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  Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.

  11. answer/reply

  1) Can you __________ this question right now?

  2) What did he do in ____________ to your challenge?

  12. at table/at the table

  1) The man sitting _________ is the new manager of this restaurant.

  2) Children must learn to behave _________.

  13. be familiar to/be familiar with

  1) I am not very __________ pop singers.

  2) Our national anthem ___________ each of the students, even the kids in nurseries.

  14. full/fill

  1) Will you please __________ in this form with a pen?

  2) She was ___________of news. That means she couldnt stop herself talking about it.

  15. be located/stand/lie

  1) Shanghai __________ in the east of China.

  2) That quiet small town is __________ at the foot of the mountain.

  3) A clock __________ on the sideboard was an antique.

  16. be made of/be made from/be made in

  1) This watch _________ Japan in 2002.

  2) Bread _________ wheat.

  3) The blackboard _________ glass and wood.

  17. beat/win

  1) Mum always _________ me when we played chess before I was eight years old.

  2) To my surprise, two of the students in our school _________ the first prize in the English contest this year.

  3) He _________ me at table tennis yesterday.

  18. beside/besides/except/except for

  1) This composition is well written _________ a spelling mistake.

  2) The girl sitting _________ Ms. Green is from Singapore.

  3) We have seven lessons every day_________ Saturday and Sunday.

  4) All the students attended the lecture _________ the teachers.

  19. borrow/lend/keep

  1) Could you tell me how long I can _________ the VCD?

  2) I have no MP3, may I _________ yours?

  3) Youd better not _________ my laptop to others.

  20. bring/take/fetch/carry

  1) Would you please _________ your umbrella in the next room. Its raining outside. 2) Remember to _________ your homework tomorrow.

  3 ) Its getting windy, youd better _________ a coat with you while you are out.

  4) Light trains always _________ plenty of people to and from work in rush hours.


  11. 1) answer the question的意思为回答问题,所以答案是answer。

  2) reply to sth/sb.的意思也是答复事/答复人,in reply to sb. /sth.中的reply是用作名词,解释为答复、回答整个句子的意思为你向他挑战,他作何反应。所以答案是reply。

  12.at the table的意思为坐在桌旁,而at table解释为就餐。

  1)这句句子的意思为坐在桌旁的男子是这饭店新来的经理。所以答案at the table。

  2)孩子们必须学习就餐时的礼仪是这句句子的意思。所以答案是at table。

  13.be familiar with sth.解释为对某事熟悉、通晓,而be familiar to sb.解释为为人所熟知的。

  1)这句句子的意思为我对流行歌手不是很熟。所以答案是familiar with。

  2)此句的意思为国歌是为人所熟知的,即使是幼儿园的孩子们。所以答案是is familiar to。

  14. 1)fill是一个动词解释为装满、填满。fill in the form是填写表格的意思。所以答案是fill。

  2)full是一个形容词,解释为满的、充满的。be full of的意思为充满。所以答案是full。

  15. 1ie解释为位于。be located in/on/at解释为将某物设置在某处、使坐落于,常常使用被动语态。stand解释为使某物放置、直立。




  16.be made in的意思为由制造be made from的意思为由制成。(但不能看出原材料本身);be made of的意思也是由制成。(但能看出原材料本身)

  1)这只手表是2002年日本制造的。所以答案是was made in。

  2)此句的含义为面包是由小麦制成的,从面包的外表看不出小麦的样子。所以答案是is made from。

  3)此句的含义为黑板是由玻璃和木头制成的。所以答案是is made of。

  17.1) beat sb.的一种意思为揍,另一种为打赢某人、打败某人、胜过某人。所以答案是beat。注意beat的过去时也是beat。

  2) win的意思为在战斗、比赛中赢、获胜。所以答案是won。

  3) beat sb. at sth.的意思为打赢某人、打败某人、胜过某人。所以答案是beat。

  18.except解释为除了某人、某事之外(表示所说的不包括在内)但except for的前后是从属关系。beside的意思为在旁边except解释为除了某人、某事之外(表示所说的不包括在内)besides的意思为除了某人、某事之外还有

  1)此句的意思为这篇作文除了一个拼写错误,其他都很好。所以答案是except for。





  1) how long表示多久,不能与瞬间动词一起用,此句的意思为这盘VCD我能借多久?所以答案是keep。









  Fill in the blanks with the given words in their proper forms.

  11. answer/reply

  1) Can you __________ this question right now?

  2) What did he do in ____________ to your challenge?

  12. at table/at the table

  1) The man sitting _________ is the new manager of this restaurant.

  2) Children must learn to behave _________.

  13. be familiar to/be familiar with

  1) I am not very __________ pop singers.

  2) Our national anthem ___________ each of the students, even the kids in nurseries.

  14. full/fill

  1) Will you please __________ in this form with a pen?

  2) She was ___________of news. That means she couldnt stop herself talking about it.

  15. be located/stand/lie

  1) Shanghai __________ in the east of China.

  2) That quiet small town is __________ at the foot of the mountain.

  3) A clock __________ on the sideboard was an antique.

  16. be made of/be made from/be made in

  1) This watch _________ Japan in 2002.

  2) Bread _________ wheat.

  3) The blackboard _________ glass and wood.

  17. beat/win

  1) Mum always _________ me when we played chess before I was eight years old.

  2) To my surprise, two of the students in our school _________ the first prize in the English contest this year.

  3) He _________ me at table tennis yesterday.

  18. beside/besides/except/except for

  1) This composition is well written _________ a spelling mistake.

  2) The girl sitting _________ Ms. Green is from Singapore.

  3) We have seven lessons every day_________ Saturday and Sunday.

  4) All the students attended the lecture _________ the teachers.

  19. borrow/lend/keep

  1) Could you tell me how long I can _________ the VCD?

  2) I have no MP3, may I _________ yours?

  3) Youd better not _________ my laptop to others.

  20. bring/take/fetch/carry

  1) Would you please _________ your umbrella in the next room. Its raining outside. 2) Remember to _________ your homework tomorrow.

  3 ) Its getting windy, youd better _________ a coat with you while you are out.

  4) Light trains always _________ plenty of people to and from work in rush hours.


  11. 1) answer the question的意思为回答问题,所以答案是answer。

  2) reply to sth/sb.的意思也是答复事/答复人,in reply to sb. /sth.中的reply是用作名词,解释为答复、回答整个句子的意思为你向他挑战,他作何反应。所以答案是reply。

  12.at the table的意思为坐在桌旁,而at table解释为就餐。

  1)这句句子的意思为坐在桌旁的男子是这饭店新来的经理。所以答案at the table。

  2)孩子们必须学习就餐时的礼仪是这句句子的意思。所以答案是at table。

  13.be familiar with sth.解释为对某事熟悉、通晓,而be familiar to sb.解释为为人所熟知的。

  1)这句句子的意思为我对流行歌手不是很熟。所以答案是familiar with。

  2)此句的意思为国歌是为人所熟知的,即使是幼儿园的孩子们。所以答案是is familiar to。

  14. 1)fill是一个动词解释为装满、填满。fill in the form是填写表格的意思。所以答案是fill。

  2)full是一个形容词,解释为满的、充满的。be full of的意思为充满。所以答案是full。

  15. 1ie解释为位于。be located in/on/at解释为将某物设置在某处、使坐落于,常常使用被动语态。stand解释为使某物放置、直立。




  16.be made in的意思为由制造be made from的意思为由制成。(但不能看出原材料本身);be made of的意思也是由制成。(但能看出原材料本身)

  1)这只手表是2002年日本制造的。所以答案是was made in。

  2)此句的含义为面包是由小麦制成的,从面包的外表看不出小麦的样子。所以答案是is made from。

  3)此句的含义为黑板是由玻璃和木头制成的。所以答案是is made of。

  17.1) beat sb.的一种意思为揍,另一种为打赢某人、打败某人、胜过某人。所以答案是beat。注意beat的过去时也是beat。

  2) win的意思为在战斗、比赛中赢、获胜。所以答案是won。

  3) beat sb. at sth.的意思为打赢某人、打败某人、胜过某人。所以答案是beat。

  18.except解释为除了某人、某事之外(表示所说的不包括在内)但except for的前后是从属关系。beside的意思为在旁边except解释为除了某人、某事之外(表示所说的不包括在内)besides的意思为除了某人、某事之外还有

  1)此句的意思为这篇作文除了一个拼写错误,其他都很好。所以答案是except for。





  1) how long表示多久,不能与瞬间动词一起用,此句的意思为这盘VCD我能借多久?所以答案是keep。








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