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  Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

  1.Demographers and anthropologists have corrected the notion that European explorers in North America entered a ------- territory by showing that the land in some areas was already as densely ------- as parts of Europe.

   fertile . . settled

   colossal . . wooded

   desolate . . populated

   valuable . . exploited

   hostile . . concentrated

  2.The new administrator was -------; he considered new ideas worthy of consideration but ultimately ------- the old ways.

  Answer Choices

   an iconoclast . . undermined by

   an opportunist . . reminiscent of

   a sentimentalist . . preferable to

   a traditionalist . . inferior to

   an idealist . . instructive about

  3.Members of the research team were initially so adversarial that ------- seemed impossible; the projects inauspicious start made its final success all the more ------- .

  Answer Choices

   concentration . . incidental

   disagreement . . incongruous

   collaboration . . predictable

   hostility . . dazzling

   cooperation . . remarkable

  4.Although the conference speakers disliked one another and might have been expected to ------- , it turned out that on several substantive issues they were in complete ------- and were able to avoid petty squabbling.

   argue . . disagreement

   bristle . . apathy

   debate . . dissonance

   concur . . denial

   bicker . . accord


  5.Laboratories have been warned that provisions for animal protection that in the past were merely ------- will now be mandatory;------- of this policy will lose their federal research grants.

   comprehensive . . adversaries

   nominal . . advocates

   disregarded . . proponents

   recommended . . violators

   compulsory . . resisters

  6.Tantra paintings from India are not only beautiful but also -------: in addition to their aesthetic value, they are used to facilitate meditation.

  Answer Choices






  7.Ramona had never visited Niagara Falls, but she could appreciate their splendor ------- through the descriptions of others.

  Answer Choices







  1.The correct answer is C

  Only desolate...populated presents the contrast required by the sentence. The words corrected the notion signal that the first word in the correct answer must contrast with the second word because that second word corrects the mistaken notion.

  2.The correct answer is D

  A traditionalist is someone who adheres to a time-honored set of practices or beliefs. Inferior to describes something that is of lesser quality or value than something else. An administrator certainly could be a traditionalist, or adhere to time-honored practices. If the new administrator prefers older, established ways of doing things, it makes sense to say that he might consider newer ideas but ultimately, or in the end, decide that they are inferior to, or lesser in value than, older ideas.

  3.The correct answer is E

  Choice is the only pair of words that logically completes this sentence. The adversarial attitude of the team members would suggest that working together would be quite difficult, or that cooperation would be impossible given the projects bad start, its ultimate success would be remarkable because nobody would have expected it.

  4.The correct answer is E

  Choice is correct. Bickering is the kind of petulant or peevish arguing to which personal dislike might have lead the speakers, but their accord, or agreement, on substantive issues kept them from squabbling.

  5.The correct answer is D

  The word merely indicates that the past provisions were not as strict as the mandatory provisions and recommended is the only first term that conveys a lesser degree of strictness. Only violators could logically be penalized by losing their federal research grants.

  6.The correct answer is E

  Choice is correct. Facilitating meditation is a functionsomething valuable about tantra paintings in addition to their beauty.

  7.The correct answer is A

  Ramona hadnt visited Niagara Falls but could appreciate their splendor, so the word that fills the blank must be an adverb whose definition has to do with appreciating something indirectly, through the descriptions of others . Choice is correct because to experience something vicariously is to experience it through imaginative participation in the actual experience of someone else.




  Choose the word or set of words that, when inserted in the sentence, best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

  1.Demographers and anthropologists have corrected the notion that European explorers in North America entered a ------- territory by showing that the land in some areas was already as densely ------- as parts of Europe.

   fertile . . settled

   colossal . . wooded

   desolate . . populated

   valuable . . exploited

   hostile . . concentrated

  2.The new administrator was -------; he considered new ideas worthy of consideration but ultimately ------- the old ways.

  Answer Choices

   an iconoclast . . undermined by

   an opportunist . . reminiscent of

   a sentimentalist . . preferable to

   a traditionalist . . inferior to

   an idealist . . instructive about

  3.Members of the research team were initially so adversarial that ------- seemed impossible; the projects inauspicious start made its final success all the more ------- .

  Answer Choices

   concentration . . incidental

   disagreement . . incongruous

   collaboration . . predictable

   hostility . . dazzling

   cooperation . . remarkable

  4.Although the conference speakers disliked one another and might have been expected to ------- , it turned out that on several substantive issues they were in complete ------- and were able to avoid petty squabbling.

   argue . . disagreement

   bristle . . apathy

   debate . . dissonance

   concur . . denial

   bicker . . accord


  5.Laboratories have been warned that provisions for animal protection that in the past were merely ------- will now be mandatory;------- of this policy will lose their federal research grants.

   comprehensive . . adversaries

   nominal . . advocates

   disregarded . . proponents

   recommended . . violators

   compulsory . . resisters

  6.Tantra paintings from India are not only beautiful but also -------: in addition to their aesthetic value, they are used to facilitate meditation.

  Answer Choices






  7.Ramona had never visited Niagara Falls, but she could appreciate their splendor ------- through the descriptions of others.

  Answer Choices







  1.The correct answer is C

  Only desolate...populated presents the contrast required by the sentence. The words corrected the notion signal that the first word in the correct answer must contrast with the second word because that second word corrects the mistaken notion.

  2.The correct answer is D

  A traditionalist is someone who adheres to a time-honored set of practices or beliefs. Inferior to describes something that is of lesser quality or value than something else. An administrator certainly could be a traditionalist, or adhere to time-honored practices. If the new administrator prefers older, established ways of doing things, it makes sense to say that he might consider newer ideas but ultimately, or in the end, decide that they are inferior to, or lesser in value than, older ideas.

  3.The correct answer is E

  Choice is the only pair of words that logically completes this sentence. The adversarial attitude of the team members would suggest that working together would be quite difficult, or that cooperation would be impossible given the projects bad start, its ultimate success would be remarkable because nobody would have expected it.

  4.The correct answer is E

  Choice is correct. Bickering is the kind of petulant or peevish arguing to which personal dislike might have lead the speakers, but their accord, or agreement, on substantive issues kept them from squabbling.

  5.The correct answer is D

  The word merely indicates that the past provisions were not as strict as the mandatory provisions and recommended is the only first term that conveys a lesser degree of strictness. Only violators could logically be penalized by losing their federal research grants.

  6.The correct answer is E

  Choice is correct. Facilitating meditation is a functionsomething valuable about tantra paintings in addition to their beauty.

  7.The correct answer is A

  Ramona hadnt visited Niagara Falls but could appreciate their splendor, so the word that fills the blank must be an adverb whose definition has to do with appreciating something indirectly, through the descriptions of others . Choice is correct because to experience something vicariously is to experience it through imaginative participation in the actual experience of someone else.



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