河北省2024高考英语二轮复习专题训练 短文改错+书面表达(47)

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河北省2024高考英语二轮复习专题训练 短文改错+书面表达(47)

  7A Unit 6


  1. look very colourful


  2. give us your ideas 给我们你们的想法

  3. talk to sb. about sth. 跟某人交谈某事 4. Congratulations! 祝贺你!

  5. borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物

  6. turn on the light 开灯

  7. have lessons 上课

  8. go swimming 去游泳

  9. do my homework 做家庭作业

  10. get up 起床

  11. do after-school activities

  做课外活动 12. dress up in white trousers穿白裤子

  12. a size eight 穿8号

  14. choose what to wear


  15. be suitable for the trip 适合旅行

  16. look good in blue 穿蓝色看起来不错

  17. enjoy the show 欣赏演出

  18.be made of/from


  19. match very well 很相配

  20.design a T-shirt 设计一件T恤

  21. any other 其他任何…

  22. a pair of white trainers 一双白色运动鞋

  23. have dinner with my family 和家人一起吃晚饭

  24. from the 1970s to the 1990s 从20世纪70年代到90年代

  25. so many beautiful clothes 这么多漂亮的衣服


  1. She is paying for her new shoes. 她正在给她新鞋子付钱。

  2. There’re five floors of shops and each floor is very big. 有5层楼的商店而且每一层都很大。

  3. You can eat different kinds of food from different countries.


  4. There’s a little girl inside the shop next door. 隔壁商店里有个小女孩。

  5. Can you guess when my clothes are from? 你能猜出我的衣服是什么时候的吗?

  6. Here comes Simon. 现在走来的是Simon。

  7. How beautiful Sandy is!


  8. Her hair style was popular in the 1990s. 她的发型在90年代很流行。

  9. That’s all for today’s fashion show. 今天的时装秀到此结束。

  10. What do you think of our show? = How do you like our show? 你觉得我们的时装秀如何?

  11. May I ask you to help us raise the money? 可以请你们帮我们捐款吗?

  12. Mum thinks jumper and jeans are suitable for the trip. 妈妈认为套头衫、牛仔裤适合旅行。

  13. What’s the scarf made of? 这条围巾是由什么制成的?

  14. I’m sure they will look cool on anyone. 我确定,谁穿上它们都会很酷的。

  15. The jumper is not too long or too short and it looks smart.


  16. They must be light and comfortable. 它们必须宽松而舒适。

  17. How’s your poster going? 你的海报进展如何?

  18. May I have some more time to do my poster? 可以给我多一点的时间来做我的海报吗?

  19. I hope to see your best work. / We hope you enjoy the show.


  7A Unit 6


  1. look very colourful


  2. give us your ideas 给我们你们的想法

  3. talk to sb. about sth. 跟某人交谈某事 4. Congratulations! 祝贺你!

  5. borrow sth. from sb. 向某人借某物

  6. turn on the light 开灯

  7. have lessons 上课

  8. go swimming 去游泳

  9. do my homework 做家庭作业

  10. get up 起床

  11. do after-school activities

  做课外活动 12. dress up in white trousers穿白裤子

  12. a size eight 穿8号

  14. choose what to wear


  15. be suitable for the trip 适合旅行

  16. look good in blue 穿蓝色看起来不错

  17. enjoy the show 欣赏演出

  18.be made of/from


  19. match very well 很相配

  20.design a T-shirt 设计一件T恤

  21. any other 其他任何…

  22. a pair of white trainers 一双白色运动鞋

  23. have dinner with my family 和家人一起吃晚饭

  24. from the 1970s to the 1990s 从20世纪70年代到90年代

  25. so many beautiful clothes 这么多漂亮的衣服


  1. She is paying for her new shoes. 她正在给她新鞋子付钱。

  2. There’re five floors of shops and each floor is very big. 有5层楼的商店而且每一层都很大。

  3. You can eat different kinds of food from different countries.


  4. There’s a little girl inside the shop next door. 隔壁商店里有个小女孩。

  5. Can you guess when my clothes are from? 你能猜出我的衣服是什么时候的吗?

  6. Here comes Simon. 现在走来的是Simon。

  7. How beautiful Sandy is!


  8. Her hair style was popular in the 1990s. 她的发型在90年代很流行。

  9. That’s all for today’s fashion show. 今天的时装秀到此结束。

  10. What do you think of our show? = How do you like our show? 你觉得我们的时装秀如何?

  11. May I ask you to help us raise the money? 可以请你们帮我们捐款吗?

  12. Mum thinks jumper and jeans are suitable for the trip. 妈妈认为套头衫、牛仔裤适合旅行。

  13. What’s the scarf made of? 这条围巾是由什么制成的?

  14. I’m sure they will look cool on anyone. 我确定,谁穿上它们都会很酷的。

  15. The jumper is not too long or too short and it looks smart.


  16. They must be light and comfortable. 它们必须宽松而舒适。

  17. How’s your poster going? 你的海报进展如何?

  18. May I have some more time to do my poster? 可以给我多一点的时间来做我的海报吗?

  19. I hope to see your best work. / We hope you enjoy the show.
