七年级英语下册Unit 5 Abilities学案

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七年级英语下册Unit 5 Abilities学案

  Unit 5 Abilities

  课题: Comic strip and welcome to the unit(第一课时)






  词汇:ability ; seat ; collect ; elderly

  词组:be careful; plant trees; clean up; give a seat to sb; on the bus;collect things for;project hope; a home for the elderly



  1 清洁花园 _____________ 2 为希望工程收集东西 ___________

  3 给老年人让座 ________________ 4 种树_____________

  5 当心______________ 6 谈论关于_______________

  7 的成员________________ 8上了年纪的人_____________



  1. My teacher says I have great a in English.

  2. My hobby is c old stamps.

  3. Eddie wants to be a s when he grows up.

  4. We should give our s to the old on the bus.

  5. My father always p many plants in the spring.

  6. I was reading a book at home. S_________ the telephone rang.


  1. How __________ (care) you are! You made so many mistakes in your exam.

  2. Im looking forwards to ___________ (learn) how to drive.

  3. Its very _________ (danger) for children to play with fire.

  4. All of us are ___________ (surprise) to hear the bad news.

  5. He isnt my favourite singer , but ________ (Simon) favourite.

  6. He is afraid of___________( stay ) at home alone .

  7. People have different______________(ability).

  8.He likes__________(collect) things for Project Hope.

  9.Daniel is a_______(member)of the Health Club.He joined it last year.

  三. 单项选择:

  ( ) 1. ______________ is Tree planting Day in China.

  A. March 1st B. April 12th C.March 12th D. April 1st

  ( ) 2. Can you give me some paper ________ me ? I want_______write a letter.

  A. to ; to B. for; to C. / ; / D. /; to

  ( ) 3. Mr. White is _____________ man. He lives _______________.

  A. a 85-year-old; alone B. an 85-year old; lonely

  C. an 80-year old; alone D. a 80 years old; alone

  ( ) 4. It took them half a day ________ trees _______Tree Planting Day this year.

  A. to plant; in B. planting; on C. to plant; on D. planting; in

  ( ) 5. The children are playing ___________ the playground.

  A. over B. in C. up D. to

  ( ) 6. Hes good at , and .

  A running, climbing, playing football

  B running, climb, playing football

  C run, climb, playing football

  D run, climbing, playing football



  1.Millie runs very fast.(改为感叹句)

  Millie runs!

  2. You mustnt go across the road when the traffic lights are red. (改为祈使句)

  the road when the traffic lights are red.

  3. Uncle John often flies to Beijing.(同义句)

  Uncle John often to Beijing plane.

  4. Jack plays for our school football team. (同义句)

  Jack is our football team.

  5. I dont know what I can do now. (同义句)

  I dont know now.



  He often __________ __________ _________to the ________on the bus.


  Miss Wang _________ __________ the office every day.


  We go to ____________ the home ____________ the elderly every year.


  The students want to _________ _________ for ________ ___________.


  People usually __________ __________ in spring.

  Unit 5 Abilities

  课题: Reading 1 (第二课时)





  掌握下列词汇:brave , fire, alone , ,smoke , hurt , leg , pour , rush , save , safe , danger , careless , oneself , yourself , call , terrible , visitor , match , host , stove



  1 在5月6日 __________________ 2 独自在家_____________________

  3 用水把火浇灭__________________ 3 八个月大的婴儿______________

  5 拜访王老师_______________ 6 互相帮助_____________________

  7帮某人逃出火灾______________ 8 听到某人在做事_____________

  9 七十九岁的孙太太______________ 10冲进去_______________________



  On May 10th, Zhang Hua was at home a_________. Suddenly, he heard someone s__________ Fire! Fire! He r________. Outside and saw a lot of s_________ from next door. He went in and found Mrs Sun could not get out because she h__________ her leg. Zhan Hua quickly ran back to his flat and p_______ water over his jacket. He r___________ into Mrs Suns kitchen to s_________ her. At last, she put out the fire with a b__________ and helped Mrs Sun to escape. The fire b___________ Zhang Huas neck, arms and face. He had to stay in hostipal for two months. He says that fire can be very d_______ and people must be ,very c________ with it.


  1.How ___________ (勇敢) the girl is! She helped an old man in a traffic accident.

  2.The doctor tried to _____________(挽救) the babys life.

  3.The ___________ (毯子) is made of wool. It feels comfortable.

  4.Dont play with the ___________ (火)! Its too dangerous!

  5.How many _____________ (腿) does a chair have?


  1.Be _________. You should do everything ______________(careful).

  2.I heard someone __________ (sing) over there.

  3.Its ____________(danger) for the children to play with fire.

  4.That boy is helping the old woman _____________ (cross) the road.

  5.___________ (not leave) the stove on when you are not at home.

  6.Jack fell off the ladder and __________(hurt) himself.

  7.Mum, thank you for ___________ (buy) me such a nice present.

  8.Your idea _________ (sound) very great.

  9.Three firemen ________ (rush) into the kitchen ___________ (save) a little boy.



  ( ) 1. Its ________ if you put something hot into the rubbish bin.

  A. safe B. interesting C. dangerous D. amazing

  ( ) 2. Li Lei _______ his leg, didnt he?

  A. hurted B. hurts C. was hurt D. hurt

  ( ) 3. Theres ________ boy in the garden.

  A. a eleven years old B. a eleven year old

  C. an eleven years old D. an eleven-year-old

  ( ) 4. You shouldnt leave the door ________ when you go out..

  A. close B. closing

  C. open D. opening

  ( ) 5. I saw him _______ football on my way home.

  A. plays B. playing

  C. played D. to play

  ( ) 6. ?What do you __________ this in English? ? A lamp.

  A. call B. tell C. speak D. talk

  ( ) 7. ____________ can burn almost everything.

  A. Water B. Rubbish C. Trees D. Fire

  ( ) 8. _____________! the girl called when she fell into the river.

  A. Come on B. Help C.SOS D. Save

  ( ) 9.Listen! I heard Tom________ in the next room.

  A. sing B. sings C. sang D. singing

  ( ) 10.--Can you post these postcards for us on your way home? --________.

  A. Fine B. No problem C. Its all right D.I hope

  ( ) 11.A car hit her yesterday and she is now_____.Lets ______her this afternoon.

  A. in the hospital, go and to see B. in hospital, go and see

  C. in hospital, go and see D. in the hospital, to go and to see

  ( ) 12.--_______ did he catch a fish? - -Within five minutes.

  A. How much B. How long C. How soon D. How often

  Unit 5 Abilities

  课题: Reading2 (第三课时)


  1 根据图片、关键词和语境猜测文章大意。

  2 了解用火安全以及发生危险时的自救及求救方法。


  1带来花和礼物________________ 2 植树_________________________

  3当心火_______________________ 4 清扫公园____________________

  5参观敬老院____________________ 6 帮助邻居逃出火灾______________

  7冲进厨房______________________ 8 把水倒在夹克衫_______________



  1.Yesterday I was at home a ____________.

  2.Mrs Lin is very s___________ because her dog died.

  3.The old Lady is in d_________. The doctors are trying to save her.

  4.Tom is a c___________ boy, but he is doing his homework carefully now.

  5.Its dangerous to play with m__________ because they can catch fire easily.

  6.A lot of v_________ go to that famous place every year.

  7.Spring is the best season to p__________ trees.

  8.I was a m __________ of the Reading club last year.

  9.It s__________ heavily last night. And the ground is all white now.


  ( ) 1. She the fire and helped the child out.

  A. put on B.put down C. put out D. put up

  ( ) 2. Be careful the stove. Do not leave it .

  A. with; in B. on; on C. with; with D. with; on

  ( ) 3. The policeman heard a girl _____ for help and went to save her.

  A. cry B. cried C. cries D. crying

  ( ) 4. That _____ very terrible.

  A. hears B. listens C. listens to D. sounds

  ( ) 5. She is a _____ girl. It means she is______ .

  A. 16 years old; 16-year-old B. 16-year-old; 16 years old

  C. 16 years old; 16 years old D. 16-year-old; 16-year-old

  ( ) 6. He speaks _____ English and write _____ his hand.

  A. with; with B. in; in C. in; with D. with; in

  ( ) 7. _____ is important _____ careful with fire.

  A. That; be B. It; be C. It; to be D. That; being

  ( ) 8. Thank you for _____ this evening.

  A. join us B. join in us C. joining us D. joining in us

  ( ) 9. I was not feeling _____ this morning and I had to see the doctor.

  A. badly B. bad C. good D. well

  ( ) 10. ----- Would you like some tea? ------ ______.

  A. No, I dont have any B. Yes, I have C. Here it is D. No, thank you



  1.He used sand to put out the fire.(同义句转换)

  He ____ _____ the fire ____ ______.

  2.She was in hospital for 2 weeks.(对划线部分提问)

  ____ ____ _____ she in hospital?

  3.She bought many beautiful hair clips.(对划线部分提问)

  _____ ______ she ______ Mary?

  4.How interesting the story is! (同义句转换)

  _______ _______ ________ ________ it is!

  5.My grandmother often gives me some money. (同义句转换)

  My grandmother often ________ ______ ________ _______ _______.

  6.To be careful with fire is important. (同义句转换)

  _______ _______ important ________ _________ careful with fire.

  7.Neil lives in London alone.(同义句转换)Neil lives in London ______ _______

  8.Zhang Hua is a young man of 25 years old. (同义句转换)

  Zhang Hua is ________ ________ young man.

  9.They helped the police stop a fire last night.

  They helped the police ________ _________ a fire last night..



  My friends _______ me ________ ________ _________ ________ all the time.

  2. 我不知道马丽昨天怎么了。

  I dont know ______ _____ ______ Mary yesterday.

  3. 约翰叔叔生病住院了两个月。

  Uncle John was ill ______ ______ ______ two months.

  4. 你应该让你的长发远离转动的机器。

  You should ______ your long hair _____ _____ the running machine.


  He _____ the TV ______ and went to sleep.

  Unit 5 Abilities

  课题: Vocabulary(第四课时)






  词汇:kind, quick, slow , rude, unhappy, award, fall

  词组:would like to do, think of, be good at, play water sports, fall down, have the awards



  1. fast _______________ 2. careful ______________ 3. strong ______________

  4. with _____________ 5. sad ________________ 6. usual ______________

  7. close ___________ 8. noisy _______________ 9. easy _______________

  10. rude ___________ 11. take _______________ 12. hot _______________


  一. 选用方框中所给的单词或词组,并用其适当形式填空

  put out , play badminton , danger , rude , recommend , happy,

  bring, think of , safe , award , by oneself ,grateful,

  1.I would like ________ my best friend for our monitor.

  2.She took the old man to _________.

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