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  In Greek religion and mythology, Athena or Athene , also referred to as Pallas Athena/Athene , is the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, just warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. Minerva, Athenas Roman incarnation, embodies similar attributes.

  Athena is also a shrewd companion of heroes and is the goddess of heroic endeavour. She is the virginpatroness of Athens. The Athenians founded the Parthenon on the Acropolis of her namesake city, Athens , in her honour.

  Athenas veneration as the patron of Athens seems to have existed from the earliest times, and was so persistent that archaic myths about her were recast to adapt to cultural changes. In her role as a protector of the city , many people throughout the Greek world worshiped Athena as Athena Polias . The city of Athens and the goddess Athena essentially bear the same name,Athenai meaning Athenas.


  The Olympian version

  Although Athena appears before Zeus at Knossos in Linear B, as a-ta-na po-ti-ni-ja, Mistress Athenain the Classical Olympian pantheon, Athena was remade as the favorite daughter of Zeus, born fully armed from his forehead. The story of her birth comes in several versions. In the one most commonly cited, Zeus lay with Metis, the goddess of crafty thought and wisdom, but he immediately feared the consequences. It had been prophesied that Metis would bear children more powerful than the sire, even Zeus himself. In order to forestall these dire consequences, after lying with Metis, Zeus put her away inside his own belly; he swallowed her down all of a sudden. He was too late: Metis had already conceived.

  Eventually Zeus experienced an enormous headache; Prometheus, Hephaestus, Hermes, Ares, or Palaemon cleaved Zeuss head with the double-headed Minoan axe, the labrys. Athena leaped from Zeuss head, fully grown and armed, with a shout and pealed to the broad sky her clarion cry of war. And Ouranos trembled to hear, and Mother Gaia... . Plato, in the Laws, attributes the cult of Athena to the culture of Crete, introduced, he thought, from Libya during the dawn of Greek culture.

  Classical myths thereafter note that Hera was so annoyed at Zeus for having produced a child that she conceived and boreHephaestus by herself.

  Plato, in Cratylus gave the etymology of her name as signifying the mind of god, theou noesis. The Christian apologist of the 2nd century Justin Martyr takes issue with those pagans who erect at springs images of Kore, whom he interprets as Athena:

  They said that Athena was the daughter of Zeus not from intercourse, but when the god had in mind the making of a world through a word his first thought was Athena







  In Greek religion and mythology, Athena or Athene , also referred to as Pallas Athena/Athene , is the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law and justice, just warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill. Minerva, Athenas Roman incarnation, embodies similar attributes.

  Athena is also a shrewd companion of heroes and is the goddess of heroic endeavour. She is the virginpatroness of Athens. The Athenians founded the Parthenon on the Acropolis of her namesake city, Athens , in her honour.

  Athenas veneration as the patron of Athens seems to have existed from the earliest times, and was so persistent that archaic myths about her were recast to adapt to cultural changes. In her role as a protector of the city , many people throughout the Greek world worshiped Athena as Athena Polias . The city of Athens and the goddess Athena essentially bear the same name,Athenai meaning Athenas.


  The Olympian version

  Although Athena appears before Zeus at Knossos in Linear B, as a-ta-na po-ti-ni-ja, Mistress Athenain the Classical Olympian pantheon, Athena was remade as the favorite daughter of Zeus, born fully armed from his forehead. The story of her birth comes in several versions. In the one most commonly cited, Zeus lay with Metis, the goddess of crafty thought and wisdom, but he immediately feared the consequences. It had been prophesied that Metis would bear children more powerful than the sire, even Zeus himself. In order to forestall these dire consequences, after lying with Metis, Zeus put her away inside his own belly; he swallowed her down all of a sudden. He was too late: Metis had already conceived.

  Eventually Zeus experienced an enormous headache; Prometheus, Hephaestus, Hermes, Ares, or Palaemon cleaved Zeuss head with the double-headed Minoan axe, the labrys. Athena leaped from Zeuss head, fully grown and armed, with a shout and pealed to the broad sky her clarion cry of war. And Ouranos trembled to hear, and Mother Gaia... . Plato, in the Laws, attributes the cult of Athena to the culture of Crete, introduced, he thought, from Libya during the dawn of Greek culture.

  Classical myths thereafter note that Hera was so annoyed at Zeus for having produced a child that she conceived and boreHephaestus by herself.

  Plato, in Cratylus gave the etymology of her name as signifying the mind of god, theou noesis. The Christian apologist of the 2nd century Justin Martyr takes issue with those pagans who erect at springs images of Kore, whom he interprets as Athena:

  They said that Athena was the daughter of Zeus not from intercourse, but when the god had in mind the making of a world through a word his first thought was Athena



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