging and motivating people to accept this responsibility.”

  Ken Dupin has received more than 3,000 requests for information about MEDCottages.He hopes he can make many other families as happy in the homes as this one.

  5.N2Care builds MEDCottages to ________.

  A.improve the living environment

  B.earn a large profit and win fame

  C.help people care for their aging parents

  D.provide medical support to the elderly

  6.What can we learn about the MEDCottage from Paragraph 3? 

  A.It can meet the medical and safety needs of an older person.

  B.An older person can get all he wants without going out of it.

  C.Doctors can give an older person the best treatment directly.

  D.Children can't learn about their parents from their own houses.

  7.What does the underlined word “it” refer to in Paragraph 4?

  A.Families staying together.

  B.Starting N2Care.

  C.Building small homes.

  D.Celebrating the culture.

  8.What can be inferred from the text?

  A.Soc Page is dissatisfied with the service of the N2Care.

  B.The MEDCottage has been quite popular in the USA.

  C.Ken Dupin's goal will be easy to achieve.

  D.Ken Dupin aims to help more families live happily.



  Ⅰ.1.选B 句意:“Jenny,不久我就要收到牛津大学的录取通知书了。”“祝贺你!”Good luck意为“祝你好运”;Congratulations意为“祝贺你”;Why so soon意为“为什么这么快”;Don't worry意为“别担心”。四个选项中,只有Congratulations符合语境。故答案选B。

  2.选B 句意:据说二氧化碳正以先前所担忧的两倍的速度加热着地球。be said to do意为“据说……”,carbon dioxide与heat之间是主谓关系,而且heat这一动作与谓语动词动作同时发生,所以用不定式的进行式。

  3.选B 分析句子成分可知,句中的show与we之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,且根据题中的“we then were taken to a building”可知,应用完成被动式,故选B。

  4.选B 由语境可知,购买iPhone 5的动作发生在去香港期间,发生在过去,因此用一般过去时。

  5.选A 第一空后的senior citizens为泛指复数名词,其前用零冠词,be home to为固定用法,意为“……之乡”。故选A。

  6.选A 句意:我真的很担心你。你不该不打声招呼就离开家。be anxious about “为……担心”。eager“渴望的”;worrying“令人担忧的”;sure“肯定的”。

  7.选D 句意:按照我们校长的观点,应该鼓励所有的儿童充分发挥他们的潜能。consequence“结果;后果”;entertainment“娱乐;消遣”;presentation“提供;展示”;potential“潜力”。

  8.选B 名词短语their lessons和动词finish之间是被动完成关系,故用过去分词finished。

  9.选A 句意:“周五前你能完成报告吗?”“我不能保证什么,但是我会尽最大努力的。”guarantee“保证;担保”;transform“改变;转换”;prepare“准备”;say“说”。此处表达不能向对方保证会做到某事,故选A项。

  10.选D 句意:在植物园,我们会发现从大树到小花等各种各样的植物。a variety of“各种各样的”;a species of“一种”;B项变成group才正确;an amount of修饰不可数名词。

  11.选A 句意:该研究缺乏可靠的证据,因此它的结论值得怀疑。由句意可知,solid符合语境,意为“可靠的;可信赖的”。fierce“激烈的”;severe“严重的”;potential“潜在的”。

  12.选C 句意:现在食品安全是一个大的问题,没有人能够保证所有的食物对我们来说都是安全的,但是正规公司生产的食物相对来说要好一些。strictly“严格地”;absolutely“完全地”;relatively“相对地”;exactly“正好地”。

  13.选B 句意:他对音乐很有天赋,在30岁的时候被任命为上海交响乐团的指挥。appoint“任命;委派”,符合句意。assign“布置”;name“命名”;honor“给……荣誉”。

  14.选D 句意:他的精彩表演吸引了中国各个年龄段和各个阶层的人们,同时他也深受全世界人们的欢迎。appear“出现”;suit“适合”;fit“合适”;appeal“吸引”。根据句意选D。

  15.选A 句意:那个人谈起来好像知道这次车祸的真相。事实上,他什么也不知道。根据句意应选actually“事实上”。really“确实地;的确”;obviously“显而易见地”;generally“通常地”。

  .1.选C 推理判断题。根据文章第一段的内容可知,非洲国家使用手机的数量超过美国和欧盟,由此可知C项正确。

  2.选C 推理判断题。根据文章第二段的第二句“She ... on the continent.”以及第三段的内容可知,手机成为非洲大陆上发展最迅速的科技是(改变非洲前景)最重要的变革,故选C。

  3.选A 细节理解题。根据最后一段的第二句“And people ... credit cards.”可知,大多数西方人不用手机银行的原因是他们有银行账户和信用卡,故A项正确。

  4.选B 主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了手机改变了非洲人的生活,故B项正确。

  5.选C 细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“In the United States ... an even better idea ...”可知,建造MEDCottages的目的是帮助照顾老年人。故答案C符合文意。

  6.选A 细节理解题。通读第三段可知,该段主要从居住、洗浴和医疗等方面印证了文章第二段倒数第二句“These structures ... an older person.”的意思,故答案A符合文意。

  7.选A 代词指代题。根据文章第四段第二句“He wanted to help families stay together.”可推知,答案A符合文意。

  8.选D 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段最后一句“He hopes ... as this one.”可推知,答案D符合文意。