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  交织 intertwine;interweave

  好奇心 the eager desire to know;curiosity

  尊敬 respect;esteem;think highly of

  顽固的 headstrong;obstinate;stubborn

  暗淡的 gloomy;dark;dim

  巨大的 huge;gigantic;colossal;vast;enormous;tremendous

  探索 explore;fathom

  执行 carry out;execute;do

  现代 modern times;modern age;contemporary age

  偏见 prejudice;bias;partiality;predilection

  混乱 chaos;commotion;confusion;disturbance;tumult


  无缺点的 flawless;airtight

  无药可救 incurable

  无法避免的 unavoidable;inevitable

  细密的计划 elaborate plan

  取消 cancel;annul;abolish

  解药 a cure fora remedy for

  谜 puzzle;riddle;enigma

  机会平等 equality of opportunity

  较有影响力的国家 a predominant country

  遵守 abide by;conform to;observe;comply with

  热情的 passionate;ardent;zealous

  模糊的 ambiguous;vague;obscure

  影响长远的 far-reaching

  失望 despair;loss of hope;without hope

  幼稚 childish;childlike

  挑剔的 picky;choosy;fastidious

  破坏 destroy;ruin;break to pieces;devasate

  技巧的 skillful;adept;dexterous

  警觉的 alert;watchful;on guard;wary of

  忍受 bear;put up with;endure;stand

  证据 evidence;facts;proof;grounds;testimony

  很容易地 easily;with little problem;with little hindrance

  令人惊讶的 amazing;astonishing;astounding

  生动的报导 vivid description

  争取 compete for;try hard to win

  遗产 heritage;legacy;inheritance

  保护 protect;safeguard;preserve;shelter

  了解 understand;comprehend;catch the meaning of;catch on

  汇露 reveal;make known;disclose

  放大 amplify;magnify;enlarge

  动力 impetus;driving force;momentum

  自满的 complacent

  第一流的 first-rate;excellent

  安全处 refuge;asylum;haven;sanctuary

  强调 emphasize;stress;highlight

  短视的决定 short-sighted decision

  真正的 genuine;authentic;real

  怪异的 eccentric;peculiar;odd

  明显的 distinct;clear;explicit;obvious

  得到的注意 capture ones attention

  事事干涉的 meddlesome;interfering

  背景 setting;background

  假的 fake;false;counterfeit

  夸大报导 dramatize

  退步 setback

  古人 the ancients

  古老的 old;ancient;archaeic

  逃犯 infringe ;violate

  使害怕 intimidate;frighten

  带来生气 enliven

  对手 rival

  吸引人的 intriguing

  旁观者 onlooker

  准确地说 to be exact;to be precise;precisely

  突然醒悟 it dawned on me that

  仔细思考之后 after long deliberation;after careful thought


  交织 intertwine;interweave

  好奇心 the eager desire to know;curiosity

  尊敬 respect;esteem;think highly of

  顽固的 headstrong;obstinate;stubborn

  暗淡的 gloomy;dark;dim

  巨大的 huge;gigantic;colossal;vast;enormous;tremendous

  探索 explore;fathom

  执行 carry out;execute;do

  现代 modern times;modern age;contemporary age

  偏见 prejudice;bias;partiality;predilection

  混乱 chaos;commotion;confusion;disturbance;tumult


  无缺点的 flawless;airtight

  无药可救 incurable

  无法避免的 unavoidable;inevitable

  细密的计划 elaborate plan

  取消 cancel;annul;abolish

  解药 a cure fora remedy for

  谜 puzzle;riddle;enigma

  机会平等 equality of opportunity

  较有影响力的国家 a predominant country

  遵守 abide by;conform to;observe;comply with

  热情的 passionate;ardent;zealous

  模糊的 ambiguous;vague;obscure

  影响长远的 far-reaching

  失望 despair;loss of hope;without hope

  幼稚 childish;childlike

  挑剔的 picky;choosy;fastidious

  破坏 destroy;ruin;break to pieces;devasate

  技巧的 skillful;adept;dexterous

  警觉的 alert;watchful;on guard;wary of

  忍受 bear;put up with;endure;stand

  证据 evidence;facts;proof;grounds;testimony

  很容易地 easily;with little problem;with little hindrance

  令人惊讶的 amazing;astonishing;astounding

  生动的报导 vivid description

  争取 compete for;try hard to win

  遗产 heritage;legacy;inheritance

  保护 protect;safeguard;preserve;shelter

  了解 understand;comprehend;catch the meaning of;catch on

  汇露 reveal;make known;disclose

  放大 amplify;magnify;enlarge

  动力 impetus;driving force;momentum

  自满的 complacent

  第一流的 first-rate;excellent

  安全处 refuge;asylum;haven;sanctuary

  强调 emphasize;stress;highlight

  短视的决定 short-sighted decision

  真正的 genuine;authentic;real

  怪异的 eccentric;peculiar;odd

  明显的 distinct;clear;explicit;obvious

  得到的注意 capture ones attention

  事事干涉的 meddlesome;interfering

  背景 setting;background

  假的 fake;false;counterfeit

  夸大报导 dramatize

  退步 setback

  古人 the ancients

  古老的 old;ancient;archaeic

  逃犯 infringe ;violate

  使害怕 intimidate;frighten

  带来生气 enliven

  对手 rival

  吸引人的 intriguing

  旁观者 onlooker

  准确地说 to be exact;to be precise;precisely

  突然醒悟 it dawned on me that

  仔细思考之后 after long deliberation;after careful thought


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