英语六级听力小对话练习题 第47期

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英语六级听力小对话练习题 第47期

  11.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

  A) The man might be able to play in the World Cup.

  B) The man s football career seems to be at an end.

  C) The man was operated on a few weeks ago.

  D) The man is a fan of world-famous football players.

  12.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

  A) Work out a plan to tighten his budget

  B) Find out the opening hours of the cafeteria.

  C) Apply for a senior position in the restaurant.

  D) Solve his problem by doing a part-time job.


  11.M: Good news! I am not going to have surgery after all. The doctor says I can start working out again soon and maybe play football like before in a few weeks.

  W: That s terrific. It will be great if you could get back in shape in time for the Worlds Cup.

  12.M: I really need to make some extra money. You know, I ve practically spent my entire budget for this semester.

  W: Why not check out the new cafeteria at Market Street? I think there are still a few opening suitable for seniors like you.







  女:你为什么不去Market Street街新开的自助餐厅看看?我觉得,那里应该还有职位适合你这样的高年级生。




  11.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

  A) The man might be able to play in the World Cup.

  B) The man s football career seems to be at an end.

  C) The man was operated on a few weeks ago.

  D) The man is a fan of world-famous football players.

  12.Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

  A) Work out a plan to tighten his budget

  B) Find out the opening hours of the cafeteria.

  C) Apply for a senior position in the restaurant.

  D) Solve his problem by doing a part-time job.


  11.M: Good news! I am not going to have surgery after all. The doctor says I can start working out again soon and maybe play football like before in a few weeks.

  W: That s terrific. It will be great if you could get back in shape in time for the Worlds Cup.

  12.M: I really need to make some extra money. You know, I ve practically spent my entire budget for this semester.

  W: Why not check out the new cafeteria at Market Street? I think there are still a few opening suitable for seniors like you.







  女:你为什么不去Market Street街新开的自助餐厅看看?我觉得,那里应该还有职位适合你这样的高年级生。

