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  假设你是李华,你的澳大利亚朋友Dick听说中国的中小学正在减轻学生的学习负担, 来信询问有关情况。请你根据下表提供的信息,写一封回信,谈一谈减负给你的学习和生活带来的变化。

  周末活动 (减负前) 周末活动:(减负后)

  白天: 上课,做作业 白天: 餐馆博物馆,学习电脑,绘画

  晚上: 做作业 晚上: 看资讯,读书,看报

  就寝时间: 11:30 就寝时间: 10:00




  3.生词: 减轻学习负担reduce learning load

  Dear Dick,

  How nice to hear from you again.

  当年大部分考生只是对图表进行了简单的翻译,导致文章异常单调、重复,分数很不理想。如何才能在简单的内容上运用较复杂的句型词汇呢?考生在写减负前的情况时只会简单地写: I always had classes and did homework in the daytime and did homework at night. I often went to bed at 11:30. 这无异于简单机械地翻译中文!得分可想而知!

  其实考生完全可以使用学过的比较复杂的句型语法结构。例如我们可以使用tooto句型:I was too busy having classes and doing homework at weekends to go to bed before 11:30. 我们也可以使用定语从句: I used to spend whole weekends attending classes and doing homework, which often kept me up until 11:30 at night. 我们还可以使用倒装句:Not until 11:30 PM could I go to bed because I had to finish my homework after having lessons by day. 或者:So busy was I attending classes and doing homework that I could not go to sleep before 11:30 at night. 我们甚至还可以使用拟人手法:Weekends used to find me attending school and doing homework.



  Dear Dick,

  How nice to hear from you again.

  1.过去______________, I used to have classes all day and do homework at night. And I didnt go to bed until 11:30.

  2.连接词______________, nowadays, I have more time做我想做的_______________________________________________________________.


  3.白天___________________________, I often visit museums or 学电脑及绘画____________________________________________________.


  4.In the evening,使用eitheror句型_________________________________________________________________.

  5.而且________________________________________________, I go to bed/sleep earlier than beforeat ten oclock.

  6.发挥一句I hope __________________________________________________________________.


  1.过去In the past , I used to have classes all day and do homework at night. And I didnt go to bed until 11:30.

  2.连接词Fortunately/ However, nowadays, I have more time 做我想做的to do what I desire/like/ choose/ want/ prefer/am fond of .周末更加丰富多彩了the weekends have become more interesting/fun/ less tiring/ no longer study-centered/ exam-oriented .

  3.白天In the daytime/ during the day, I often visit museums or 学电脑及绘画learn computer and drawing/go to computer and drawing lessons.

  使用拟人句 Daytime finds me visiting museums or learning computer and drawing.

  4.In the evening, 使用eitheror句型I can either watch news reports or read newspapers and books.

  5.而且What is more/In addition/ Besides/ More importantly, I go to bed/sleep earlier than beforeat ten oclock.

  6.发挥一句I hope things wont have to change in the future/ can become even better/ the learning load could be further reduced. I hope you are also enjoying pleasant weekends now.










  假设你是李华,你的澳大利亚朋友Dick听说中国的中小学正在减轻学生的学习负担, 来信询问有关情况。请你根据下表提供的信息,写一封回信,谈一谈减负给你的学习和生活带来的变化。

  周末活动 (减负前) 周末活动:(减负后)

  白天: 上课,做作业 白天: 餐馆博物馆,学习电脑,绘画

  晚上: 做作业 晚上: 看资讯,读书,看报

  就寝时间: 11:30 就寝时间: 10:00




  3.生词: 减轻学习负担reduce learning load

  Dear Dick,

  How nice to hear from you again.

  当年大部分考生只是对图表进行了简单的翻译,导致文章异常单调、重复,分数很不理想。如何才能在简单的内容上运用较复杂的句型词汇呢?考生在写减负前的情况时只会简单地写: I always had classes and did homework in the daytime and did homework at night. I often went to bed at 11:30. 这无异于简单机械地翻译中文!得分可想而知!

  其实考生完全可以使用学过的比较复杂的句型语法结构。例如我们可以使用tooto句型:I was too busy having classes and doing homework at weekends to go to bed before 11:30. 我们也可以使用定语从句: I used to spend whole weekends attending classes and doing homework, which often kept me up until 11:30 at night. 我们还可以使用倒装句:Not until 11:30 PM could I go to bed because I had to finish my homework after having lessons by day. 或者:So busy was I attending classes and doing homework that I could not go to sleep before 11:30 at night. 我们甚至还可以使用拟人手法:Weekends used to find me attending school and doing homework.



  Dear Dick,

  How nice to hear from you again.

  1.过去______________, I used to have classes all day and do homework at night. And I didnt go to bed until 11:30.

  2.连接词______________, nowadays, I have more time做我想做的_______________________________________________________________.


  3.白天___________________________, I often visit museums or 学电脑及绘画____________________________________________________.


  4.In the evening,使用eitheror句型_________________________________________________________________.

  5.而且________________________________________________, I go to bed/sleep earlier than beforeat ten oclock.

  6.发挥一句I hope __________________________________________________________________.


  1.过去In the past , I used to have classes all day and do homework at night. And I didnt go to bed until 11:30.

  2.连接词Fortunately/ However, nowadays, I have more time 做我想做的to do what I desire/like/ choose/ want/ prefer/am fond of .周末更加丰富多彩了the weekends have become more interesting/fun/ less tiring/ no longer study-centered/ exam-oriented .

  3.白天In the daytime/ during the day, I often visit museums or 学电脑及绘画learn computer and drawing/go to computer and drawing lessons.

  使用拟人句 Daytime finds me visiting museums or learning computer and drawing.

  4.In the evening, 使用eitheror句型I can either watch news reports or read newspapers and books.

  5.而且What is more/In addition/ Besides/ More importantly, I go to bed/sleep earlier than beforeat ten oclock.

  6.发挥一句I hope things wont have to change in the future/ can become even better/ the learning load could be further reduced. I hope you are also enjoying pleasant weekends now.

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