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What was your biggest culture shock while traveling?


来自@Christine De Benedetto的回答:

Some of my family lives in Poland. I was visiting my aunt there and out shopping at Tesco. We went to the checkout line and I smiled widely at the cashier.


She gave me a dirty look and then started yelling at me. My Polish language skills aren't the best and I looked at my aunt in confusion.


She responded to the cashier, “Relax, she is just an American. They are a lot less miserable than us Poles.”


The cashier was not used to smiles and pleasantries and just assumed that my smile was because I was making fun of her.


来自@Chris Northcutt的回答:

I'm American, and used to work in SE Asia for a company headquartered in London.


On one summer trip to the London HQ I was staying in a nice hotel that included a traditional British breakfast. One morning I was seated near an American family, and thought my goodness they are so loud! I noticed others sometimes glancing at them.


The children were all very well behaved but obviously very excited anticipating their first full day exploring London (I eavesdropped a little).


I realized if this had been a restaurant in the USA their speech volume would have been quite normal and acceptable , and I wouldn't have noticed. As I had not been around Americans for several months, I had become used to a lower decibel level while dining without realizing it. This was kind of a re-entry culture shock.


I made it a point to introduce myself, that it was refreshing to hear other Americans after so long away, and with a bit of a twinkle said it was very nice to clearly hear how excited they are about the day ahead. The parents picked right up on it, and I later heard them nicely and quietly telling their children they could still hear them even if they spoke more softly..


来自@Odin Training的回答:

I wasn’t traveling but had moved to the UK from Canada.


I was standing at the bus stop with a few other people.


When the bus pulled up, it stopped right in front of me.


The doors opened and I go to step on the bus, then I feel a thud on my shoulder.


I turn around and an elderly lady was hitting me with her umbrella.


When I looked at her she said something about not pushing in line.


I apologized and explained that I had just moved from Canada and there we just get on the bus from where it stopped.


She replied, “In England we respect the queue!” I didn’t even know what the word queue meant, but I soon learned that they do indeed line up for everything and they board the bus in the order they arrived at the bus stop.


What was your biggest culture shock while traveling?


来自@Christine De Benedetto的回答:

Some of my family lives in Poland. I was visiting my aunt there and out shopping at Tesco. We went to the checkout line and I smiled widely at the cashier.


She gave me a dirty look and then started yelling at me. My Polish language skills aren't the best and I looked at my aunt in confusion.


She responded to the cashier, “Relax, she is just an American. They are a lot less miserable than us Poles.”


The cashier was not used to smiles and pleasantries and just assumed that my smile was because I was making fun of her.


来自@Chris Northcutt的回答:

I'm American, and used to work in SE Asia for a company headquartered in London.


On one summer trip to the London HQ I was staying in a nice hotel that included a traditional British breakfast. One morning I was seated near an American family, and thought my goodness they are so loud! I noticed others sometimes glancing at them.


The children were all very well behaved but obviously very excited anticipating their first full day exploring London (I eavesdropped a little).


I realized if this had been a restaurant in the USA their speech volume would have been quite normal and acceptable , and I wouldn't have noticed. As I had not been around Americans for several months, I had become used to a lower decibel level while dining without realizing it. This was kind of a re-entry culture shock.


I made it a point to introduce myself, that it was refreshing to hear other Americans after so long away, and with a bit of a twinkle said it was very nice to clearly hear how excited they are about the day ahead. The parents picked right up on it, and I later heard them nicely and quietly telling their children they could still hear them even if they spoke more softly..


来自@Odin Training的回答:

I wasn’t traveling but had moved to the UK from Canada.


I was standing at the bus stop with a few other people.


When the bus pulled up, it stopped right in front of me.


The doors opened and I go to step on the bus, then I feel a thud on my shoulder.


I turn around and an elderly lady was hitting me with her umbrella.


When I looked at her she said something about not pushing in line.


I apologized and explained that I had just moved from Canada and there we just get on the bus from where it stopped.


She replied, “In England we respect the queue!” I didn’t even know what the word queue meant, but I soon learned that they do indeed line up for everything and they board the bus in the order they arrived at the bus stop.


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