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Do you ever worry about the health problems that sitting behind a desk all day could lead to?


If so, look no further than FlexiSpot's Deskcise Pro: A desk with a built in exercise bike.

如果你感到担心,不妨看看FlexiSpot公司的健身单车书桌Deskcise Pro。

The unit can be used as both an exercise bike and a standing desk, and can also keep its noise levels down to under 60 decibels - the sound of a normal conversation at 3-5 feet.

Deskcise Pro既是一张站立式书桌,也可以当做健身单车使用,还可将其发出的噪音控制在60分贝以下,这种音量相当于从3-5英尺(0.9米-1.5米)外传来的正常对话声。

The desktop panel is 35 inches X 23.2 inches (89 centimeters X 59 centimeters) in size, allowing it to fit a laptop.


The seat can be moved up and down, and can be adjusted for people between the height of 5 foot 1 (1.55 meters) and 6 foot 2 (1.89 meters) via an adjustment lever.


The seat can also move forward and backward, to either place the seat underneath the desk to allow for a standing configuration or a cycling configuration.


The bike itself can handle a weight of 300 pounds (136 kilograms).


The desk-bike was designed with easy movement in mind - it can be wheeled into different rooms with four caster wheels that swivel 360 degrees.

Deskcise Pro单车书桌的设计便捷,下有四个360度旋转的轮脚,可以推到不同的房间。

The movable wheels stay in place while cycling due to the desk's gravity sensor wheel locks.


According to FlexiSpot's website, the bike can be assembled in one-minute by attaching the desktop piece to the base bike, with no extra tools or assembly required.


And if you want to increase the resistance of your workout, the bike has eight different resistance levels, from light activity to a more intense workout.


FlexiSpot started a fundraising campaign for the bike on Kickstarter to bring the bike into production, with an estimated shipping data of November 2024.

为生产Deskcise Pro单车书桌,FlexiSpot在Kickstarter网站上发起众筹活动,预计今年11月份开始交货。

While the bike will retail for $499, the first 30 backers of the bike will receive one for a $299 donation.


Do you ever worry about the health problems that sitting behind a desk all day could lead to?


If so, look no further than FlexiSpot's Deskcise Pro: A desk with a built in exercise bike.

如果你感到担心,不妨看看FlexiSpot公司的健身单车书桌Deskcise Pro。

The unit can be used as both an exercise bike and a standing desk, and can also keep its noise levels down to under 60 decibels - the sound of a normal conversation at 3-5 feet.

Deskcise Pro既是一张站立式书桌,也可以当做健身单车使用,还可将其发出的噪音控制在60分贝以下,这种音量相当于从3-5英尺(0.9米-1.5米)外传来的正常对话声。

The desktop panel is 35 inches X 23.2 inches (89 centimeters X 59 centimeters) in size, allowing it to fit a laptop.


The seat can be moved up and down, and can be adjusted for people between the height of 5 foot 1 (1.55 meters) and 6 foot 2 (1.89 meters) via an adjustment lever.


The seat can also move forward and backward, to either place the seat underneath the desk to allow for a standing configuration or a cycling configuration.


The bike itself can handle a weight of 300 pounds (136 kilograms).


The desk-bike was designed with easy movement in mind - it can be wheeled into different rooms with four caster wheels that swivel 360 degrees.

Deskcise Pro单车书桌的设计便捷,下有四个360度旋转的轮脚,可以推到不同的房间。

The movable wheels stay in place while cycling due to the desk's gravity sensor wheel locks.


According to FlexiSpot's website, the bike can be assembled in one-minute by attaching the desktop piece to the base bike, with no extra tools or assembly required.


And if you want to increase the resistance of your workout, the bike has eight different resistance levels, from light activity to a more intense workout.


FlexiSpot started a fundraising campaign for the bike on Kickstarter to bring the bike into production, with an estimated shipping data of November 2024.

为生产Deskcise Pro单车书桌,FlexiSpot在Kickstarter网站上发起众筹活动,预计今年11月份开始交货。

While the bike will retail for $499, the first 30 backers of the bike will receive one for a $299 donation.


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