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  1 围绕思维意识是编织大师,它创造了我们内在性格与外部环境这一主题。


  1 With its theme that Mind is the master weaver, creating our inner character and outer circumstances, the book As a Man Thinking by James Allen is an in-depth exploration of the central idea of self-help writing.

  Part 02

  1 爱伦的贡献在于,他拿出我们并不是机器人,所以能控制自己的思想这一公认的假设,并揭示了其错误所在。

  2 因为我们大都相信意识是独立于物质存在的,所以我们认为能够将思想隐藏、并使之失去效力;这使得我们能够这样想却那样做。

  3 但爱伦认为,潜意识和意识产生的作用一样大。

  4 而且,尽管我们或许可以单凭意识来维系控制这种错觉,现实中我们还是不断要面对一个问题:我为什么不能让自己做这个或实现那个?


  1 Allens contribution was to take an assumption we all share-that because we are not robots we therefore control our thoughts-and reveal its erroneous nature.

  2 Because most of us believe that mind is separate from matter, we think that thoughts can be hidden and made powerless; this allows us to think one way and act another.

  3 However, Allen believed that the unconscious mind generates as much action as the conscious mind.

  4 And while we may be able to sustain the illusion of control through the conscious mind alone, in reality we are continually faced with a question: Why cannot I make myself do this or achieve that?

  Part 03

  1 由于愿望和意志会因为那些与愿望不一致的思想的出现而遭到破坏,爱伦做出如下总结:所以我们所吸引的不是我们所想,而是我们本身所是。

  2 成功降临是因为作为一个人你本身就是这种外部成功的体现;你不是获得成功,而是变得成功。

  3 意识和物质之间没有间隔。


  1 Since desire and will are damaged by the presence of thoughts that do not accord with desire, Allen concluded: We do not attract what we want, but what we are.

  2 Achievement happens because you as a person embody the external achievement; you dont get success but become it.

  3 There is no gap between mind and matter.



  1 围绕思维意识是编织大师,它创造了我们内在性格与外部环境这一主题。


  1 With its theme that Mind is the master weaver, creating our inner character and outer circumstances, the book As a Man Thinking by James Allen is an in-depth exploration of the central idea of self-help writing.

  Part 02

  1 爱伦的贡献在于,他拿出我们并不是机器人,所以能控制自己的思想这一公认的假设,并揭示了其错误所在。

  2 因为我们大都相信意识是独立于物质存在的,所以我们认为能够将思想隐藏、并使之失去效力;这使得我们能够这样想却那样做。

  3 但爱伦认为,潜意识和意识产生的作用一样大。

  4 而且,尽管我们或许可以单凭意识来维系控制这种错觉,现实中我们还是不断要面对一个问题:我为什么不能让自己做这个或实现那个?


  1 Allens contribution was to take an assumption we all share-that because we are not robots we therefore control our thoughts-and reveal its erroneous nature.

  2 Because most of us believe that mind is separate from matter, we think that thoughts can be hidden and made powerless; this allows us to think one way and act another.

  3 However, Allen believed that the unconscious mind generates as much action as the conscious mind.

  4 And while we may be able to sustain the illusion of control through the conscious mind alone, in reality we are continually faced with a question: Why cannot I make myself do this or achieve that?

  Part 03

  1 由于愿望和意志会因为那些与愿望不一致的思想的出现而遭到破坏,爱伦做出如下总结:所以我们所吸引的不是我们所想,而是我们本身所是。

  2 成功降临是因为作为一个人你本身就是这种外部成功的体现;你不是获得成功,而是变得成功。

  3 意识和物质之间没有间隔。


  1 Since desire and will are damaged by the presence of thoughts that do not accord with desire, Allen concluded: We do not attract what we want, but what we are.

  2 Achievement happens because you as a person embody the external achievement; you dont get success but become it.

  3 There is no gap between mind and matter.


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