希拉里面临关键考验 Hillary Clinton's big complicated worl

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希拉里面临关键考验 Hillary Clinton's big complicated worl

An odd thing happened at Donald Trump’s victory rally last week. Having evaded his bouncers, I made my way to the centre of the throng as it awaited The Donald’s arrival. The crowd erupted into boos when Hillary Clinton appeared on the television screen. You could hear a pin drop when Bernie Sanders popped up a few minutes later.

在唐纳德礠朗普(Donald Trump)最近的庆功会上发生了一件奇怪的事情。在避开特朗普的保镖后,我挤入了等待特朗普到来的人群中间。当希拉里克林顿(Hillary Clinton)出现在电视屏幕上时,人群中爆发出一片嘘声。而当几分钟后伯尼儠德斯(Bernie Sanders)出现时,四周静得落针可闻。

It was the respect shown by one anti-establishment wave to another. The contrast spoke volumes. They may come from opposite ends of the political spectrum but they are united in antipathy to Mrs Clinton.


It is not easy being Mrs Clinton. During the 1990s she was excoriated as a bra-burning feminist who wanted to socialise the US’s healthcare. Back then it was the establishment who detested her. Today, she is reviled by women and men alike for personifying the establishment. Moreover, her opponent, Mr Sanders, wants to socialise healthcare: Canada and the UK are the single-payer models he would emulate. Mrs Clinton, meanwhile, is disdained for not wanting to match him. Whatever she does, vilification is assured. As I said, it cannot be easy being Mrs Clinton.


It is about to become harder. In less than two weeks, Mrs Clinton must win the South Carolina primary. Unlike New Hampshire, which was always likely to “feel the Bern”, South Carolina is solid Clinton territory. It is the first state in her so-called southern firewall against Mr Sanders’s bandwagon. The latest polls give her a 30-point lead. If her margin of victory is below double digits, doubts about her electability will grow. If she wins decisively, last week will look like a blip. A breach in the firewall, on the other hand, could finish her. There is a lot riding on South Carolina.


To seal the deal, Mrs Clinton must perform Houdini-like feats. She must find a way of beating Mr Sanders without going negative. That is the biggest lesson from her New Hampshire defeat. More than nine out of 10 rated Mr Sanders as more honest and trustworthy than Mrs Clinton — and they were just the Democratic voters. Second, she needs to bring Mr Sanders down without sounding like a Republican. His plans would push US federal spending up to European levels. Puncturing his dreams without alienating liberals will be a challenge. Third, she must stick to her Obama-third-term script while letting voters know she shares their anger. It is not easy to promise continuity while raging against the status quo.


The upside is that figuring out how to defeat Mr Sanders would be good practice for confronting Mr Trump in a presidential election. The two have more in common than their anti-establishment support base. Both have a habit of promising the moon. Mr Sanders would convert the US into a Scandinavian social democracy. Mr Trump would make America great again. Both are arch-fantasists with an ability to recruit voters and appeal to independents. That is where the similarities end. Mr Sanders is a civil opponent. He has refrained from personal attacks on Mrs Clinton’s character. The Donald, on the other hand, knows no boundaries. “If she can’t satisfy Bill Clinton,” he said, “how can she satisfy America?”

好处在于,搞清楚如何打败桑德斯将会成为一次很好的练习,有利于希拉里在总统竞选中对抗特朗普。特朗普与桑德斯的共同点不止是两人的主要支持者都反对当权派,两人还都喜欢开空头支票:桑德斯想把美国变成一个斯堪的纳维亚式社会民主国家;特朗普想让美国再次成为一个伟大的国家。两人都有着天马行空的幻想,拥有鼓动人心、吸引独立选民的能力。他们还有一点最大的区别。桑德斯是文明的对手。他始终克制自己不侮辱希拉里的人格。特朗普则没有底线。“如果她无法满足比尔克林顿(Bill Clinton),”他称,“她如何能满足美国?”

How indeed? The key is in reminding voters that level-headedness is a virtue. They are also choosing America’s next commander-in-chief. Mr Sanders’s foreign policy boils down to one promise — he won’t start any wars. The rest is a replay of his 1960s student radicalism. In the latest Democratic debate, Mr Sanders’s grasp of the world stopped at roughly the midpoint of the cold war. He attacked the US’s overthrow of Iran’s Mossadeq government in 1953. He railed against Henry Kissinger’s secret bombing of Cambodia in the early 1970s. He also stood foursquare behind Franklin Roosevelt’s plea for the US to avoid acting out of fear.

这倒真是个问题。关键在于,要提醒选民,头脑冷静是一种美德。选总统也是在选美国的下一任总司令。桑德斯的外交政策可以归结为一个承诺——他不会发动任何战争。其他部分则是重申他在上世纪60年代的学生激进主义。在最近一场民主党辩论中,桑德斯对世界的理解几乎还停留在冷战中点。他抨击了美国1953年推翻伊朗莫萨德克(Mossadeq)政府的举动。他痛斥了亨利蘒魗格(Henry Kissinger)上世纪70年代初秘密轰炸柬埔寨的行为。他还坚定不移地支持富兰克林圠斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)恳求美国避免因恐惧而采取行动的立场。

He was right on every point. But his grasp of the US’s present-day challenges is considerably weaker. When asked to name a foreign policy adviser, Mr Sanders mentioned Lawrence Korb at the Center for American Progress. Mr Korb has met Mr Sanders once for a short briefing. Mr Sanders’s plan to defeat Isis is to persuade “the Muslim countries” to form a coalition. This would involve a highly improbable alliance between Iran and Saudi Arabia. In reality, they would be likelier to turn their guns on each other. “It is a big, complicated world out there,” Mrs Clinton reminded him in last week’s debate.

他说的都没错。但是对今日美国面临的挑战,他的理解则薄弱得多。当被要求说出一位外交政策顾问时,桑德斯提到了美国进步中心(Center for American Progress)的劳伦斯科布(Lawrence Korb)。科布见过桑德斯一次,为他做了短暂的简报。桑德斯挫败“伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国”(ISIS)的计划是说服“穆斯林国家”组成联盟。这意味着伊朗和沙特阿拉伯结盟——事实上是极为不可能的。在现实世界中,两国更可能刀兵相见。“那是一个庞大而复杂的世界,”希拉里在最近的辩论中提醒他道。

At 74, it seems a little late for Mr Sanders to catch up on his homework. Mr Trump, on the other hand, gladly ad洀椀琀猀 to having no advisers. According to him, the US is being screwed by its allies and beaten by its adversaries. As a world class dealmaker, he will put both those issues right. If he needs experts he will hire them. Meanwhile he will “bomb the shit” out of Isis. That is about it.


Mrs Clinton’s immediate fate will be determined by issues closer to home. Can she bring out the African-American vote in South Carolina? Will women return to the fold? The big picture matters to them too. Whatever your view of her, no rival has anything close to Mrs Clinton’s foreign policy experience. Mr Sanders and Mr Trump insist judgment is what matters. So here is a test of Mrs Clinton’s political skills: can she convince voters her opponents lack judgment? There is a big curious world out there waiting to find out.


An odd thing happened at Donald Trump’s victory rally last week. Having evaded his bouncers, I made my way to the centre of the throng as it awaited The Donald’s arrival. The crowd erupted into boos when Hillary Clinton appeared on the television screen. You could hear a pin drop when Bernie Sanders popped up a few minutes later.

在唐纳德礠朗普(Donald Trump)最近的庆功会上发生了一件奇怪的事情。在避开特朗普的保镖后,我挤入了等待特朗普到来的人群中间。当希拉里克林顿(Hillary Clinton)出现在电视屏幕上时,人群中爆发出一片嘘声。而当几分钟后伯尼儠德斯(Bernie Sanders)出现时,四周静得落针可闻。

It was the respect shown by one anti-establishment wave to another. The contrast spoke volumes. They may come from opposite ends of the political spectrum but they are united in antipathy to Mrs Clinton.


It is not easy being Mrs Clinton. During the 1990s she was excoriated as a bra-burning feminist who wanted to socialise the US’s healthcare. Back then it was the establishment who detested her. Today, she is reviled by women and men alike for personifying the establishment. Moreover, her opponent, Mr Sanders, wants to socialise healthcare: Canada and the UK are the single-payer models he would emulate. Mrs Clinton, meanwhile, is disdained for not wanting to match him. Whatever she does, vilification is assured. As I said, it cannot be easy being Mrs Clinton.


It is about to become harder. In less than two weeks, Mrs Clinton must win the South Carolina primary. Unlike New Hampshire, which was always likely to “feel the Bern”, South Carolina is solid Clinton territory. It is the first state in her so-called southern firewall against Mr Sanders’s bandwagon. The latest polls give her a 30-point lead. If her margin of victory is below double digits, doubts about her electability will grow. If she wins decisively, last week will look like a blip. A breach in the firewall, on the other hand, could finish her. There is a lot riding on South Carolina.


To seal the deal, Mrs Clinton must perform Houdini-like feats. She must find a way of beating Mr Sanders without going negative. That is the biggest lesson from her New Hampshire defeat. More than nine out of 10 rated Mr Sanders as more honest and trustworthy than Mrs Clinton — and they were just the Democratic voters. Second, she needs to bring Mr Sanders down without sounding like a Republican. His plans would push US federal spending up to European levels. Puncturing his dreams without alienating liberals will be a challenge. Third, she must stick to her Obama-third-term script while letting voters know she shares their anger. It is not easy to promise continuity while raging against the status quo.


The upside is that figuring out how to defeat Mr Sanders would be good practice for confronting Mr Trump in a presidential election. The two have more in common than their anti-establishment support base. Both have a habit of promising the moon. Mr Sanders would convert the US into a Scandinavian social democracy. Mr Trump would make America great again. Both are arch-fantasists with an ability to recruit voters and appeal to independents. That is where the similarities end. Mr Sanders is a civil opponent. He has refrained from personal attacks on Mrs Clinton’s character. The Donald, on the other hand, knows no boundaries. “If she can’t satisfy Bill Clinton,” he said, “how can she satisfy America?”

好处在于,搞清楚如何打败桑德斯将会成为一次很好的练习,有利于希拉里在总统竞选中对抗特朗普。特朗普与桑德斯的共同点不止是两人的主要支持者都反对当权派,两人还都喜欢开空头支票:桑德斯想把美国变成一个斯堪的纳维亚式社会民主国家;特朗普想让美国再次成为一个伟大的国家。两人都有着天马行空的幻想,拥有鼓动人心、吸引独立选民的能力。他们还有一点最大的区别。桑德斯是文明的对手。他始终克制自己不侮辱希拉里的人格。特朗普则没有底线。“如果她无法满足比尔克林顿(Bill Clinton),”他称,“她如何能满足美国?”

How indeed? The key is in reminding voters that level-headedness is a virtue. They are also choosing America’s next commander-in-chief. Mr Sanders’s foreign policy boils down to one promise — he won’t start any wars. The rest is a replay of his 1960s student radicalism. In the latest Democratic debate, Mr Sanders’s grasp of the world stopped at roughly the midpoint of the cold war. He attacked the US’s overthrow of Iran’s Mossadeq government in 1953. He railed against Henry Kissinger’s secret bombing of Cambodia in the early 1970s. He also stood foursquare behind Franklin Roosevelt’s plea for the US to avoid acting out of fear.

这倒真是个问题。关键在于,要提醒选民,头脑冷静是一种美德。选总统也是在选美国的下一任总司令。桑德斯的外交政策可以归结为一个承诺——他不会发动任何战争。其他部分则是重申他在上世纪60年代的学生激进主义。在最近一场民主党辩论中,桑德斯对世界的理解几乎还停留在冷战中点。他抨击了美国1953年推翻伊朗莫萨德克(Mossadeq)政府的举动。他痛斥了亨利蘒魗格(Henry Kissinger)上世纪70年代初秘密轰炸柬埔寨的行为。他还坚定不移地支持富兰克林圠斯福(Franklin Roosevelt)恳求美国避免因恐惧而采取行动的立场。

He was right on every point. But his grasp of the US’s present-day challenges is considerably weaker. When asked to name a foreign policy adviser, Mr Sanders mentioned Lawrence Korb at the Center for American Progress. Mr Korb has met Mr Sanders once for a short briefing. Mr Sanders’s plan to defeat Isis is to persuade “the Muslim countries” to form a coalition. This would involve a highly improbable alliance between Iran and Saudi Arabia. In reality, they would be likelier to turn their guns on each other. “It is a big, complicated world out there,” Mrs Clinton reminded him in last week’s debate.

他说的都没错。但是对今日美国面临的挑战,他的理解则薄弱得多。当被要求说出一位外交政策顾问时,桑德斯提到了美国进步中心(Center for American Progress)的劳伦斯科布(Lawrence Korb)。科布见过桑德斯一次,为他做了短暂的简报。桑德斯挫败“伊拉克和黎凡特伊斯兰国”(ISIS)的计划是说服“穆斯林国家”组成联盟。这意味着伊朗和沙特阿拉伯结盟——事实上是极为不可能的。在现实世界中,两国更可能刀兵相见。“那是一个庞大而复杂的世界,”希拉里在最近的辩论中提醒他道。

At 74, it seems a little late for Mr Sanders to catch up on his homework. Mr Trump, on the other hand, gladly ad洀椀琀猀 to having no advisers. According to him, the US is being screwed by its allies and beaten by its adversaries. As a world class dealmaker, he will put both those issues right. If he needs experts he will hire them. Meanwhile he will “bomb the shit” out of Isis. That is about it.


Mrs Clinton’s immediate fate will be determined by issues closer to home. Can she bring out the African-American vote in South Carolina? Will women return to the fold? The big picture matters to them too. Whatever your view of her, no rival has anything close to Mrs Clinton’s foreign policy experience. Mr Sanders and Mr Trump insist judgment is what matters. So here is a test of Mrs Clinton’s political skills: can she convince voters her opponents lack judgment? There is a big curious world out there waiting to find out.


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