加州山火肆虐 好莱坞明星纷纷撤离

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加州山火肆虐 好莱坞明星纷纷撤离


Celebrities are among the hundreds of thousands evacuating their homes in California due to wildfires.


In addition to Sonoma County's Kincade Fire, a brush fire near Los Angeles' Getty Center forced 10,000 homes and businesses to evacuate.


Arnold Schwarzenegger, the state's governor from 2003 to 2011, shared on Twitter that he evacuated at 3:30 am.


"If you are in an evacuation zone, don’t screw around. Get out," he directed. "Right now I am grateful for the best firefighters in the world, the true action heroes who charge into the danger to protect their fellow Californians. #GettyFire"


screw around:胡闹,不作正经事

His ex, journalist and author Maria Shriver, also shared that she had fled her home.


"So grateful to our firefighters putting their lives on the line for all of us," her tweet read. "We have evacuated, but we’re safe. Praying for our neighbors."


on the line:处于危险中

Kristin Davis shared a startling photo with flames and an orange sky.


"This is what we woke up too (sic). We are safe- children and dogs," the actress wrote. "Thank you @LAFDwest and please everyone leave if you are in (evacuation) area. Stay safe."






Responding to LeBron James' revelation that he had to evacuate and was having "no luck" looking for a place to stay, Ryan Phillippe replied "same."


The "Today" show reported NBC's Natalie Morales was forced to leave her home. Morales shared a snap of the scene with Twitter followers, the "View from the porch of our LA home."


The "Terminator: Dark Fate" premiere planned for Hollywood Monday night, featuring the fire-evacuated star Schwarzenegger, was cancelled due to "ongoing, active fires being battled in the area," according to a release from Paramount Studios.


Food from the planned after-party was donated to the Red Cross.





Other celebrities extended their thoughts to those affected by the fire.


"All my friends in LA, I love you, stay safe, please leave with your pets if you are told you need to," posted Busy Philipps.


An firefighter shield his face with his arm as he looks at the flames in Sylmar, California, Oct 10, 2024. [Photo/IC]

Kirstie Alley called the scene "devastating."


"I hope no one gets harmed. We gotta find a way to prevent these," she wrote. "I hope we can."


Ava DuVernay wished "Blessings and safety to all those touched in any way by the fires in my beloved home state of California. Stay safe, folks. Be prepared and take precautions."


"Tonight I am thinking of all those displaced in California and the valiant firefighters holding the line against raging infernos," Dan Rather posted Sunday night. "To all in danger, heed warnings to evacuate. And know the rest of the country stands with you ready to help."


displaced [dɪs'ples]:adj.无家可归的

valiant [ˈvæliənt]:adj.英勇的,勇敢的

inferno [ɪnˈfɜːnəʊ]:n.阴间,地狱


Celebrities are among the hundreds of thousands evacuating their homes in California due to wildfires.


In addition to Sonoma County's Kincade Fire, a brush fire near Los Angeles' Getty Center forced 10,000 homes and businesses to evacuate.


Arnold Schwarzenegger, the state's governor from 2003 to 2011, shared on Twitter that he evacuated at 3:30 am.


"If you are in an evacuation zone, don’t screw around. Get out," he directed. "Right now I am grateful for the best firefighters in the world, the true action heroes who charge into the danger to protect their fellow Californians. #GettyFire"


screw around:胡闹,不作正经事

His ex, journalist and author Maria Shriver, also shared that she had fled her home.


"So grateful to our firefighters putting their lives on the line for all of us," her tweet read. "We have evacuated, but we’re safe. Praying for our neighbors."


on the line:处于危险中

Kristin Davis shared a startling photo with flames and an orange sky.


"This is what we woke up too (sic). We are safe- children and dogs," the actress wrote. "Thank you @LAFDwest and please everyone leave if you are in (evacuation) area. Stay safe."






Responding to LeBron James' revelation that he had to evacuate and was having "no luck" looking for a place to stay, Ryan Phillippe replied "same."


The "Today" show reported NBC's Natalie Morales was forced to leave her home. Morales shared a snap of the scene with Twitter followers, the "View from the porch of our LA home."


The "Terminator: Dark Fate" premiere planned for Hollywood Monday night, featuring the fire-evacuated star Schwarzenegger, was cancelled due to "ongoing, active fires being battled in the area," according to a release from Paramount Studios.


Food from the planned after-party was donated to the Red Cross.





Other celebrities extended their thoughts to those affected by the fire.


"All my friends in LA, I love you, stay safe, please leave with your pets if you are told you need to," posted Busy Philipps.


An firefighter shield his face with his arm as he looks at the flames in Sylmar, California, Oct 10, 2024. [Photo/IC]

Kirstie Alley called the scene "devastating."


"I hope no one gets harmed. We gotta find a way to prevent these," she wrote. "I hope we can."


Ava DuVernay wished "Blessings and safety to all those touched in any way by the fires in my beloved home state of California. Stay safe, folks. Be prepared and take precautions."


"Tonight I am thinking of all those displaced in California and the valiant firefighters holding the line against raging infernos," Dan Rather posted Sunday night. "To all in danger, heed warnings to evacuate. And know the rest of the country stands with you ready to help."


displaced [dɪs'ples]:adj.无家可归的

valiant [ˈvæliənt]:adj.英勇的,勇敢的

inferno [ɪnˈfɜːnəʊ]:n.阴间,地狱

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