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  有些人认为中学生看电视是在浪费时间,另一些人则认为看电视对中学生是有益的。请你以Is Watching TV a Waste of Time为题写一篇作文。要点如下:




  虽然不是故意的,我又来找碴了。男子汉,别介意! :)


   As you can see,many say that watching TV is bad for our study. But I think it's good for us to watch TV because watching TV can make us more knowledgeable. (第一段先不要亮出观点,议论文有现成的思路可以继承。想要追求创新应该在第二段中体现。重改第一段:People take different attitudes towards watching TV. Some believe that it is beneficial for us to watch TV . Others, however, hold the opposite opinion.)


  In my opinion, we should realize the pros and cons of watching TV. (一定要加上这一句:我们应该认识到看电视的利弊。 因为你的观点是中立的。必须首先亮出来,然后再讨论利是什么,弊是什么?最后总结一下。)


  In my opinion, we have something that we cant learn at school. Watching TV is a good way to help us to learn this kind of things. (首先要说明看电视的优点,而不是支持该观点的理由。可以改成:Watching TV has many advantages. By watching TV, we have learned something that cant be learned at school.)On TV, we know more about the news, sciences and so on in many different programs.

  (一定要贯彻固定句型和短语优先的原则。对某人来说方便做某事表达成: It is convenient for sb. to do sth. 了解表达成: be informed of sth. 不要因为它是个被动结构,就不习惯去用它。不习惯的表达往往要好于自创的表达。否则,哪天让你用脚抠鼻子给全班观摩,一定很精彩(玩笑)。可以改成:On TV,it is convenient for us to be informed immediately of what is happening around the world.) We can also make us fee relaxed when we are so tired by this way. (有点自相矛盾了。看电视看累了,再通过看电视来放松。你真牛!可以改成: Sometimes after a long time of tiring work, watching TV programs can relax us to some degree.) So I say that watching TV is not only educational but also meaningful.

  (没必要说I say,整篇文章你说的还不够吗?So watching TV is not only educational but also meaningful.)


  However, Watching TV also has some disadvantages. Watching TV too more is bad for our eyes and we will have less time learning the subjects at school. (Watching TV over a long time is harmful for our eyes, and makes us have less time to learn the subjects well at school.)


  So its important to have a rational plan for watching TV. (很好!我要再改就要犯罪了!注意:独立成段。)










  有些人认为中学生看电视是在浪费时间,另一些人则认为看电视对中学生是有益的。请你以Is Watching TV a Waste of Time为题写一篇作文。要点如下:




  虽然不是故意的,我又来找碴了。男子汉,别介意! :)


   As you can see,many say that watching TV is bad for our study. But I think it's good for us to watch TV because watching TV can make us more knowledgeable. (第一段先不要亮出观点,议论文有现成的思路可以继承。想要追求创新应该在第二段中体现。重改第一段:People take different attitudes towards watching TV. Some believe that it is beneficial for us to watch TV . Others, however, hold the opposite opinion.)


  In my opinion, we should realize the pros and cons of watching TV. (一定要加上这一句:我们应该认识到看电视的利弊。 因为你的观点是中立的。必须首先亮出来,然后再讨论利是什么,弊是什么?最后总结一下。)


  In my opinion, we have something that we cant learn at school. Watching TV is a good way to help us to learn this kind of things. (首先要说明看电视的优点,而不是支持该观点的理由。可以改成:Watching TV has many advantages. By watching TV, we have learned something that cant be learned at school.)On TV, we know more about the news, sciences and so on in many different programs.

  (一定要贯彻固定句型和短语优先的原则。对某人来说方便做某事表达成: It is convenient for sb. to do sth. 了解表达成: be informed of sth. 不要因为它是个被动结构,就不习惯去用它。不习惯的表达往往要好于自创的表达。否则,哪天让你用脚抠鼻子给全班观摩,一定很精彩(玩笑)。可以改成:On TV,it is convenient for us to be informed immediately of what is happening around the world.) We can also make us fee relaxed when we are so tired by this way. (有点自相矛盾了。看电视看累了,再通过看电视来放松。你真牛!可以改成: Sometimes after a long time of tiring work, watching TV programs can relax us to some degree.) So I say that watching TV is not only educational but also meaningful.

  (没必要说I say,整篇文章你说的还不够吗?So watching TV is not only educational but also meaningful.)


  However, Watching TV also has some disadvantages. Watching TV too more is bad for our eyes and we will have less time learning the subjects at school. (Watching TV over a long time is harmful for our eyes, and makes us have less time to learn the subjects well at school.)


  So its important to have a rational plan for watching TV. (很好!我要再改就要犯罪了!注意:独立成段。)








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