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Rihanna has been ramping up her efforts to further education in Malawi since visiting the impoverished southeast African country in January -- and this time, that involves bikes.


In a new "1 KM Action" partnership announced today (August 1), the singer's Clara Lionel Foundation will join forces with bike-share platform ofo to not only fund scholarships for girls in Malawi through the foundation's Global Scholarship Program, but also donate bikes to those students to relieve transportation challenges in getting to class.

8月1日宣布的新的“一公里计划”指出,蕾哈娜创立的克拉拉·莱昂内尔基金会将与全球共享单车ofo小黄车携手,向马拉维的女孩们提供克拉拉·莱昂内尔基会全球奖学金项目资金支持, 并且为这些学生捐赠自行车来解决上学路途远造成的不便。

The first batch of ofo bikes have already been put into use in Malawi, kicking off what will become a five-year partnership.


"I'm so happy about the Clara Lionel Foundation's new partnership with ofo because it will help so many young people around the world receive a quality education, and also help the young girls of Malawi get to school safely, cutting down those very long walks they make to and from school all alone," Rihanna explains in a press release.


While there are approximately 4.6 million students in primary school in Malawi, only eight percent of students complete secondary school.


Girls are disproportionately impacted, and transportation issues are a major contributor to drop-outs.​ That's where ofo comes in.


"We are delighted to work with Rihanna and the Clara Lionel Foundation on this innovative initiative as we are keen to help improve education accessibility for students living in poverty," says ofo founder and CEO Dai Wei in a release.


“We believe in unlocking every corner in the world with equal access to education as well as with our bike-sharing scheme."


Rihanna has been ramping up her efforts to further education in Malawi since visiting the impoverished southeast African country in January -- and this time, that involves bikes.


In a new "1 KM Action" partnership announced today (August 1), the singer's Clara Lionel Foundation will join forces with bike-share platform ofo to not only fund scholarships for girls in Malawi through the foundation's Global Scholarship Program, but also donate bikes to those students to relieve transportation challenges in getting to class.

8月1日宣布的新的“一公里计划”指出,蕾哈娜创立的克拉拉·莱昂内尔基金会将与全球共享单车ofo小黄车携手,向马拉维的女孩们提供克拉拉·莱昂内尔基会全球奖学金项目资金支持, 并且为这些学生捐赠自行车来解决上学路途远造成的不便。

The first batch of ofo bikes have already been put into use in Malawi, kicking off what will become a five-year partnership.


"I'm so happy about the Clara Lionel Foundation's new partnership with ofo because it will help so many young people around the world receive a quality education, and also help the young girls of Malawi get to school safely, cutting down those very long walks they make to and from school all alone," Rihanna explains in a press release.


While there are approximately 4.6 million students in primary school in Malawi, only eight percent of students complete secondary school.


Girls are disproportionately impacted, and transportation issues are a major contributor to drop-outs.​ That's where ofo comes in.


"We are delighted to work with Rihanna and the Clara Lionel Foundation on this innovative initiative as we are keen to help improve education accessibility for students living in poverty," says ofo founder and CEO Dai Wei in a release.


“We believe in unlocking every corner in the world with equal access to education as well as with our bike-sharing scheme."


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