SAT OG完成句子练习题三

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SAT OG完成句子练习题三

  SAT OG完成句子Practice Test 3


  Section 4

  1. 大量的旅行让蓝斯通休格得到了一个_________视角,不过是哈雷才给他的写作提供了创意性的__________.

  Extensive travel afforded Langston Hughes a _________perspective, but it was Harlem that served as the creative ________for his writing.

   cosmopolitan adj. 世界主义的...defense n. 防卫

   worldly adj. 世间的... inspiration n. 灵感

   moral adj. 道德的...obligation n. 义务

   stunted adj. 发育不良的...condition n. 情况

   limited adj. 有限的 n. 中心

  2. 永恒艺术的一个要求是它能加深和_________我们的认识,而不只是确认我们已经知道了的。

  One requirement of timeless art is that it deepen and _________our awareness, not that it merely confirm what we already know.

   hinder v. 阻碍

   reconcile v. 使和解

   control v. 控制

   soothe v. 安慰

   extend v. 延伸

  3. 对总裁的表现可以提高已经感到绝望了,这个企业的董事会决定________他。

  Despairing that the performance of the chief executive would ever improve, the corporations board of directors took decisive action and _________him.

  coddled v. 溺爱

   taunted v. 讥讽

   prodded v. 刺痛

   ousted v. 驱除

   chided v. 责骂

  4. 化石的发现是________和________,让科学家感到吃惊,和削弱了原有的植物分配的理论。

  The discovery of the fossil was _________and_________, surprising scientists and undermining accepted theories about plant distribution.

   exhilarating adj. 使人愉快的...banal adj. 陈腐的

   shocking adj. 令人震惊的...prophetic adj. 预言的

   startling adj. 令人吃惊的...revolutionary adj. 革命的

   appalling adj . 惊吓...groundbreaking adj. 突破性的

   unanticipated adj. 未预料到的...irrelevant adj. 不相干的

  5. 引用美国亚裔社区的_________,学者否认美国亚裔是这个地区增长速度最快的少数名族。

  Citing the _________of the Asian American community, the scholar argued that Asian Americans constituted the regions fastest-growing minority population.

   digression n. 离题,脱轨

   proximity n. 接近

   expansion n. 膨胀

   stabilization n. 稳定

   correlation n. 关联

  6. 一点都不_________, 当和人接触时,国家公园里的熊吃惊的_________;尽管如此,游客们还是需要谨慎。

  Far from being _________, bears in some national parks are surprisingly _________ when approached by humans; still, visitors must exercise caution.

   benign adj. 善良...cantankerous adj. 脾气坏的

   reticent adj. 沉默的...bellicose adj. 好斗的

   complacent adj. 得意的...docile adj. 温顺的

   aggressive adj. 侵略性的...placid adj. 温和的

   playful adj. 爱嬉戏的...frisky adj. 活泼的

  7. 在成为股票经纪人之前,Victoria Woodhull的职业是_______,某人对事情的洞悉力超越了常人的理解范围。

  Before becoming a stockbroker, Victoria Woodhull had a career as a _________, someone believed to have insights about events beyond ordinary human perception.

   mentor n. 指导者

   profiteer n. 暴发户

   counterfeiter n. 做伪造品的人

   clairvoyant n. 有洞察力的人

   propagandist n. 宣传人

  8. 辣椒竞赛的裁判是_________, 能从不同菜里面品尝出常人不能察觉的细微味道。

  The judges for the chili competition were __________, noting subtle differences between dishes that most people would not detect.

   obscure adj. n模糊的

   deferential adj. 恭敬的

   discriminating adj. 有识别力的

   sanctimonious adj. 假装虔诚的

   unrelenting adj. 坚持的


  Section 7

  1. 虽然考古学家_________山洞墙壁上的符号,她不能够_________它们是因为它们太淡了。

  Although the archaeologist_________the symbols on the cave wall, she was unable to _________them because they were too faint.

   replicated v. 复制...ignore v. 忽视

   perused v. 审阅...discard v. 丢弃

   obliterated v. 除去,擦掉...translate v. 翻译

   recollected v. 想起...conceal v. 隐瞒

   scrutinized v. 详细检查...decipher v. 解密,解释

  2. 大众对简瑞奇的音乐感兴趣相当于__________因为这样_________了对瑞奇老家肯塔基更大的兴趣。

  Popular interest in music performed by folk singer Jean Ritchie acted as a __________because it __________a wider interest in the music of Ritchies native Kentucky.

   deterrent n. 妨碍物...launched v. 发射

   panacea n. 万能药...overcame v. 克服

   barrier n. 障碍物...awakened v. 唤醒

   catalyst n. 催化剂...stirred v. 搅动

   provocation n. 激怒...mitigated v. 使缓和

  3. 海洋学家已经确认了全球超过50个的死区:不同形式的污染的海洋区域让生命_________。

  Oceanographers have identified more than 50 dead zone around the world: areas of sea that various forms of pollution have rendered __________life.

   conducive to adj. 有助于,导致

   invaluable to adj. 无法估计

   imperative to adj. 必要的

   indistinguishable from adj. 难区分的

   bereft of adj. 失去,缺少

  4. 在19世纪末从医的少数女性医生被认为__________应为她们只是全部医生的一小部分。

  The few female physicians practicing at the end of the nineteenth century might be considered __________because they constituted a very small percentage of all physicians.

   miscreants n. 异端,极恶的

   revisionists n. 修正主义者

   anomalies n. 异常,反常,不正常

   pacifists n. 和平主义者

   extremists n. 极端主义者


  SAT OG完成句子Practice Test 3


  Section 4

  1. 大量的旅行让蓝斯通休格得到了一个_________视角,不过是哈雷才给他的写作提供了创意性的__________.

  Extensive travel afforded Langston Hughes a _________perspective, but it was Harlem that served as the creative ________for his writing.

   cosmopolitan adj. 世界主义的...defense n. 防卫

   worldly adj. 世间的... inspiration n. 灵感

   moral adj. 道德的...obligation n. 义务

   stunted adj. 发育不良的...condition n. 情况

   limited adj. 有限的 n. 中心

  2. 永恒艺术的一个要求是它能加深和_________我们的认识,而不只是确认我们已经知道了的。

  One requirement of timeless art is that it deepen and _________our awareness, not that it merely confirm what we already know.

   hinder v. 阻碍

   reconcile v. 使和解

   control v. 控制

   soothe v. 安慰

   extend v. 延伸

  3. 对总裁的表现可以提高已经感到绝望了,这个企业的董事会决定________他。

  Despairing that the performance of the chief executive would ever improve, the corporations board of directors took decisive action and _________him.

  coddled v. 溺爱

   taunted v. 讥讽

   prodded v. 刺痛

   ousted v. 驱除

   chided v. 责骂

  4. 化石的发现是________和________,让科学家感到吃惊,和削弱了原有的植物分配的理论。

  The discovery of the fossil was _________and_________, surprising scientists and undermining accepted theories about plant distribution.

   exhilarating adj. 使人愉快的...banal adj. 陈腐的

   shocking adj. 令人震惊的...prophetic adj. 预言的

   startling adj. 令人吃惊的...revolutionary adj. 革命的

   appalling adj . 惊吓...groundbreaking adj. 突破性的

   unanticipated adj. 未预料到的...irrelevant adj. 不相干的

  5. 引用美国亚裔社区的_________,学者否认美国亚裔是这个地区增长速度最快的少数名族。

  Citing the _________of the Asian American community, the scholar argued that Asian Americans constituted the regions fastest-growing minority population.

   digression n. 离题,脱轨

   proximity n. 接近

   expansion n. 膨胀

   stabilization n. 稳定

   correlation n. 关联

  6. 一点都不_________, 当和人接触时,国家公园里的熊吃惊的_________;尽管如此,游客们还是需要谨慎。

  Far from being _________, bears in some national parks are surprisingly _________ when approached by humans; still, visitors must exercise caution.

   benign adj. 善良...cantankerous adj. 脾气坏的

   reticent adj. 沉默的...bellicose adj. 好斗的

   complacent adj. 得意的...docile adj. 温顺的

   aggressive adj. 侵略性的...placid adj. 温和的

   playful adj. 爱嬉戏的...frisky adj. 活泼的

  7. 在成为股票经纪人之前,Victoria Woodhull的职业是_______,某人对事情的洞悉力超越了常人的理解范围。

  Before becoming a stockbroker, Victoria Woodhull had a career as a _________, someone believed to have insights about events beyond ordinary human perception.

   mentor n. 指导者

   profiteer n. 暴发户

   counterfeiter n. 做伪造品的人

   clairvoyant n. 有洞察力的人

   propagandist n. 宣传人

  8. 辣椒竞赛的裁判是_________, 能从不同菜里面品尝出常人不能察觉的细微味道。

  The judges for the chili competition were __________, noting subtle differences between dishes that most people would not detect.

   obscure adj. n模糊的

   deferential adj. 恭敬的

   discriminating adj. 有识别力的

   sanctimonious adj. 假装虔诚的

   unrelenting adj. 坚持的


  Section 7

  1. 虽然考古学家_________山洞墙壁上的符号,她不能够_________它们是因为它们太淡了。

  Although the archaeologist_________the symbols on the cave wall, she was unable to _________them because they were too faint.

   replicated v. 复制...ignore v. 忽视

   perused v. 审阅...discard v. 丢弃

   obliterated v. 除去,擦掉...translate v. 翻译

   recollected v. 想起...conceal v. 隐瞒

   scrutinized v. 详细检查...decipher v. 解密,解释

  2. 大众对简瑞奇的音乐感兴趣相当于__________因为这样_________了对瑞奇老家肯塔基更大的兴趣。

  Popular interest in music performed by folk singer Jean Ritchie acted as a __________because it __________a wider interest in the music of Ritchies native Kentucky.

   deterrent n. 妨碍物...launched v. 发射

   panacea n. 万能药...overcame v. 克服

   barrier n. 障碍物...awakened v. 唤醒

   catalyst n. 催化剂...stirred v. 搅动

   provocation n. 激怒...mitigated v. 使缓和

  3. 海洋学家已经确认了全球超过50个的死区:不同形式的污染的海洋区域让生命_________。

  Oceanographers have identified more than 50 dead zone around the world: areas of sea that various forms of pollution have rendered __________life.

   conducive to adj. 有助于,导致

   invaluable to adj. 无法估计

   imperative to adj. 必要的

   indistinguishable from adj. 难区分的

   bereft of adj. 失去,缺少

  4. 在19世纪末从医的少数女性医生被认为__________应为她们只是全部医生的一小部分。

  The few female physicians practicing at the end of the nineteenth century might be considered __________because they constituted a very small percentage of all physicians.

   miscreants n. 异端,极恶的

   revisionists n. 修正主义者

   anomalies n. 异常,反常,不正常

   pacifists n. 和平主义者

   extremists n. 极端主义者


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