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  (1) In the black 盈利:

  Having paid off all the debts, the company is now in the black.

  (2) In the red 亏损;负债

  On account of mismanagement and some unexpected bad debts, some financial companies are in the red.

  (3) Black and blue 青一块紫一块:

  The shop-keeper quarrelled with a rascal and was beaten black and blue.

  (4)The black sheep of the family败家子:

  Among Mr Browns Children, Alex did not behave himself and eventually became a social outcast. He was the black sheep of the family.

  (5) In black and white 写出或印出:

  I dont want a verbal promise but an agreement in black and white.

  (6) Not so/ as black as one is painted 不如所形容的坏:

  Many people complained about Daniels behaviour, but he was not as black as he was painted.

  (7) A bolt from the blue 睛天霹雳:

  The woman was shocked at the bad news, which came like a bolt from the blue.

  (8) In a blue funk 惊恐万状:

  Jenny has been in a blue funk since she failed in her first job interview.

  (9) Once in a blue moon 偶尔为之:

  For lack of leisure, some working people went shopping once in a blue moon.

  (10) Disappear/Vanish into the blue 突然消失:

  A bird was standing on a window sill. All at once, if flew away and disappeared into the blue.

  (11) Give greenlight to 批准做:

  The authorities have given our department the greenlight to purchase the equipment required.

  (12) Green with envy 非常妒忌:

  On hearing about Cathys promotion, Jane is green with envy.

  (13) Catch red-handed 当场被捕:

  The shop-lifter stole something valuable and was caught red-handed.

  (14) Roll out the red carpet 隆重欢迎:

  When a foreign dignitary comes to visit the country, the government often rolls out the red carpet for him.

  (15) Cut the red tape 取消繁文缛节:

  If the authorities concerned can cut the red tape, a lot of work can be more quickly done.

  (16) See red 突然发怒:

  When Mrs Lin entered the guest room, it was in a mess; she saw red and scolded the maid for not tidying it up

  (17) Turn as white as a sheet 脸色变得很苍白:

  When the car driver received a traffic polices summons, he turned as white as a sheet.

  (18) A white lie 善意的谎言:

  As Jenny did not want to go to Toms party, she told him that she was busy. Such a white lie is better than hurting his feelings in other ways.

  (19) A white-collar worker 白领工人:

  A secretary is a white-collar worker, while road repairing is a blue-collar job.

  (20) A grey area 含糊不清之处:

  The motorists backed their cars and knocked against each other. Who was in the wrong? Its a grey area, isnt it?



  (1) In the black 盈利:

  Having paid off all the debts, the company is now in the black.

  (2) In the red 亏损;负债

  On account of mismanagement and some unexpected bad debts, some financial companies are in the red.

  (3) Black and blue 青一块紫一块:

  The shop-keeper quarrelled with a rascal and was beaten black and blue.

  (4)The black sheep of the family败家子:

  Among Mr Browns Children, Alex did not behave himself and eventually became a social outcast. He was the black sheep of the family.

  (5) In black and white 写出或印出:

  I dont want a verbal promise but an agreement in black and white.

  (6) Not so/ as black as one is painted 不如所形容的坏:

  Many people complained about Daniels behaviour, but he was not as black as he was painted.

  (7) A bolt from the blue 睛天霹雳:

  The woman was shocked at the bad news, which came like a bolt from the blue.

  (8) In a blue funk 惊恐万状:

  Jenny has been in a blue funk since she failed in her first job interview.

  (9) Once in a blue moon 偶尔为之:

  For lack of leisure, some working people went shopping once in a blue moon.

  (10) Disappear/Vanish into the blue 突然消失:

  A bird was standing on a window sill. All at once, if flew away and disappeared into the blue.

  (11) Give greenlight to 批准做:

  The authorities have given our department the greenlight to purchase the equipment required.

  (12) Green with envy 非常妒忌:

  On hearing about Cathys promotion, Jane is green with envy.

  (13) Catch red-handed 当场被捕:

  The shop-lifter stole something valuable and was caught red-handed.

  (14) Roll out the red carpet 隆重欢迎:

  When a foreign dignitary comes to visit the country, the government often rolls out the red carpet for him.

  (15) Cut the red tape 取消繁文缛节:

  If the authorities concerned can cut the red tape, a lot of work can be more quickly done.

  (16) See red 突然发怒:

  When Mrs Lin entered the guest room, it was in a mess; she saw red and scolded the maid for not tidying it up

  (17) Turn as white as a sheet 脸色变得很苍白:

  When the car driver received a traffic polices summons, he turned as white as a sheet.

  (18) A white lie 善意的谎言:

  As Jenny did not want to go to Toms party, she told him that she was busy. Such a white lie is better than hurting his feelings in other ways.

  (19) A white-collar worker 白领工人:

  A secretary is a white-collar worker, while road repairing is a blue-collar job.

  (20) A grey area 含糊不清之处:

  The motorists backed their cars and knocked against each other. Who was in the wrong? Its a grey area, isnt it?


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