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  1、Good morning! (afternoon, evening)

  2、Hello! (Hi)

  3、How do you do?

  4、How are you?

  5、How are you getting on with your studies?

  6、How's everything with you?

  7、Did you have a nice holiday? (summer vacation)



  1、 This is my friend, Tom..

  2、Let me introuduce you to my friend, Tom.

  3、May I introduce myself? I'm Tom.

  4、Please allow me to introduce my friend, Tom.

  5、I'd like you to meet my friend Tom.


  1、How do you do? Pleased to meet you. (Glad to meet you. Nice to meet you.)

  2、It's my pleasure to have this chance to meet you.



  1、It's getting late. I must be going.

  2、It's five o'clock already. I must be off now.

  3、Oh, God, it's late, I've got to go.

  4、It's time I was going, I'm afraid.

  5、I think I must go now.

  6、I think I'd better leave.

  7、I'm glad to have met you.


  1、Come again whenever you are free.

  2、If you pass my home, drop in.

  3、Good night, have a nice dream.

  4、Can't you stay a little longer?

  5、I hope we'll meet again sometime.

  四、Asking and Directing the Way(问路和指路)

  A.Asking the way:

  1、Can you tell me the way to the post office?

  2、Is this the way to the post office?

  3、Excuse me, how can I get to the post office?

  4、Which is the nearest way to the post office?

  5、Is the post office far from here?

  6、How long will it take me to get to the post office?

  7、Excuse me, is there a post office near here?

  8、Excuse me, does this bus go to the post office?


  1、Go ahead till you come to the next crossing.

  2、No, it's not far from here. It's only about ten minutes' walk.

  3、It's about 200 yards down the street.

  4、Take Bus No. 3 and it will take you right there.

  5、Go down the street and take the second turning on the left.

  五、Asking for Time and Date(询问时间与日期)


  1、What time is it now?

  2、What's the time by your watch?

  3、What day is it today?

  4、What is the date today?

  5、Is your watch correct?


  1、It's ten.

  2、It's Wednesday.

  3、It's October, 8th.

  4、My watch says it's 7:30.

  5、My watch always keeps good time.

  六、Asking about Health(询问健康)


  1、How are you these days?

  2、What's wrong with you?

  3、Have you seen the doctor?

  4、You look tired. What's wrong?


  1、I'm not quite myself today.

  2、My stomach hurts.

  3、I don't feel like eating anything today.

  4、I've got a bad cold.

  七、Talking about Weather(谈论天气)

  1、It's a fine day, isn't it?

  2、What's the temperature today?

  3、What's the weather like today?

  4、How is the weather?

  5、What's the weather going to be like at the weekend?

  6、Do you like the weather in Beijing?

  7、Do you think that we are going to have snow today?



  1、Would you like to come to my birthday party?

  2、Will you be able to come to my birthday party? 3、I'd be very glad if you would come to my birthday party.

  4、Can you fix a time for a picnic?

  5、Are you free tomorrow? What (How) about having a picnic?

  6、Won't you come with me?

  7、You will come to have dinner with me, won't you?


  1、I'd be glad to, thank you.

  2、It's very kind of you to invite me.

  3、I'd like to, but I'm too busy.

  4、Thank you for your kind invitation, I will.

  5、I'm afraid not. I will have to look after my sick mother.

  6、I'm sorry, I can't. Thank you very much.

  九、Making an Appointment(约会)

  A.Making an appointment:

  1、Are you free this afternoon?

  2、How about tomorrow evening?

  3、Shall we meet at 7:00 at the gate of the cinema?

  4、When will you be able to see us?

  5、What time can I call on you?

  6、Will you be at home next Sunday?

  7、Don't forget to come to my birthday party.


  1、Tomorrow evening will be all right.

  2、Yes, I'll be free then.

  3、No, I won't be free then, but I'll be free next Wednesday.

  十、Making a phone call(打电话)

  A.Making a call:

  1、Hello, is Mary in?

  2、Hello, is that Mary speaking?

  3、Can I have your telephone number, please?

  4、Hello, may I speak to Mary?

  5、Could you ask him to call me, please?

  6、Who is it, please?


  1、This is Mary speaking.

  2、Hold on please.

  3、Mary, you are wanted on the phone.

  4、Mary isn't here right now. Can I take a message for you?


  A.Shop assistant:

  1、What can I do for you?

  2、Can (May) I help you?

  3、How much do you want?

  4、What about this (these)?


  1、I'd like to have a look at the sweater.

  2、That's too expensive (dear), I'm afraid.

  3、That's fine. I'll take it.

  4、How much is it?

  十二、Seeing the Doctor(看病)


  1、What's wrong (the matter) with you?

  2、How long have you been like this?

  3、Let me examine you.

  4、Take this medicine three times a day.

  5、Drink plenty of water and take a good rest.

  6、It's nothing serious. Take it easy.


  1、There's something wrong with my stomach.

  2、I've got a pain here.

  3、I feel terrible (sick).

  4、This place hurts.

  5、I don't feel like eating anything.

  十三、Requests and Offers(请求与提供帮助)


  1、Can (could) you do something for me?

  2、Will (would) you do something for me?

  3、May I have some ice—cream?

  4、Please do me a favor.

  5、Please don't open the window.

  6、Do (Would) you mind turning down the radio?

  7、I wonder if you could lend me some money.


  1、Can (Shall) I help you?

  2、What can I do for you?

  3、Is there anything (else) I can do for you?

  4、Would you like me to do this for you?

  5、Would you like some help?

  十四、Asking for Permission(请求允许)

  A.Ask for permission:

  1、May I park my car here?

  2、Can (Could) I smoke in this room?

  3、Do (Would) you mind if I smoke (smoked) here?

  4、I wonder if I could smoke here.


  1、Certainly. (sure, of course), go ahead

  2、Yes, please.

  3、All right (OK).

  4、I'm sorry, it's not allowed.

  5、I'm afraid not.

  十五、Advice and Suggestions(劝告和建议)

  1、You'd better go to see the doctor.

  2、You should do it at once.

  3、Why not go on a picnic next Sunday?

  4、What (How) about going there by boat?

  5、Have you considered going there by boat?

  6、Shall we take a walk after supper?

  7、I suggest you do more reading.

  8、I advise you to take more exercises.



  1、—Hello, Joan.


  Kate. Glad to see you.



  C.Good morning

  D.How do you do

  2、—Hi, haven't seen you for ages! You look fine.


  . You look well too.



  C.Oh, no

  D.Not at all

  3、—How are you! Jane?


  A.How are you, Mary?

  B.Fine, thanks, and you?

  C.All is right.

  D.That's good.

  4、—How do you do?



  A.Very well, thank you.

  B.Why, yes. I'm fine.

  C.How do you do?

  D.What about you?

  5、—How's everything with you?



  A.Fine, thanks

  B.It's all right

  C.Thank very much

  D.I'm very well

  6、—How's your work going?


  A.Not too well, I'm afraid.

  B.Quite good. What about you?

  C.Fine, how are you, then?

  D.Well, thanks a lot.

  7、—Did you have a good summer holiday?

  —Yes, thanks.


  —She's OK, thanks.

  A.what's is

  B.How is

  C.What's wrong


  8、—Glad to meet you again. How are you?

  —I'm just


  A.my old self

  B.old myself

  C.myself old

  D.as old myself

  9、—It's nice to see you in New York. How's your family?


  . My wife asked me to say hello to you.

  A.It's very well

  B.They are fine

  C.That's all right

  D.They are good

  10、—How's the young man?



  A.He's twenty

  B.He's a doctor

  C.He's much better

  D.He's David


  on with your new job these days?

  —Not bad.

  A.do you get

  B.did you get

  C.are you getting

  D.have you getting

  12、—Hello, Kate! Fancy meeting you here! Working again, are you?


  , if I want to pass the exams.

  A.I've got to

  B.no other way

  C.I must do

  D.I have on way

  13、In the evening you meet your foreign teacher walking towards the reataurant, you should say


  A.Good evening.

  B.Good night.

  C.Hello. Have you had your supper?

  D.Hi! Going to dinner.


  1、—Hi, Tom, this is my friend John.


  A.Nice to meet you.

  B.How are you?

  C.Hi, Tom, I'm John.

  D.Are you Tom?

  2、—Let me introduce myself. I'm Albert.



  A.With a pleasure

  B.It's my pleasure

  C.I'm very pleased

  D.Pleased to meet you

  3、When you are introduced to someone, you should say

  A.I'm getting on well

  B.I love you very much

  C.Fine, thank you.

  D.How do you do?

  4、—Have you met my girl friend, Susan? Susan, this is Li.


  A.Glad to meet you.

  B.Thank you.

  C.How are you?

  D.Welcome home.

  5、—Please allow me to introuduce Mr. Smith, director of the department.



  A.I haven't seen you before.

  B.Haven't we met before?

  C.I've heard so much about you.

  D.How do you do?

  6、If Mr. Baker is here, will

  please make

  to me?

  A.you, yourself know

  B.you, you know

  C.he, us know

  D.he, himself know

  7、 Let's give him a


  A.warm welcome

  B.warming welcome

  C.warmly welcome

  D.warm welcoming


  1、—It's five o'clock already, I must be going.

  —Well, come again

  you are free.





  2、—Oh, God, it's late. I've got to go.


  . Hope to see them soon.

  A.Give your parents my greetings

  B.Remember me to your parents

  C.Show my greetings to your parents

  D.Say hello to your parents

  3、—It's time I was going, I'm afraid.



  A.Good evening

  B.Good night


  D.All the best

  4、—Well, I'd better let you get on with your work.



  A.I've wasted a lot of your time

  B.Thank you for a lovely afternoon

  C.You must be tired

  D.I'm sorry to trouble you

  5、—I'm flying home on Sunday morning.