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  三个基本思路:  一、学习话题:学几门课,课程难不难,课的进展,考试如何,作业如何,老师怎样,实验课怎样,图书馆怎样  回答:基本上都是抱怨  二、生活话题:穷,省钱,购物一定要bargain,带学生证,  例如:1. I want to make a long distance call. When is the best time?  例如:2. Maybe I ought to subscribe to the journal. 捐献;定购订阅。  Why dont you save the money and read it in the library?  例如:3. A) To wear a heavy sweater to the game.  B) To postpone the game.  C) To change tickets.  D) To watch the game at home.  三、混合话题,但忙于学习。  场景题:  选项的特点:  1. 地点;2. to do表目的;3. -ing;4. A and B结构,人物关系  提问特点:  What, Where, When, Who  总结重点:  出题思路  判断场景的线索词  例如:fine 罚款  cashier 出纳  teller 出纳员  ATM 自动提款机  例题:  A) He is still being treated in the hospital.  B) He has had an operation.  C) Hell rest at home for another two weeks.  D) He returned to work last week.  M: How is your father, Mary? The last time I came to see you, you were about to take him to the hospital.  W: He came home last week. The operation was very successful. The doctor said he d almost recovered and could go back to work next week.  Q: What did the woman say about her father?  注:be about to do 正要做某事。


  三个基本思路:  一、学习话题:学几门课,课程难不难,课的进展,考试如何,作业如何,老师怎样,实验课怎样,图书馆怎样  回答:基本上都是抱怨  二、生活话题:穷,省钱,购物一定要bargain,带学生证,  例如:1. I want to make a long distance call. When is the best time?  例如:2. Maybe I ought to subscribe to the journal. 捐献;定购订阅。  Why dont you save the money and read it in the library?  例如:3. A) To wear a heavy sweater to the game.  B) To postpone the game.  C) To change tickets.  D) To watch the game at home.  三、混合话题,但忙于学习。  场景题:  选项的特点:  1. 地点;2. to do表目的;3. -ing;4. A and B结构,人物关系  提问特点:  What, Where, When, Who  总结重点:  出题思路  判断场景的线索词  例如:fine 罚款  cashier 出纳  teller 出纳员  ATM 自动提款机  例题:  A) He is still being treated in the hospital.  B) He has had an operation.  C) Hell rest at home for another two weeks.  D) He returned to work last week.  M: How is your father, Mary? The last time I came to see you, you were about to take him to the hospital.  W: He came home last week. The operation was very successful. The doctor said he d almost recovered and could go back to work next week.  Q: What did the woman say about her father?  注:be about to do 正要做某事。