gre issue写作优秀实例:教育之分数

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gre issue写作优秀实例:教育之分数


  Competition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learning at all levels of education.


  How is your examination?, this may be a most frequently asked word among students and their custodians. Some people worry about that too much emphasis put on grades will do harm to the real quality of education. But in my eyes, pursuing for high grades do have much more benefits than its blemish.

  First of all, it is competition for high grades that helps boost students ambition to grasp knowledge as firmly as possible in that thirst for success is everyones humanity.Just as the proverb goes, No pains, no gains. For getting a satisfying score, students have to prepare for and review their texts frequently, remember all the knowledge they have learned deep in mind, enlarge their learning if it is possible and so on,especially when examinations are coming. All these efforts, no matter what their aims are, will surely lead to a corresponding paying back. On the other hand, such pressure of competition will actuate teachers to improve their quality of education. For example,they should ameliorate their didactics to adapt the changeable needs of students, make their lessons more interesting and concise to attract pupils, and renewal their own knowledge and conception to keep up with the updating pace of young men. Thus with the exertion of the both sides, students pursuit of high grades is not such a bad thing.

  Secondly, we are in a well-established competition system that no one can break away from it, so the earlier students have the competitive awareness and competitiveness,the more easily they can adapt to the intense life in the future. That is, from the first day one begins his/her process of socialization till the last day of his/her life, it is unavoidable to face with many challenges and contests such as attending record examination of universities, job hunting after graduation, promotion in companies,going after a beautiful girl, and so on. Thus to be a cogent competitor is of great necessity for one to make his/her own way, which reflected at present to students during their process of education is the ardent pursuing for high grades. I remember that General 巴顿used to say that the soldier who do not want to be a general is not a good soldier. Accordingly, in a sense, a students do not want to gain high grades is not a good student.

  However, every coin has two sides. When students and teaching faculties are confined by the zealous pursuance of high grades, such figures seem to lose their original sense.Some faculties take grades as the only standard to evaluate a student neglecting other qualities of the same importance such as teamwork spirit, creativity, criticize spirit and so on, and as a feedback to their teachers, some students put all their attention to the textbooks with other knowledge, skills and abilities culture left behind, which lead to the strange phenomenon so called Having high scores but poor quality, a great sarcasm towards modern educational system. Another mal-consequence of too much emphasis on competition is the forfeit of some belief. For example, stealing in examinations, a severe problem badgers many teachers, is in fact the lost of honesty and a dangerous trend for future.

  To sum up, competition for high grades may compel students to grasp the knowledge automatically and firmly; help them establish competitive awareness, which may inspire them to improve their comprehensive quality for the better competitiveness. On the contrary, if such pursuit were not limited to a proper degree, it would lead some negative effects. Hence, the right attitude towards this question is to encourage students to study hard, absorb knowledge widely and compete equitably, only in such way can competition for high grades indeed upgrades the quality of learning at all levels of education.



  Competition for high grades seriously limits the quality of learning at all levels of education.


  How is your examination?, this may be a most frequently asked word among students and their custodians. Some people worry about that too much emphasis put on grades will do harm to the real quality of education. But in my eyes, pursuing for high grades do have much more benefits than its blemish.

  First of all, it is competition for high grades that helps boost students ambition to grasp knowledge as firmly as possible in that thirst for success is everyones humanity.Just as the proverb goes, No pains, no gains. For getting a satisfying score, students have to prepare for and review their texts frequently, remember all the knowledge they have learned deep in mind, enlarge their learning if it is possible and so on,especially when examinations are coming. All these efforts, no matter what their aims are, will surely lead to a corresponding paying back. On the other hand, such pressure of competition will actuate teachers to improve their quality of education. For example,they should ameliorate their didactics to adapt the changeable needs of students, make their lessons more interesting and concise to attract pupils, and renewal their own knowledge and conception to keep up with the updating pace of young men. Thus with the exertion of the both sides, students pursuit of high grades is not such a bad thing.

  Secondly, we are in a well-established competition system that no one can break away from it, so the earlier students have the competitive awareness and competitiveness,the more easily they can adapt to the intense life in the future. That is, from the first day one begins his/her process of socialization till the last day of his/her life, it is unavoidable to face with many challenges and contests such as attending record examination of universities, job hunting after graduation, promotion in companies,going after a beautiful girl, and so on. Thus to be a cogent competitor is of great necessity for one to make his/her own way, which reflected at present to students during their process of education is the ardent pursuing for high grades. I remember that General 巴顿used to say that the soldier who do not want to be a general is not a good soldier. Accordingly, in a sense, a students do not want to gain high grades is not a good student.

  However, every coin has two sides. When students and teaching faculties are confined by the zealous pursuance of high grades, such figures seem to lose their original sense.Some faculties take grades as the only standard to evaluate a student neglecting other qualities of the same importance such as teamwork spirit, creativity, criticize spirit and so on, and as a feedback to their teachers, some students put all their attention to the textbooks with other knowledge, skills and abilities culture left behind, which lead to the strange phenomenon so called Having high scores but poor quality, a great sarcasm towards modern educational system. Another mal-consequence of too much emphasis on competition is the forfeit of some belief. For example, stealing in examinations, a severe problem badgers many teachers, is in fact the lost of honesty and a dangerous trend for future.

  To sum up, competition for high grades may compel students to grasp the knowledge automatically and firmly; help them establish competitive awareness, which may inspire them to improve their comprehensive quality for the better competitiveness. On the contrary, if such pursuit were not limited to a proper degree, it would lead some negative effects. Hence, the right attitude towards this question is to encourage students to study hard, absorb knowledge widely and compete equitably, only in such way can competition for high grades indeed upgrades the quality of learning at all levels of education.


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