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   十、被 动 语 态


   eg. We use a knife for cutting (主动句).

   A knife is used for cutting (被动句)。

   一、构成:be + 过去分词

   eg. 1)The work is finished by him.

   2)Chinese is spoken by people in China.


   1.一般现在时:am/ is/ are + 过去分词

   eg. English is spoken by Englishmen.

   2.一般过去时:was/ were + 过去分词

   eg. The machines were made in China.

   3.一般将来时:will/shall/be going to be+过去分词

   eg. A sports meeting will be held in our school next week.

   4.现在完成时:have/ has been + 过去分词

   eg. The work has been done by them.

   5.现在进行时:am/ is/ are being + 过去分词。

   eg. A new school is being built in our village.

   6.过去进行时:was/ were being + 过去分词

   eg. My TV set was being mended at that time.




   can / may / must / should + be + 过去分词

   eg. He may be sent away from school.


   eg. My bike needs to be mended.

   3.在使用被动语态时,如需要指出动作执行者时,应用by + 动作的执行者(宾格)

   eg. He was called Mike by us

   4.不及物动词无被动语态(take place/ happen ; last ; rise ; sink ; fall等)

   eg. The accident was happened two days ago (改错) _________


   eg.The boss made the workers work 12 hours.

   The workers were made to work 12 hours.

   6.注意短语动词的完整性(即:主动句的谓语动词若由v + prep / adv构成,变被动语态时,不能将这些介词、副词遗漏。

   eg. We must take care of the baby.

   The baby must be taken care of.

   练 习 题

   ( )1.This factory has been____ for two years

   A. open B. to open C. opening D. opened

   ( )2.The light in the room ___ before you leave. A. must turn off B. will turn off

   C. are turned off D. must be turned off

   ( )3.The young trees ____ planted in spring.

   A. must B. have C. must be D. must are

   ( )4.Chinese ____ by Miss Wang three years ago. A. was taught B. is taught

   C. was teached D. were teach

   ( )5.Young trees ___ quite often.

   A. should water B. should be water

   C. should be watered D. should have watered

   ( )6.English ___ by many people in the world

   A. speaks B. speak C. are spoken D. is spoken

   ( )7.The old people ___ well in our country.

   A. is looked after B. are looked after

   C. looks after D. look for

   ( )8. Alice is ill. She ____ to hospital at once.

   A. is sent B. must be sent

   C. can send D. must send

   ( )9. The factory ____ in 1958.

   A. was built B. is built

   C. will be built D. built

   ( )10.Our teacher told us that the classroom _____ every day.

   A. should be cleaned B. should cleaned

   C. shall be cleaned D. must cleaned

   ( )11.Football ____ all over the world.

   A. plays B. is playing

   C. has played D. is played

   ( )12.____ silk ____ in Suzhou?

   A. Is , produced B. Are, produced

   C. Does, produce D. Was, produce

   ( )13.Much money ____ spent on books every year. A. have B. has C. are D. is

   ( )14.The students was made ______ the questions by the teacher.

   A. answer B. to answer

   C. answering D. answered

   ( )15.The sun ____ when we got there.

   A. was risen B. has been risen

   C. had risen D. is rising

   ( )16.The People's Liberation Army was ____ August 1, 1927.

   A. found in B. found on

   C. founded on D. founded in

   ( )17.The oranges should be well ___ during the winter.

   A. keep B. kept C. keeping D. to keep

   ( )18. Many of the sheep ___ by the wolf狼).

   A. was killed B. are killed

   C. are killing D. were killed

   ( )19.Tape recorders____ in our English class

   A. should use B. used

   C. can be used D. are using

   ( )20. ____ English ____ in Canada?

   A. Do, spoken B. Is , spoken

   C. Are, spoken D. Does, speak

   ( )21.He ____ not to leave waster paper everywhere.

   A. tells B. told C. was told D. has told

   ( )22.Who ____ The Family, Spring and Autumn ______?

   A. was, written B. were, written

   C. were, written by D. are. Written by

   ( )23.Look at the building! It ____ now.

   A. is being built B. has been built

   C. is building D. has built

   ( )24.Half of the work ____ before six.

   A. can be done B. will do C. were done

   ( )25.We ____ stamps for sending letters.

   A. are used B. use C. used

   ( )26.The Great Green Wall(绿色长城)___ in North China.

   A. are built B. can be build C. was built

   ( )27.___ the farm ____ by the students ?

   A. was, visited B. Is, visit C. Must, visit

   ( )28.The woman ____ by people in the waiting room.

   A. was laughed B. was laughed at

   C. laughed at

   ( )29. What ____ there?

   A. happened B. is happened

   C. must be happened

   ( )30.He was made ______for twelve hours.

   A. to work B. work C. worked


   (一)时间状语从句:由when, while, before, after, since, as soon as, till / until引导的从句


   eg.1)I'll tell her the good news _____he comes back.

   2)Aunt Wang came in while we were watching TV



   eg.1)He has lived there since he came to China

   2)It is two years since her mother died.

   (二)条件状语从句:由if (如果)引导的从句

   eg.I will go to the park if it ________ (not rain) tomorrow.


   1)祈使句,and (then , or)+简单句

   = If you , you

   eg.1)Use your head, then you'll find a way.

   =If you use your head, you'll find a way

   2)Hurry up, or you'll be late.

   =If you don't hurry, you'll be late.


   eg. Man can't live without water.

   =Man can't live if there is no water.


   主句 时间、条件句

   1)一般将来时 2)祈使句 3)情态动词原形 一般现在时

   一般过去时 一般过去时


   eg.1)I'll call you as soon as he ______ (come) back.

   2)He won't go to bed until he _________ (finish) his homework.

   3)I'll help you if I _____ (be) free tomorrow

   4)I ___________ (live) here since I came to China.

   (三)原因状语从句:由because, since , for , as引导的从句

   eg. He didn't go to school because he was ill.


   2)因为(because), 所以(so)不能连用

   eg. Because he was (A) ill, so (B) he didn't (C) go to school (D) yesterday. ________

   (四)结果状语从句:由so that引导的从句(so后接形、副原级)

   eg. He ran (A) so faster (B) that I couldn't catch up with (C) him. ________

   注意:1) so that +否定句与too to的替换

   eg.1)He is so young that he can't go to school.

   = He is too young to go to school(主、从句主语相同)

   2)He ran so fast that we couldn't catch up with him.

   = He ran too fast for us to catch up with. (主、从句主语不同)

   3)The box is so heavy that I can't carry it

   = The box is too heavy for me to carry.(注意carry后省去宾语it)

   2)so that +从句与enough to的替换

   eg.1)He's so strong that he can carry the box.

   = He's strong enough to carry the box.

   2)The question is so easy that I can answer it

   =The question is easy enough for me to answer

   练 习

   ( )1.We bought granny a present, ___ she didn't like it.

   A. but B. and C. when

   ( )2.Be quick, ___ you'll be late for the football match.

   A. so B. and C. or

   ( )3.You've done badly, ___ I can see you did your best. A. or B. but C. so

   ( )4.That was our first lesson, ___ she didn't know all our names.

   A. for B. but C. so

   ( )5.They didn't pass the ball often enough, ___ they didn't play together very well.

   A. and B. yet C. when

   ( )6.It was raining at that time, ___ they couldn't go out for walk.

   A. because B. or C. so

   ( )7.Mary couldn't go to school, ___ she was very ill. A. for B. before C. though

   ( )8.Go straight along the road, ___ you'll find the hospital at the end of it.

   A. since B. and C. when

   ( )9.Take this medicine , ___ you will yet well soon. A. and B. but C. so

   ( )10.Either she or I ___ him at the airport.

   A. is to meet B. am to meet C. are to meet

   ( )11.The train hasn't arrived ____.

   A. too B. also C. yet

   ( )12.You won't go there, ___ will I.

   A. So B. Neither C. Also

   ( )13.You can take ___ this book ___ that book, but you can't take ___ of them.

   A. either, or ; all B. either , or ; both

   C. not only , but also ; both

   ( )14.The students had no water___ food then

   A. or B. and C. also

   ( )15.They were ___ weak ___ carry the heavy box.

   A. neither , nor B. both , and C. too , to

   ( )16.The books aren't yours ___ ours.

   A. nor B. and C. but

   ( )17.Tom saves his money, ___ John spends all he gets.

   A. while B. or C. so

   ( )18.Excuse me, ___ can you tell me how to get to the park?

   A. and B. please C. but

   ( )19.He needs to have a rest, ___ he has worked for a long time .

   A. and B. but C. for

   ( )20.The policeman was ___ busy ___ holidays with his family.

   A. very , to spend B. too , to spend

   C. so , that

   ( )21.Neither Jack nor I ___ to the park.

   A. is going B. are going C. am going

   ( )22.His grandfather has never been to school so he could ___ read ___ write.

   A. neither , nor B. either , or C. both , and

   ( )23.Johm ___ until Mike ___ sorry to him.

   A. let him in , said B. didn't let him in , said

   C. didn't let him in , says

   ( )24.I'm sure Li Ping is ___ in the classroom ___ in the library.

   A. either , or B. both , and C. neither , or

   ( )25.Don't open the door ___ the bus ___.

   A. until , stops B. and , stops C. until , stop

   ( )26.Both his father and his mother ___ to Beijing.

   A. has been B. have been C. has gone

   ( )27.We'll have a sports meeting if it ____ rain tomorrow.

   A. won't B. isn't C. don't D. doesn't

   ( )28.I'll let you know as soon as he ____.

   A. comes back B. will come back

   C. is coming back D. come back

   ( )29.I'm ___ busy getting ready for Christmas ____ I have no time to write to you.

   A. not, until B. too, to

   C. so, that D. neither, nor

   ( )30.This TV set is too dear, ____ it gives you a better picture.

   A. or B. if C. though D. and

   ( )31.Could you ask Tom to ring me up if you ____ him tomorrow.

   A. met B. meet C. will meet D. have met

   ( )32.While she ___ TV in the sitting room, the bell ____.

   A. watches, rings B. is watching, rang

   C. was watching D. watched, was ringing

   ( )33.Mary will go ____ after she ____ her homework.

   A. shops, finish B. shopping, finishes

   C. to shop, finishing D. shopping, finish

   ( )34.He is listening to the music ____ he is washing clothes.

   A. after B. before C. when D. while

   ( )35.Tell Mr. Wang to go to Mr. Li's office, when you ____ him.

   A. saw B. will see C. are seeing D. see

   ( )36.They ____ until the meeting was over.

   A. left B. not leave

   C. don't leave D. didn't leave

   ( )37.The children sat at the table until the guests ____.

   A. leave B. are leaving C. left D. had left

   ( )38.The film ____ for half an hour when I got to the cinema.

   A. has begun B. had been on

   C. begun D. begins

   ( )39.She ____ until late into the night.

   A. waited B. came C. went D. started

   ( )40.He began to do his homework _____ he turned on the light.

   A. before B. since C. till D. after

   ( )41.He didn't go to swim yesterday___ he was ill.

   A. when B. if C. because D. and because